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New Year’s Resolution – Fighting Apathy!

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126 – The Annual, 2019-20

By Lee Connor

Yes, it’s 2020, and as we start a brand new year, all bright and shiny and so full of optimism, it is always traditional to plan a new year’s resolution.

For many of us that could possibly be a pledge to drink less, eat healthier or, maybe, it could be a promise to exercise more.

Sadly, we all know that most of these resolutions (made with such good intentions) will be long forgotten by April/May.

One resolution that all of us in the pedigree dog world could possibly consider, is to fight something that afflicts many sports and hobbies nowadays – apathy.

So many interests–especially the ‘animal-based’ ones–are increasingly finding themselves in the firing line of well-funded ‘charities’ and organizations. These are keen to bring in a whole stranglehold of rules, regulations, laws and red tape to curtail the popularity of these much-loved hobbies.

I write for numerous publications that cover a wide range of animal-related subjects and I am stunned by the similarity of threats (from the very same voices) facing all sections of pet/livestock keeping around the world.

In the past few years they have targeted pigeon racing, bird-keeping, rabbit-keeping, tropical fish fancy, reptile-keeping and horse racing.

And it all follows the same predictable pattern.

A couple of stories will appear in the media (these are usually filled with exaggerations, lies and mistruths) then one or two ‘celebrity’ vets jump on the bandwagon, wagging a disproving finger, and then comes the full-on assault from the ‘celebrity backed’ charitable organizations that get splashed all over social media; these will invariably make all kinds of wild and ludicrous claims that the likes of daytime TV producers simply love!

So often in the past people involved in these targeted sports and hobbies would just hunker down, ignore the lies and wait for the publicity storm to blow over.

However, I have recently noticed a change.

Click here to read the complete article
126 – The Annual, 2019-20

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