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AKC Web Redesign Fail

By Amy Fernandez

Rocky starts have been an AKC tradition since its controversial debut back in 1884. Since then, more than one AKC faux pas has achieved legendary status. Even so, every one of those bureaucratic fumbles has been motivated by the best intentions. And that’s the case for the recently unveiled upgrades to the AKC website.

The purpose for this revamp was inarguably valid. The new format is designed to appeal to millions of purebred owners who visit the site. It places much more emphasis on basic information and promotes communication between clubs and potential fanciers.

And so far, it seems to be working out fine for these casual web surfers.

Not so much for AKC’s core constituents. Admittedly, the old website was far from perfect, but it was designed for the needs of breeders and exhibitors. Ostensibly, the new version has enhanced that focus by providing clubs with a more interactive platform to engage potential fanciers. But the general consensus is that the new website is not user-friendly for the average exhibitor.

Maybe they don’t account for most of the web traffic, but they are accustomed to accessing the site for nuts and bolts nitty-gritty info like upcoming seminars, recent updates to regulations, and other pertinent issues impacting the sport. Many formerly handy features that were commonly utilized for this purpose have disappeared.

Confronted with this unexpected inaccessibility, many users have resorted to the search function and discovered that it apparently has also been overhauled to provide an unremitting treasure trove of unrelated, worthless information.

Much of the grumbling has centered on revisions to the paid, classified puppy listings which have been redesigned to advertise individual puppies rather than litters by breed. Breeders complain that they were not notified of the impending change. Consequently, ads outside the new format have simply disappeared. Moreover, the new layout has created an incredible volume of listings for popular breeds.

Admittedly, the old AKC website required some patience and determination, but fanciers figured out how to get around and pull out what they need. Those tricks to successful site navigation were shared like priceless training and grooming secrets.

Anyway, AKC’s  IT Department is aware of these problems and they have posted a link to a User Feedback Form (if you can find it).

All comments will be automatically added to a spreadsheet which so far numbers 55 issues that need fixing. Most complaints are related login problems, search function absurdities, malfunctioning legacy applications, counterintuitive design aspects of the new site, and glitches aplenty related to the new AKC Marketplace.

We’re hoping for quick action, but like all AKC matters, a Zen approach to the situation is advisable.

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Posted by on Aug 12 2015. Filed under Featured, The Buzz. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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