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From The Publisher

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12 – August, 2015

Before I launch into this editorial, I must disclose that I have very little knowledge about international politics. I don’t have an understanding of the politics regarding the governance of registered dogs in foreign countries either. I do have dog loving friends around the world, and their opinions are the only input I receive when it comes to the various clubs that rule the sport around the globe.

However, I do know right from wrong. I also have a strong sense of ethics and strong opinions about how dogs, purebred or not, should be treated by human beings. We’ll get to that in a minute.

I don’t remember a day in my life that didn’t include interaction with dogs. My love of all canines runs deep and my devotion to our canine friends is unending. I believe that dogs give us a true understanding of undying love and devotion. They also make us more responsible and compassionate. They make us better people.

Every dog deserves a certain level of care from those of us who keep them. They depend on us for food, water, shelter, health care, and companionship. We owe them all of those things.

It is disconcerting to me when I see a major governing body such as the FCI awarding the 2019 World Dog Show to China. This announcement ignited a furor around the world with many kennel clubs calling for a reversal of this decision. In my opinion, this reflects a callous disregard for dogs by the FCI. They make their living off purebred dog registries and exhibition, yet award the World Dog Show to a country that celebrates the Yulin Dog Meat festival. What are they thinking?

I understand China is an economic giant and I am sure FCI, along with AKC, is trying to snag a piece of that pie. However, it seems to me they are selling their very soul to get it. Are they really that desperate to capture the Chinese market that they would agree to host their premier show in a country that celebrates dogs as food? Let’s not forget this also is the same country that captured and killed thousands of dogs and cats before the Beijing Olympics in order to “clean up” the city.

My guess is it is FCI’s public stance that they hope to educate the Chinese people and stop this senseless slaughter of dogs. However, giving away the most important bargaining chip you have before you see change is not the best negotiating tactic. I prefer the carrot-and-stick approach. How about demanding change with the promise of something big (the World Dog Show) in return? That, to me, makes more sense.

Of course, bad politics seems to be nothing new for this group. They also recently decided to change the country of origin from Tibet to China for the Tibetan Mastiff, Tibetan Terrier, Tibetan Spaniel, Lhasa Apso and Shih-Tzu. Who knows, maybe their next move will be to make Taiwan part of mainland China.

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