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Socialization in Lockdown Mode

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124 – July, 2020

By Sandy Weaver

Especially in 2020, when COVID-19 has many people exceptionally worried about what their future might hold, a puppy is the ultimate vote for optimism. Is it one you made this spring? How are you doing with socialization during social distancing and limited gatherings? Most people have extra time for training and socialization, just at a time when both are proving to be difficult.

To be a confident, happy conformation prospect, puppies need socialization. Whether you ascribe to the “100 people in 100 days” theory or the “100 new experiences in 100 days” theory, you and your puppy still have to venture out.

Why is socialization important? Imagine if, for your entire life, you’d only been at home. Maybe you went to the doctor once each year, and that was the only time you were in a car – otherwise, you stayed home. People didn’t visit and you were self-sufficient – no reason to leave, so you never did. Now imagine that someone picked you up, drove you to a bustling city, dropped you off at a busy intersection and told you to get them a hot skinny triple shot venti latte and be back in 10 minutes.

How would you feel? Lost? Stressed? Intimidated? Maybe frightened? Yeah – probably what unsocialized dogs feel like at their first dog show.

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124 – July, 2020

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