In Their Own Words
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244 – July, 2024
By Joan Harrigan
The USTA Billie Jean King National Tennis Center in Queens, New York was once again the setting for the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. Breed judging, group competition, Best In Show, and the Juniors Finals at the 148th Westminster were spread over two days, May 13 and 14. Once again, we asked the seven group judges and Rosalind Kramer, the Best In Show judge, to talk about their assignments and placements. Their comments, as well as those of the Junior Showmanship Finals judge, follow:
The Hound Group
The Hound Group was first into the group ring on Monday night.
Judge Christine Erickson of Queen Creek, Arizona sum-med up her experience by saying, “Westminster is, of course, our ‘Super Bowl’ of dog shows; and it was so evident this year in the quality of every dog who walked into the ring. I congratulate the breeders of these hounds, as well as the judges who sent them to me in the group ring. What spectacular dogs they were! I wish I’d had ten more placements and ten more pulls.”
Ms. Erickson’s four placements were:
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244 – July, 2024
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