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146th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show to See Over 3,000 Champion Dogs


Over 200 breeds and varieties of dogs will assemble at the historic Lyndhurst Estate for the 146th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Presented by Purina Pro Plan® on June 18-22, 2022. The show is set to return to Lyndhurst Estate in Tarrytown, NY, for the second year in a row after surging cases of COVID-19 resulted in delaying the event’s original January date.


The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show will welcome two newly AKC-recognized breeds to the famed event – the Mudi and Russian Toy. Dog enthusiasts will see 209 of the 211 recognized breeds represented at this year’s show. The largest Westminster entries by breed are Golden Retrievers (70), Labrador Retrievers (49), Pugs (46), Rhodesian Ridgebacks (43), and French Bulldogs (41). Westminster will celebrate new breed entries, Mudik (10) and Russian Toys (4), as part of the 19.5 hours of live FOX Sports television coverage culminating with Best in Show on Wednesday, June 22, on FS1.


New for 2022, FOX Deportes will also simulcast live coverage of the Group and Best in Show competitions. FOX Deportes is the longest-running Spanish-language sports network in the country and is available in nearly twenty million homes. Additionally, the telecasts will air again in Canada on the Sportsnet family of networks. For all television and streaming coverage, click here.


Westminster Week exhibits nearly 3,500 dogs in three different competitions. The week kicks off with the 9th Annual Masters Agility Championship at Westminster Presented by Purina Pro Plan® on Saturday, June 18, followed by the 7th Annual Masters Obedience Championship on Monday, June 20. The breed competitions will take place on Monday (Hound and Herding), Tuesday (Toy, Non-Sporting, and Terrier), and Wednesday (Sporting and Working), June 20-22. The Group judging, Junior Showmanship Finals, and Best in Show will be held on the evenings of June 21-22. For the full schedule of events or to purchase tickets to the show, visit


The states with the most dogs in the competition are New York (260), Pennsylvania

(234), Florida (210), California (194), followed by Texas (172) and New Jersey (163). There are 78 international entries across nine countries, topped by Canada (58), Japan (8), and South Korea (3).


Dog Show Breed Entries by Group 


Sporting (558) 


Barbets (10)

Brittanys (17)

Lagotti Romagnoli (2)

Nederlandse Kooikerhondjes (6)

Pointers (22)

Pointers (German Shorthaired) (28)

Pointers (German Wirehaired) (7)

Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay) (19)

Retrievers (Curly-Coated) (7)

Retrievers (Flat-Coated) (27)

Retrievers (Golden) (70)

Retrievers (Labrador) (49)

Retrievers (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling) (24)

Setters (English) (24)

Setters (Gordon) (16)

Setters (Irish) (20)

Setters (Irish Red and White) (10)

Spaniels (American Water) (3)

Spaniels (Boykin) (10)

Spaniels (Clumber) (11)

Spaniels (Cocker) Black (11)

Spaniels (Cocker) A.S.C.O.B. (13)

Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color (10)

Spaniels (English Cocker) (13)

Spaniels (English Springer) (23)

Spaniels (Field) (11)

Spaniels (Irish Water) (8)

Spaniels (Sussex) (14)

Spaniels (Welsh Springer) (8)

Spinoni Italiani (5)

Vizslas (29)

Weimaraners (13)

Wirehaired Pointing Griffons (10)

Wirehaired Vizslas (8)


Hound (442)


Afghan Hounds (24)

American English Coonhounds (2)

American Foxhounds (7)

Azawakhs (4)

Basenjis (23)

Basset Hounds (12)

Beagles, Not Exceeding 13 In. (10)

Beagles, Over 13 In. But Not Exceeding 15 In. (17)

Black and Tan Coonhounds (7)

Bloodhounds (9)

Bluetick Coonhounds (3)

Borzois (29)

Cirnechi dell’Etna (9)

Dachshunds (Longhaired) (25)

Dachshunds (Smooth) (23)

Dachshunds (Wirehaired) (12)

English Foxhounds (3)

Grand Basset Griffon Vendeens (3)

Greyhounds (5)

Harriers (2)

Ibizan Hounds (15)

Irish Wolfhounds (11)

Norwegian Elkhounds (6)

Otterhounds (6)

Petits Bassets Griffons Vendeens (13)

Pharaoh Hounds (16)

Plott Hounds (6)

Portuguese Podengo Pequenos (13)

Redbone Coonhounds (7)

Rhodesian Ridgebacks (43)

Salukis (19)

Scottish Deerhounds (14)

Sloughis (3)

Treeing Walker Coonhounds (4)

Whippets (37)

Working (483)


Akitas (14)

Alaskan Malamutes (19)

Anatolian Shepherd Dogs (7)

Bernese Mountain Dogs (26)

Black Russian Terriers (8)

Boerboels (5)

Boxers (19)

Bullmastiffs (32)

Cane Corsos (19)

Chinooks (1)

Doberman Pinschers (35)

Dogo Argentinos (7)

Dogues de Bordeaux (15)

German Pinschers (5)

Giant Schnauzers (12)

Great Danes (28)

Great Pyrenees (14)

Greater Swiss Mountain Dogs (24)

Komondorok (4)

Kuvaszok (4)

Leonbergers (20)

Mastiffs (14)

Neapolitan Mastiffs (5)

Newfoundlands (21)

Portuguese Water Dogs (21)

Rottweilers (30)

Saint Bernards (6)

Samoyeds (26)

Siberian Huskies (23)

Standard Schnauzers (13)

Tibetan Mastiffs (6)


Terrier (362)


Airedale Terriers (15)

American Hairless Terriers (13)

American Staffordshire Terriers (12)

Australian Terriers (10)

Bedlington Terriers (14)

Border Terriers (17)

Bull Terriers (Colored) (3)

Bull Terriers (White) (2)

Cairn Terriers (19)

Cesky Terriers (8)

Dandie Dinmont Terriers (3)

Fox Terriers (Smooth) (20)

Fox Terriers (Wire) (16)

Glen of Imaal Terriers (12)

Irish Terriers (3)

Kerry Blue Terriers (10)

Lakeland Terriers (5)

Manchester Terriers (Standard) (15)

Miniature Bull Terriers (7)

Miniature Schnauzers (18)

Norfolk Terriers (13)

Norwich Terriers (25)

Parson Russell Terriers (14)

Rat Terriers (8)

Russell Terriers (18)

Scottish Terriers (16)

Sealyham Terriers (2)

Skye Terriers (6)

Soft Coated Wheaten Terriers (11)

Staffordshire Bull Terriers (10)

Welsh Terriers (8)

West Highland White Terriers (9)

Toy (405)


Affenpinschers (9)

Biewer Terriers (12)

Brussels Griffons (16)

Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (38)

Chihuahuas (Long Coat) (20)

Chihuahuas (Smooth Coat) (15)

Chinese Cresteds (24)

English Toy Spaniels (Blenheim & Prince Charles) (7)

English Toy Spaniels (King Charles & Ruby) (6)

Havanese (21)

Italian Greyhounds (29)

Japanese Chin (11)

Maltese (12)

Manchester Terriers (Toy) (19)

Miniature Pinschers (8)

Papillons (25)

Pekingese (17)

Pomeranians (25)

Poodles (Toy) (9)

Pugs (46)

Russian Toys (4)

Shih Tzu (7)

Silky Terriers (3)

Toy Fox Terriers (9)

Yorkshire Terriers (13)


Non-Sporting (321)


American Eskimo Dogs (6)

Bichons Frises (21)

Boston Terriers (29)

Bulldogs (24)

Chinese Shar-Pei (8)

Chow Chows (11)

Cotons de Tulear (8)

Dalmatians (25)

Finnish Spitz (3)

French Bulldogs (41)

Keeshonden (10)

Lhasa Apsos (14)

Lowchen (10)

Poodles (Miniature) (6)

Poodles (Standard) (24)

Schipperkes (15)

Shiba Inu (11)

Tibetan Spaniels (21)

Tibetan Terriers (23)

Xoloitzcuintli (11)

Herding (457) 


Australian Cattle Dogs (16)

Australian Shepherds (37)

Bearded Collies (13)

Beaucerons (12)

Belgian Laekenois (8)

Belgian Malinois (20)

Belgian Sheepdogs (22)

Belgian Tervuren (24)

Bergamasco Sheepdogs (12)

Berger Picards (18)

Border Collies (27)

Bouviers des Flandres (7)

Briards (11)

Canaan Dogs (5)

Cardigan Welsh Corgis (23)

Collies (Rough) (16)

Collies (Smooth) (18)

Finnish Lapphunds (9)

German Shepherd Dogs (17)

Icelandic Sheepdogs (8)

Miniature American Shepherds (26)

Mudik (10)

Norwegian Buhunds (2)

Old English Sheepdogs (18)

Pembroke Welsh Corgis (14)

Polish Lowland Sheepdogs (6)

Pulik (12)

Pumik (10)

Pyrenean Shepherds (9)

Shetland Sheepdogs (12)

Spanish Water Dogs (10)

Swedish Vallhunds (5)


Dog Show Entries by Location


States (49): Alabama (24), Alaska (3), Arizona (19), Arkansas (4), California (194), Colorado (43), Connecticut (143), Delaware (18), Florida (210), Georgia (71), Hawaii

(5), Idaho (6), Illinois (74), Indiana (52), Iowa (4), Kansas (11), Kentucky (31), Louisiana (18), Maine (19), Maryland (108), Massachusetts (148), Michigan (62), Minnesota (41), Mississippi (7), Missouri (22), Montana (5), Nebraska (8), Nevada (14), New Hampshire

(31), New Jersey (163), New Mexico (7), New York (260), North Carolina (98), Ohio

(107), Oklahoma (16), Oregon (20), Pennsylvania (234), Rhode Island (23), South Carolina (49), South Dakota (2), Tennessee (60), Texas (172), Utah (3), Vermont (15), Virginia (143), Washington (97), West Virginia (9), Wisconsin (66), Wyoming (2). Other: District of Columbia (9), Puerto Rico (2).

Other Countries: Brazil (2), Canada (58), Guatemala (1), Japan (8), South Korea (3), Lithuania (1), Mexico (2), Philippines (2), Sweden (1)


9th Annual Masters Agility Championship at Westminster 


All agility entries will be submitted by the May 11, 2022, deadline. The entry breakdown will be distributed in early June 2022.


7th Annual Masters Obedience Championship at Westminster 


There are 23 dogs entered from 10 states, led by New Jersey (8). The top breeds are Border Collies (7) and Golden Retrievers (7).


Obedience Entries by Breed 

Breeds (10): Australian Shepherd (1), Belgian Laekenois (1), Belgian Malinois (1), Border Collies (7), German Shepherds (1), Retrievers (Golden) (7), Retrievers

(Labrador) (2), Shetland Sheepdog (1), Spaniels (English Springer) (1), Standard Schnauzers (1).


Obedience Entries by Location 

States (10): Connecticut (3), Illinois (2), Minnesota (1), Missouri (1), North Carolina (2), Nebraska (1), New Jersey (8), New York (3), Pennsylvania (1), Tennessee (1).


*** All entry counts are subject to the final AKC audit. ***


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