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Out Of Africa – The Basenji

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102 – July, 2024

By Lee Connor

Recently, the UK press has, once again, been filled with anti-pedigree articles, this time focusing on Germany’s “torture breeding” laws or “Qualzucht”.

I actually wrote about these (then proposed) laws many years ago and warned that they would soon move from their initial focus of banning the breeding of flat-faced breeds (like Pugs and Bulldogs) onto breeds like the Dachshund.

People scoffed and said this would never ever happen.

But, guess what?

Now, voices are calling for short-legged breeds and also the giant and toy breeds to be included in these ‘torture’ breeding laws.

These laws have been floating around for nearly thirty years but, up until now, they have been very vague and open to interpretation.

The new, tighter draft will give precise “scientific criteria” about what sort of breeding can lead to an animal suffering.

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102 – July, 2024

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