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From The Publisher

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10 – August, 2024

By Tom Grabe

“Iwatched that dog show on TV a few weeks ago. How much money did that dog get for winning Best In Show?” my friend asked. This guy is one of the country’s top horse trainers. He has dogs, but I was surprised he took time to watch a dog show on TV.

“What dog show?” I replied. “That big one… Westminster. How much does it pay to win the whole ball of wax at that show?” he said. Now, this guy has won well over 50 World Championships and has horses that sold for over a million dollars. Needless to say, he knows a bit about finding great animals, training and conditioning them–then winning at the highest levels of the sport.

I said, “There is no major cash prize for winning Best In Show at Westminster or any other dog show except the AKC National Championship.” There was silence; it was so long that I finally said, “Hello, are you still there?” My friend said, “Yeah… you mean with all those dogs there at a show like that, they didn’t win any money??It was on television! So, what did they win? A car or truck?” “Nope,” I said. “They didn’t win anything with a motor or even two or four wheels.” I laughed a little bit.

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10 – August, 2024

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  • September 2024