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What’s the Point? 20 Questions About Classes And Points

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108 – May, 2024

By Caroline Coile

1. You’ve entered your old champion in both Veteran and BOB at a specialty. Is this a good plan? A: No! Pick one or the other. Only undefeated dogs are allowed to enter the Best of Breed ring, even if they are individually entered in it. If your dog is defeated in Veterans, he can’t show in BOB. One option: You could enter both but decide to skip Veterans at the last minute if you think you may lose the class. That way even if you lose BOB to the same Veteran, you would still be eligible for Select.

2. You’ve entered your old non-champion in both Open and Veteran at a specialty. Is this a good plan? A: Maybe. He has a chance to win points, and even if defeated he is still eligible to compete in Veterans. However, even if he wins the Veteran class, if he doesn’t win the points he isn’t eligible to compete for BOB. If he wins WD, but loses Veterans, he can go in the BOB ring to compete only for BOW. He is ineligible for BOB, BOS, or Select. Note: As AOM is not an official AKC award, and the rules are up to each club that offers it, he could still conceivably be eligible for an AOM.

3. You enter the Field dog class and Veteran class at your National with the plan to see who’s entered before deciding which class to show in. Veteran is judged before Field Dog, and you decide to be marked Absent from Veteran and show in Field Dog. Can you do this? What if you decide to show in Veteran and be absent in Field? A: Be careful. “Once a dog has competed, it must continue to compete (Chapter 14, Section 1 of the Rules). Dogs may be absent from the first class and still compete in the second class. However, dogs may not be shown in the first class and then be marked absent in the second class.”

4. Same question as above, but what if the second class is Stud Dog? A: Since that class is not an individual entry, being absent from Stud Dog would be okay.

Click here to read the complete article
108 – May, 2024

Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=286377

Posted by on May 15 2024. Filed under Current Articles, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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  • October 2024