Recovering from COVID with Patience and Grace
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By Peri Norman
The appearance of COVID and the resulting world-wide pandemic has turned our lives upside down. The human toll is beyond measure. Yes, we can count cases of infection, hospitalizations and deaths. What we really cannot measure is the trauma. Deaths in the United States have surpassed 400,000 and 35% of people who survived the illness are facing on-going debilitating symptoms. Families and friends are mourning. Healthcare workers, first responders and others in direct contact with the sick and dying are beyond tapped out; physically, mentally and emotionally. The self-employed in a variety of fields are watching their business and financial resources drain away. In the best of situations, we are sorely missing our friends and activities.
The path of destruction created by the COVID pandemic has also affected our social organizations. Churches, schools, and government at all levels are struggling to respond to the worst pandemic in 100 years. Chaos surrounds our societal relationships. In a blog post, The Healing Potential of the Nonprofit Sector, Anne Wallestad, President & CEO, BoardSource closes with a powerful call to action. “Nonprofit organizations and our leaders are not the answer to the serious and systemic challenges we face as a society. This problem is bigger than us. But we are a part of the solution—a part of the change. And we must not forfeit the positive potential for change that we represent. Our missions and our democracy are too important for us to give up, give in, or opt-out. We must persist in generating a sense of optimism and opportunity about what could be. We must insist on finding meaningful and productive ways to move forward. We must create opportunities for knowing, understanding, and working together that forge the relational bonds on which we rely as a society. It’s not unity – it’s something more essential. It’s healing.”
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