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Sturgis Kennel Club – Saturday, July 13, 2024

Show Name: Sturgis Kennel Club
Location: Marshall, MI
Show Date: Saturday, July 13, 2024
Total Entry: 769
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Charles L. Olvis
Show Photographer(s):
Susan Booth, LLC • Website: www.phodog.biz

Dog Reg: GCHP Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World [Dog]
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Luke Ehricht
Owner: L & D Ehricht & B Miller DVM
Breeder: L & D Ehricht

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHG Telltale Bohemian Rhapsody [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Reserve Handler: Robin Novack
Reserve Owner: B Fink, L Pike, J Vanderlip, S Hatch & G Paulucci
Breeder: C Florence, R Novack & B Fink

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Sharol Candace Way

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCHG Telltale Bohemian Rhapsody [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Handler: Robin Novack
Owner: B Fink, L Pike, J Vanderlip, S Hatch & G Paulucci
Breeder: C Florence, R Novack & B Fink
Dog Reg: GCHS Cedar Run Ready Set Lets Ride [Bitch]
Breed: Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Owner: T, C & M Rost
Breeder: T, C & M Rost
Dog Reg: GCHB Mar-K Hall Of Famer With Rexbon CGC [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) ASCOB
Owner: R & B Buell
Dog Reg: GCHB Next Generation’s Say Something [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
Owner: A Boeske, A Levy & R Lewis
Breeder: A Levy & J Stadheim

Hound Judge’s Name: Mrs. Barbara C. Scherer

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCH Lehigh-Darkwynd Kyla [Bitch]
Breed: Scottish Deerhound
Handler: Paula Pascoe
Owner: P Pascoe, G Winchell & P Smithson
Breeder: P Pascoe & P Smithson
Dog Reg: CH Nahala’s Lovin’ The Snack Life [Dog]
Breed: Ibizan Hound
Handler: Alexandria Mitchell-Lynch
Owner: A Mitchell-Lynch
Breeder: A Mitchell-Lynch, M Pierotti-Tietje & C Shaw
Dog Reg: Darom Wizard Of Oz [Dog]
Breed: Irish Wolfhound
Owner: G Morad
Dog Reg: CH Gwencalon Meadow Crests Cashmere Crush [Bitch]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Owner: A Didier & W Friend

Working Judge’s Name: Dr. Eric Liebes

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCHS Bar-K’s Love As It Was [Dog]
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Rick Justice
Owner: M Graves II & P Koenig
Breeder: P Koenig
Dog Reg: GCHG Wood Newfs Journey To Friends [Dog]
Breed: Newfoundland
Handler: Chuck Ialungo
Owner: C Ialungo, C Bergmann & M Weissweiler
Breeder: M Weissweiler
Dog Reg: Harmony’s Hail To The Victor [Bitch]
Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
Owner: M & S Zebolsky & A Wibert
Breeder: Annette Wibert & Nathan Omo
Dog Reg: CH Aspire’s Forever In Bluejeans [Dog]
Breed: Bullmastiff
Owner: N Darrow & W Boyles

Terrier Judge’s Name: Ms. Sharol Candace Way

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: CH Star Rag Doll [Bitch]
Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Owner: D Kortgoed & D Daniel
Breeder: D Kortgoed & D Daniel
Dog Reg: GCH Torquay’s All For One And One For All [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
Handler: Max Krainer
Owner: V Malzoni Jr., M Flavio Botelho & A & M Botelho
Breeder: M Flavio Botelho, A Botelho & M Chagas Matheu
Dog Reg: CH Benmar’s Sweet Caroline [Bitch]
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Owner: B Cheek
Dog Reg: GCHB Falkirk’s Into The Mystic [Dog]
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Handler: Karen Aurelius
Owner: K Waldon
Breeder: K Waldon

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Jon R. Cole

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCHP Hallmark Jolei Out Of This World [Dog]
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Luke Ehricht
Owner: L & D Ehricht & B Miller DVM
Breeder: L & D Ehricht
Dog Reg: GCHG Playtyme’s Burnin’ Rubber [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Owner: C Vander Voord, S Edwards & T DeWitt
Breeder: C Vander Voord & T DeWitt
Dog Reg: GCH Masterpiece Don’t Talk About Him [Dog]
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Chelsea Rowe
Owner: A Thibodeaux DVM
Breeder: A Thibodeaux DVM, J Wehking & M Glasscock Johnston
Dog Reg: GCH Jala’s You Should See Me In A Crown [Bitch]
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Owner: J Kuk

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCHB Top Speed Neal [Dog]
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Lisa Bettis
Owner: E Charles, F Yang, N Brown & G Lajeski
Breeder: C Xie
Dog Reg: GCHS Windrift’s Dirty Hairy [Dog]
Breed: Keeshond
Handler: Joanne Reed
Owner: J & A Reed
Breeder: J & A Reed
Dog Reg: GCHG Lakeridge Secret Persuasion [Dog]
Breed: Poodle (Standard)
Handler: Ann Rairigh
Owner: D Ferguson Jones
Breeder: D Ferguson Jones
Dog Reg: CH Imperiale’s Zac Efron Of Ironwood [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Owner: J & V Imperiale & S Chilton
Breeder: J Imperiale & S Chilton

Herding Judge’s Name: Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes

Total Entry:
Dog Reg: GCHG Quiche’s Shadow Hunter CGC TKN [Dog]
Breed: Bouvier des Flandres
Handler: Elaine Paquette
Owner: J Garrison, D Morrill, E & L Paquette & V Valdez
Breeder: J Garrison & E Paquette
Dog Reg: GCHB Coventry Addicted To Love [Bitch]
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Jodi Geerlings
Owner: E & D Kekual, D Salow & B Shelton
Breeder: B Shelton, B Williams DVM, S Leyerly & D Salow
Dog Reg: GCHS Kell Guess Who CGC [Dog]
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Handler: Becky Johnson
Owner: A Massey, A Thomas & J Powers-Hodson
Breeder: A Massey, A Thomas & J Powers-Hodson
Dog Reg: GCH Valkyrie Appetite For Destruction [Dog]
Breed: Swedish Vallhund
Owner: S & B Tsioles & T Garwacki
Breeder: V Buchanan & T Garwacki

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Short URL: https://caninechronicle.com/?p=292479

Posted by on Jul 13 2024. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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