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Chin Chin!

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284 – August, 2024

By Lee Connor

I have never been a monarchist. In fact, I’ve always rather admired the American way of doing things.

At school, we were once given the following English assignment. If we could invite any member of the Royal Family (throughout history) to dinner, who would it be and why?

Of course, this was back in the late ‘80s and the majority of the class predictably picked Princess Diana. Several, presumably those with very deep pockets, picked the elephantine Henry VIII or the waspish Elizabeth I; and the more toady types, sitting at the front, plumbed for Queen Elizabeth II.

None of the above appealed to me.

There was though, one member of the Royal Family that I thought would be great company for a dinner party…and that was Queen Alexandra.

Few had even heard of her.

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284 – August, 2024

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  • September 2024