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Should Breed Standards Be Illustrated?

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200 – April, 2022

By William Given

“A picture is worth a thousand words,” is an adage suggesting that a single still image can convey the meaning or essence more effectively than a written narration. I believe that it must certainly depend on the circumstances. If we are giving thought to the breed standards by which the 199 recognized breeds will be judged in the conformation ring, good illustrations could be of considerable benefit if properly utilized.

If there is any truth to the many articles we read in breed journals and dog show magazines, we are seemingly in need of a great deal of help. There is sufficient available documentation that breeders and judges are advancing some genetic faults and thereby diminishing the usefulness of many breeds through the failure of our current breeding stock selection processes. It appears that we have limited ourselves considerably in describing the ideal dog and bitch of every breed if we restrict ourselves to the use of words alone as descriptive devices.

A written description seems an absolutely necessary tool, but words have distinct limitations. Photographs are available, but good reasons abound for not using them. Good drawings, however, could be the perfect instrument to highlight the written standard.

Have you ever wondered why it is that breed standards are not illustrated? I have, so, I went to the authoritative source–the American Kennel Club–and I asked why. I asked if it was a matter of policy or simply that no parent club had submitted illustrations for inclusion. The response I received from the Public Relations Department was “Illustrations are not included in the official standard, AKC only approves the written standard.” I was also told, “Parent clubs can create their own illustrated standard as an educational tool.” It was not exactly the answer I was hoping for.

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200 – April, 2022

Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=227793

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