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Shades of Gold 2014 Golden Retriever Club of America National Specialty-Hosted by Sandlapper GRC

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322 – February, 2015

by Barbara Pepper

photos by Phyllis Ensley

The 75th Anniversary GRCA National Specialty, “Shades of Gold”, is one for the record books. The National took place in three different states, Tennessee, North Carolina and South Carolina, over nine days, which included overlapping events. If they had all been held consecutively it would have taken 15 days just for the tests, trials and shows themselves. 48 judges filled 53 judging positions.

When entries closed on October 1st, the numbers were staggering. 909 dogs were entered in Conformation/Sweepstakes with a total of 1305 entries. For the first time in history, our Best of Breed number exceeded the AKC daily limit for our judge. The 208 Specials, when combined with the eligible non-regular class winners, plus the Winners dog and bitch, put the number up to 220!

The Field Trial, also celebrating its 75th year, drew almost 200 dogs! A second flight for the Junior Hunting Test, and another section for the WCX had to be added. The Agility Trial maxed out in a week. Thanks to some very creative scheduling, and the cooperation of two of our four judges, we did not have to hire additional judges for the 65th Annual Obedience/Rally Trials. We understand this may have been one of the largest AKC Trials ever, with 321 dogs/520 entries for Obedience and 204 dogs/248 entries in Rally.

The 2014 GRCA National was lovingly referred to as the National on steroids!

The two day Hunting Test was the first event for 2014. It kicked off in the early morning fog of Friday October 24th, in Bristol, Tennessee, and wrapped up at a rousing Tailgate Party Saturday evening. This was also the Welcome Party for the WC/WCX, which ran all the next day, Sunday, October 26th. Meanwhile, in North Carolina, the TD, TDX and VST Trials were also held on Sunday. These latter trials required three separate locations, in Tryon, Mills River and Asheville, NC.

The well-entered Field Trial was held in Cheraw, South Carolina, and ran Monday through Wednesday –?October 27-29th. A wonderful Welcome Dinner for 92 people was enjoyed on Monday evening, and a celebratory Awards Banquet took place Wednesday evening. The GRCA Annual and Perpetual Trophies for the Field recipients were taken out to the Field Trial site, and presented at their banquet, rather than at the annual meeting. The following dogs won the four stakes offered this year:

Open All-Age Stake Winner – Topbrass Hawks Red Wing, owned and handled by Ernest Hawkins.

Amateur All-Age Winner – Trifecta’s Good to Go CDX SH, owned and handled by Joanna Lewis.

Qualifying Winner – Wildfire Rushing River MH, owned by Bob and Roseanne Gray, handled by Baron Rea.

Derby Winner – Topbrass Hawks Blackhawk, owned and handled by Ernest Hawkins.

The WNC Agricultural Center in Fletcher, North Carolina was home to all the remaining events, with five different buildings being utilized, some hosting multiple activities. The invasion started late Saturday afternoon, the 25th. We were very lucky that they allowed us to begin set up that day, as it continued through Monday evening. While all the club flags were being hung, the floor in the Davis Event Center was marked for the huge rings, bleachers, VIP seating, ringside mentoring area, club booths and vendors. 250 mums were delivered, along with pumpkins and hand-painted decorations. Photo-op areas were created and the grounds transformed.

A lovely 75th Anniversary Hall of Fame was created down the main hallway, with large photos of all the past Best of Breed Winners. 75 years of beautiful Goldens made an impressive sight!

Motorhomes began to arrive on Sunday, and totaled over 600 nightly stays throughout the week. Grooming check-in was late Sunday and continued throughout Monday. Individual stalls were available in the various barns and 190 stalls were rented out. As it was Halloween week, there were some very creative decorations to be seen.

Events at the Ag Center started on Monday when our Certificate of Conformation Assessment was held. Each dog is evaluated by three different judges, and since we were able to offer two flights, six judges worked all day evaluating a total of 45 dogs. Monday also saw a very well attended Breeder’s Education seminar in the Boone Building.

At 8 a.m. Tuesday morning, the first dogs entered both the Obedience/Rally rings up in the Expo Building, and the Conformation rings in Davis. This was the day for our youngest and oldest show dogs, with Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes. Our two breeder-judges split the task between them, one doing all the Dog classes (115 entries) and Best Puppy, while the other did all the Bitches (192) and then Best Veteran. The top winners were:

Best In Puppy Sweepstakes, the 15-18 month dog, Rush Hill’s See Q’will to Golden Hill’s, owned and shown by Tonya Struble.

Best of Opposite Sex in Puppy Sweepstakes, the 12-15 month bitch, Harmony’s Sweetgold Perfection, owed by Kym and Richard Anton, shown by Rich.

Best in Veteran Sweepstakes, the 8-10 year bitch, GCH River Road’s Pay’n It Forward, owned by Suzanne and Michael Rapier, shown by Suzanne

Best of Opposite Sex in Veterans Sweepstakes, the 8-10 year dog, CH Goodtime’s Johnny Bee Good, owned and shown by Courtney Corral

Tuesday evening the last of our three Welcome Dinners was held. Almost 400 people enjoyed some fabulous down home food. We do know how to throw a good party, y’all! Following dinner, more of the GRCA Annual Trophies were presented. The evening was then capped off with our Parade of Titleholders, limited to 100 worthy entrants.

Obedience/Rally continued for another day on Wednesday, with the following exciting results:

Rally-High Combined from Rally Advanced B and Rally Excellent B , with a total combined score of 198, was Jayne Secor & MACH Sunriver Moonshine Mist RE CD MXS MJB

Obedience- High in Trail was won from Open B with a score of 199. High Combined out of Open B and Utility was earned by the same handler, David Maurer & OTCH One Ash Dave and Buster UDX5

As a side note, Dave & Buster also earned a perfect score of 200 (very hard to achieve) and went HIT at the Asheville KC trial just 3 days previous. They had an excellent week!

Wednesday was also the first of three days for our regular and non-regular conformation class judging. We had one judge to do all our dog classes and one for our bitch classes. This year, both were breeder-judges. 159 dogs and 184 bitches were judged just on Wednesday!

The hard working Agility crew completed their set-up, and courses were laid out in the McGough Arena for Thursday’s Trial. Wednesday evening saw multiple events taking place in several buildings, including our Judges Education Seminar and Workshop, a Health Seminar on SAS research, and a ‘Pizza Party Plus’ for all our juniors and pre-juniors.

The Agility Trial for the 2014 GRCA National was held on Thursday, October 30. Our two judges had a full schedule of 330 runs each.

It was an exciting trial as two new MACH titles were awarded:

MACH1 Topbrass Forever Young RA MXB MJB XF NFP, owned and handled by Regina Young.

MACH1 CT Gaylan’s Lucky Four Leaf Clover VCD2 RE MH MX MXS MXJ MJB MXF, owned by Jan Masica and Carol Rebbeck, handled by Jan.

Top Agility awards for the 2014 GRCA National were:

Excellence In Agility Regular Classes- MACH2 High Times Reba Up and Flying UD GO MXG MJS XF, owned and handled by Janet Baldwin.

Excellence in Agility Preferred Classes- 26.2 Miles of Heritage Rock, owned and handled by Kristen Cowell.

In conformation, all regular dog classes were completed on Thursday morning (71 entries that day). During the lunch break “Senior Handling” was judged, divided into two classes, 55 to Medicare and Medicare and over. The winner won $150 towards their co-pay! The winner’s dog helped carry his handler’s crutches!

Gun Dog Sweepstakes brought 56 Hunting Test/Field Trial dogs and bitches into the conformation ring on Thursday afternoon.

Best In Gun Dog Sweepstakes, the Senior Hunting Bitch, GCH Shadowland’s Paws for Applause at Tristar CD SH RE WCX VCX CGC TDI, owned by Sharmin Dominke, Megan Honari, and Julie Matney, shown by Megan.

Best of Opposite Sex In Gun Dog Sweepstakes, the Junior Hunting Dog, Goldruls It’s All Greek To Me CD JH, owned by Margie Sarkin, shown by Madeline Peterson.

Open Bitches completed the regular Bitch class judging (161 for the day) in the other ring. Following the completion of judging in both rings, Winners Dog was held in Ring 1, followed by Winners Bitch in Ring 2.

Winners Dog, from American-Bred, Sandpiper Rush Hill’s Die Hard, owned by Tonya and Mark Struble, shown by Tonya.

Reserve Winners Dog, the Open Dog, Goldruls It’s All Greek to Me CD JH, owned by Margie Sarkin, shown by Madeline Peterson.

Winners Bitch, from Open, Ventess Sophia of Goldensglen, owned by Angel Martin, shown by Amanda Shea.

Reserve Winners Bitch, the Novice Bitch, Sunkyst VW CD RA WC, owned and shown by Sharon MacDermott.

Thursday evening was reserved for the Gala/Top Twenty. This event supports the Golden Retriever Foundation, and over $70,000 was raised that evening alone. Over 660 people marveled at the transformation of the Expo Building from an Obedience/Rally venue to a beautiful Masquerade Ball, complete with fancy dress, costumes and masks.

This year’s Top 20 winner was GCH Kalm Sea’s To Have and to Hold CGC, owned by Susan Robbins, shown by Graeme Burdon.

The 2014 People’s Choice award went to GCH Forever’s All Jacked Up CGC, owned by Jennifer and Randahl Hoffmann, Candy Nee, Robyn Gordon, and Lindsay Siflinger, shown by Jennifer.

Friday morning the future of our sport started the day with twelve juniors taking center stage. Best Junior was awarded to the very talented Christian Rutten, showing his GCH Rush Hill’s Murder Mystery JH WC.

All the Non-Regular Dog and Bitch classes were judged on Friday morning. This included Stud Dog (19 entries) and Brood Bitch (18), Hunting and Field Trial Classes and all the Veteran Classes. Our Veterans are divided into three age groups, 8-10 years, 10-12 years and 12+ years. The entry for 2014, as with everything else, had large numbers, including twenty-five 8-10, fourteen 10-12, and three 12+ dogs, thirty-two 8-10, seven 10-12, and an amazing fourteen 12+ bitches.

Friday’s lunch break saw our Rescue Parade with about 30 participants. Our two rings were then reconfigured into one huge ring (110’ X 70’), in preparation for our Best of Breed competition. As noted, our entry was over the AKC limit for a single day, so 40 dogs had to be judged on Friday, with 20 making the cut and going forward to join the remaining entry on Saturday.

At 2:30 pm, October 31, 2014, the bagpiper announced the check-in for the largest specials entry in GRCA history. After escorting our judge and GRCA president into the ring, she continued to play, while all 220 Goldens were brought into the ring individually, passing the judge and stewards, and moving around the ring in a lap of honor to the exit. The applause was thunderous! The first two groups of dogs, 20 each, were then judged.

Friday evening, our annual meeting was held in Boone, NC. Three new life members were surprised and honored. This was followed by an over the top Howl’aween Party. As our grooming was in five different barns, this took the place of our usual tailgate party in the grooming area. About 40 tables provided ample space for a huge assortment of food and drink (lots of adult beverages). There were prizes awarded to the best dog costume (the “pony”), best booth (the “Wizard of Oz”) and best pumpkin (a double carving with one inside another).

Saturday morning presented us with a surprise, SNOW! Our participants were coming from all over the two closest counties, and with the risk of slippery bridges, judging was delayed an hour. The speed with which the news spread through social media and texting was really impressive. Adjustments were also made to provide sheltered grooming for some in RVs and trucks. Because our raffle and merchandise tables had finished up on Friday, space was created for those who wanted crates and/or tables inside the show room.

At 9:30 a.m. judging resumed for our Best of Breed class. Entrants were worked in groups of twenty, with about half making the initial cuts. After all dogs were judged, the cuts from those groups were reevaluated and another cut made, prior to the bitch judging. The same procedure applied to bitches, but only an initial cut of each group was needed. Finally, it was time to assemble all those making the final cut. The ring was filled with beautiful Goldens. Because of our large entry, there were 21 JAM’s, in addition to BOB, BW, BOS, SD and SB. That meant that 26 Golden Retrievers received rosettes at the end of the day.

What a thrill when the BOB nod went to the 8-10 Veteran dog!

The results were:

Best of Breed, the 8-10 Veteran Dog, CH Goodtime’s Johnny Bee Good, owned, handled and adored by Courtney Corral.

Best of Winners – Ventess Sophia of Goldensglen (Bitch)

Best of Opposite Sex, Magnolia Captivate Not Tonight Honey owned by Marianne Miller, shown by Rebecca Heimann.

Select Dog, GCH Gemini”s House Of The Rising Sun CD BN RE TDX CGCA, owned by Jane Eisenberg and Cindi Metcalf-Lee, shown by David Harper.

Select Bitch, GCH Shadowland’s Paws For Applause at Tristar CD SH RE WCX VCX GCG TDI owned by Sharmin Dominke, Megan Honari and Julie Matney, shown by Megan.

JAM’s (in order):

1. CH Dauninge Full Sail Tioga CD RN CGC owned by Suzanne Miller and Vicki Saporta.

2. CH Dauninge’s Maximus Auerus MXPB MJPB OFP owned by Walt Faubion, Teresa Kocher and Pat Shorten.

3. GCH Splendid Chatham Stars and Bars owned by David and Joyce Kinghorn.

4. Boca Gold’s Peking Duck owned by Michelle and Nathaniel Whitney.

5. GCH Valor’s Jack Of All Trades at Tristar CD RE SH WCX VCX owned by Sharmin Dominke and Megan Honari.

6. GCH Award’s Follow Your Bliss owned by Phyllis Ward, shown by Mark Desrosiers.

7. Aureo Hot Pursuit MX MXJ UD RE NF TD WCX VCD2 CCA VCX CD, owned by Patrick Young and Neida M Heusinkvelt (12+ Veteran Dog).

8. GCH My Buddy’s Eye Of The Beholder, owned by Mike Genova, Scott Herpolsheimer and Leeah Chew, shown by Shelby Roberts.

9. GCH Amica Dogwood Tickle Me Tailwind, owned by Lindsay and Mia Neiman, shown by Collette Livingston.

10. GCH Nautilus Waiting To Take You Away, owned by Liz Bohart and Julie MacKinnon.

11. CH Chrys-Haefen Summer Breeze 2nd CD WCI (12+Veteran Bitch), owned by L. Ellie Ross, shown by Graeme Burdon.

12. CH Wingwatcher It’s All About Mia WC RA, owned by Jan Owen and Claire Caro, shown by Claire (8-10 Veteran Bitch).

13. CH Highmark Set Fire To The Rain, owned and handled by Linda Willard.

14. GCH Nautilus Aneira, owned by Diane and Patrick Eves, shown by Kristin Lyons.

15. CH Cashmere Blue Sky Basin SH, owned by Dr. Nancy Greenbarg, shown by Clint Livingston.

16. GCH Broadway’s Rock on Gold Dust Woman, owned by Roalie DeSantis and Kathy Mehmet, shown by Diana Mason.

17. Golden Trip Babalu, owned by Alejandro Lima and Ana C Navarro, shown by Beth Johnson.

18. CH Unicoi’s Sail Away Angel CDX TD MH ** WCX VCX CCA DDHF, owned by Kristin and Gene Sipus (Field Trial Class Bitch).

19. Futura Masters Owl Let The Dogs Out, Whoo, Whoo, owned by J Douglas and Susan D Hippler and Judy Knobbe.

20. GCH Alliebeckscion Love on The Rocks, owned by Diane Senterfitt and Geoff Weisbart, shown by Kassy Mysliwiec.

21. GCH Snyder’s Golden Trip Party, owned by Jennifer R Gagan, shown by Dylan L Kipp.

Obviously, Best Veteran went to the Best of Breed Winner!

Best Puppy, from the 6-9 month Bitch class, Infinite Blessed Hope, owned by Sheri McCormick and Gretchen MacDonell. This puppy defeated 131 other puppies for this honor!

This is a lengthy report, and honestly, it just skims the surface. We have not named the many people who worked long and hard to pull off such a massive undertaking. We have not named our outstanding judges. This National didn’t take a village, it took a metropolis!

Please visit our website, and our Facebook page “2014 GRCA National Specialty”, for more information and many more photos.

It was an honor and a privilege,

Barbara Pepper

Ann Strathern

General Co-Chairs

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Posted by on Feb 21 2015. Filed under Current Articles, Editorial, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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