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From The Publisher

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10 – June, 2022

By Tom Grabe

The decision by AKC to add the Reserve Best In Show award to all conformation shows in 2012 was met with mixed reviews from exhibitors and owners when it was announced. While some loved the idea, others hated it; others didn’t really care. The reasons for these opinions were as varied as those who opined.

One of the more popular reasons for disliking the RBIS award is there are no points given. “What’s the point, you don’t get anything for it other than a ribbon,” said one exhibitor. “It doesn’t make any sense. When there was only a Best In Show award, the other six dogs thought they might have won had it not been for the BIS winner. That mystery is gone,” said another. One prominent handler told me, “You win Reserve Best In Show at Westminster, the AKC?National Championship, Louisville, or Woofstock and you get ZERO points. I think they should have thought about that little flaw before adding RBIS as an award at all dog shows.”

I do agree with the assertion that there is not much value to RBIS since the winner doesn’t get any points in AKC’s ranking system. Over the past decade, we have had suggestions from those within the fancy that we include points for RBIS in our all breed rankings. There are a few reasons we decided against this idea.

First, I think if points are to be awarded for Reserve Best In Show, the second place dog from the group of the BIS winner should be allowed to enter the ring and compete for Best In Show. This procedure is no different from Reserve Winners Dog or Bitch. Why not apply the same procedure to RBIS? Who’s to say the second-best dog at the show that day wasn’t also second in the BIS winner’s group?

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10 – June, 2022

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