The American Kennel Club Introduces New Entry Level Agility Classes
New York, N.Y. – The American Kennel Club (AKC®), the world’s largest dog registry and advocate for all dogs, is pleased to announce the introduction of two new entry level agility classes, ACT 1 and ACT 2 (Agility Course Test). The classes provide shorter courses with basic obstacles that are appropriate for dogs beginning in the sport.
ACT is designed to be adopted by clubs and trainers as the graduation exercise for their training classes and may be held at regular AKC agility trials or as stand-alone events at training facilities. ACT classes are open to all dogs fifteen months of age or older.
“Holding ACT classes at a training facility provides exhibitors a familiar and comfortable setting for their first AKC event,” said Carrie DeYoung, Director of Agility. “In addition to training for ACT, exhibitors will learn to fill out an entry form, prepare themselves and their dog for comptetition, become familiar with event protocol and handle their dog while under judgment. ACT classes are meant to provide an enjoyable learning experience for new exhibitors and their dogs.”
ACT events are unique in a number of ways:
- Events can be hosted by any AKC club that provides agility training or at a training facility, provided the event is judged by an AKC agility judge or AKC approved ACT evaluator.
- Events are open to all dogs.
- Handlers are encouraged to have their dogs jump at the height that they feel will best prepare them for future success in the sport. No jump height card is required.
- Host organizations may accept day-of-event entries at their option.
- Dogs not yet registered/listed may participate. Results will be recorded by assigning the dog a temporary recording number. An e-mail will be sent with the dog’s temporary number which should be used to enter future ACT events, instructions on how to register/list their dog with the AKC, and encouragement to continue in AKC agility and other sports.
“This innovative program provides a bridge for new exhibitors to easily become involved with AKC agility”, said Doug Ljungren, V.P. for Sports and Events. “The foundation skills learned prepare a dog/owner for future success in agility and many other sports. We are excited about working together with the AKC training clubs and training facilities to introduce future generations of dogs and owners to the wonderful world of AKC sports.”
Clubs/trainers may start holding ACT classes immediately. More information and the necessary forms may be found on the AKC website at
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