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The Big E – Element of Surprise

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178 – November, 2021

By Elaine Lessig

I am just not good with public surprises. Perhaps, I am just one of those people who is made uncomfortable by them? It does not seem to matter whether it is going out for dinner only to show up at your own unexpected birthday celebration, or opening the door to find unexpected guests at dinnertime. I know how to be gracious. You would never see me any other way, but inside I go into a tizzy.

Recently, I was in my seat on a plane which just finished boarding. Suddenly, the captain leaned into the row. He claimed to have an important message from Flight Operations. With a huge smile on his face, he then congratulated me on becoming a “Million Miler”. Instantly, a large bottle of Champagne appeared. Soon it was uncorked, poured, and offered to everyone in the cabin. A congratulatory announcement blared on the PA system with my name, seat number, and recent accomplishment. When it was safe to move around, many passengers and crew offered their personal congratulations. The question my curious cabin mates asked most often was (take a guess), “What do you do that you fly so much?”

There, 26,000 feet in the air, I revealed the reason why I fly, “I judge dogs.” “You do what?” was the usual response. “Yes,” I replied, “I have traveled throughout the USA and to many foreign countries judging dogs.” Then the questions began: “Have I seen you on TV? How did you get into this line of work? What is your favorite breed to judge?” Along with the questions came a steady stream of comments: “That is amazing; Wow! You are on planes a lot; I’ve never met a dog show judge; I bet you make a lot of money.” I am not sure if the buzz was from the champagne each passenger had consumed or from the revelation of my profession.

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178 – November, 2021

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