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Responsible Pet Owners Alliance: Militant Vegans Target Texas Dog and Cat Breeders

Responsible Pet Owners Alliance Press Release

San Antonio, TX – American Kennel Club show/hobby exhibitors are caught in the “Puppy Mill” Net, a national “animal rights” propaganda campaign to eliminate all pet breeding in the U.S.

“We have no problem with the extinction of domestic animals; they are creations of human selective breeding,” says Wayne Pacelle, vegan President of Humane Society of the United States (HSUS).  HSUS has no affiliation with local shelters and is not a government agency.

HSUS defines every dog and cat breeder in the country as a “Puppy Mill” in their “Change Agenda for Animals.”  #5) Puppy mills – require all dog and cat breeders to comply with AWA [federal Animal Welfare Act] requirements, including those who sell directly to the public;… “

HSUS wrote the template legislation being promoted in every state to eliminate breeders, not regulate them!

“USDA regulations are impossible to meet in a home setting and were originally written for sterile animal research facilities,” said Mary Beth Duerler, Responsible Pet Owners Alliance executive director.  “The zealots consider breeding any animal to be animal cruelty and have little animal expertise.”

The extremists chose Rep. Senfronia Thompson, D-Houston, to ram Texas HB 1451, the misnamed “Puppy Mill” Bill, through the 2011 Legislature with lies and coercion — undeniably the most powerful legislator in Austin.  The final version did not even contain the “commercial” word and included cat breeders!  Each session Thompson has blocked efforts for any changes to her bill.  Animal owners are being denied rightful representation at the state Capitol.

HB 1451 mandates USDA regulations at a minimum, requiring special drainage, sterilization of all surfaces coming in contact with animals, and much more.  This law must be repealed and replaced with reasonable regulations by eliminating requirements for USDA regulations, the $1,000 ”Breeder Bounty,” third party contracts for enforcement, a “Snitch Slush Fund,” a stacked Breeders Advisory Committee, and anonymous complaints allowed which mandate a Texas Department of Licensing & Regulation (TDLR) investigation.  The new law has become a “harassment tool” for extremists who search the Internet for breeders to report for investigation, when these breeders are not required to be licensed.

Oklahoma Rep. Phil Richardson succeeded in “repealing and replacing” their similar law, transferring administration to the Agriculture Department and eliminating their “Board of Commercial Pet Breeders.”  Richardson said the Board had become too confrontational with pet breeders and that the Agriculture Department was better able to deal with the situation.

After many contentious meetings, Dr. Lori Teller, DVM, resigned from the Texas Board saying:  “I think we are driving the good breeders out of business … the breeders who do seriously care about the animals they raise and improving the breeds they are passionate about will either be out of business or, at the least, out of state.”

The administration and enforcement of HB 1451 must be moved under the Texas Department of Agriculture where animal expertise reigns!


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