A National Canine IQ Test In Argentina
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90 – March, 2024
By Amy Fernandez
We know that dogs are really smart. They constantly astonish us with their insights and talents. On the other hand, we also kinda realize that the canine think tank has its limits. Although those parameters are frequently expanded and redefined thanks to new research, we may be about to witness the greatest canine IQ test in history.
It’s possible you heard that Argentina just elected a new president who swept into office with the biggest majority vote the country has seen since 1983. Admittedly, Argentina has enjoyed a colorful political history but their brand new leader, Javier Milei, may take that national flavor of eccentricity to an unprecedented level thanks to his unusual team of political advisors.
A former economics professor, Milei initially ascended to fame as a trendy media personality. That came via a combination of his unique hairdo, brash opinions and his flamboyant style of expression. What better way to emphasize cuts to government spending than appearing on national TV brandishing a chainsaw. He’s also created a superhero persona for himself–complete with the appropriate costume–to conquer the national economy. But hey, it’s all about personal identity and the 53-year-old Milei has clearly mastered that aspect of public relations. He’s also famed for one more outstanding feature of his persona, his obsessive devotion to his Mastiffs–actually one Mastiff.
It’s fair to say that South America is a Mastiff-loving continent. And, as we know, Argentina has fostered its own unique version of that recipe, the Dogo Argentino. However, President Milei’s dogs are the old-fashioned, medieval, first edition Mastiff.
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90 – March, 2024
Short URL: http://caninechronicle.com/?p=282199
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