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South Dade Kennel Club — Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Show Name: South Dade Kennel Club
Location: Brooksville, FL
Show Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Total Entry: 1202
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman
Show Photographer(s):
Don Meyer • Email:

Dog Reg: GCHG Tamarin Tatoo [Dog]
Breed: Affenpinscher
Handler: Alfronso Escobedo
Owner: Laura Brown & Doyle Girouard

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHG Lagniappes From the Mountains to the Bayou [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Reserve Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Reserve Owner: Holly & Chris Reed & Laurie & Mike Mason

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Norman B. Kenney

Total Entry: 175
Dog Reg: GCHG Kurly Kreek Copperhead Road [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Curly-Coated)
Handler: Frank Murphy
Owner: Mary K & Scott Shifflett
Dog Reg: CH Zoldmali Kacer [Dog]
Breed: Wirehaired Vizsla
Owner: Gayle & Larry Nelson
Dog Reg: GCHG Brigadier Shamrock All Silver Stars [Dog]
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: Mike & Julie Lee, Beth Rosener & Jamie Cox
Dog Reg: GCHS Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic [Bitch]
Breed: Lagotti
Handler: Phil Booth
Owner: Victor Malzoni, Jr., Sabrina Zdunic & Ante Lucin

Hound Judge’s Name: Ms. JoAnne M. Buehler

Total Entry: 149
Dog Reg: GCHP Lyonnese Blueprint Of A Legend [Dog]
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Handler: Frank Murphy
Owner: Nicole Davis, Maureen Tauber & Deborah Holly
Dog Reg: GCHS Kazuris All I Want for Christmas [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Owner: Sarah Sweetman & Michael & Karen Kurtzner
Dog Reg: GCHS Trireme The Continental [Dog]
Breed: Greyhound
Owner: Dianne & Kandice Kostic
Dog Reg: GCH Sunlits King of Queens [Dog]
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: Alicia Jones
Owner: Tara Richardson, Pam Winkelmeier Alicia Jones, M. Hunter & Jamie Souza Bartlett

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Ronald Freeman

Total Entry: 217
Dog Reg: GCHG Lagniappes From the Mountains to the Bayou [Dog]
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Holly & Chris Reed & Laurie & Mike Mason
Dog Reg: CH Alcher Tmac Witchcraft V Gentry [Dog]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: C Green & T Mackenzie
Dog Reg: GCHG Pouch Coves Alright Alright Alright [Dog]
Breed: Newfoundland
Handler: Karen Mammano
Owner: Keith Mallinson, Peggy Helming & Diane Blandina
Dog Reg: CH Straw Hat Love Is My Religion [Bitch]
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Owner: Leslie Shriner & Nicolas Broadhurst

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Merle Taylor

Total Entry: 149
Dog Reg: GCH Goodspice Efbe Money Stache [Dog]
Breed: Sealyham Terrier
Handler: Margery Good
Owner: Margery Good, France Bergeron & Emily Bennett
Dog Reg: CH Brightlucks Image at Bayleigh [Dog]
Breed: Welsh Terrier
Handler: Tracy Ann Szaras
Owner: Keith Bailey
Dog Reg: CH Blue Moon Pop A Razzi [Dog]
Breed: Australian Terrier
Handler: Kellie Williams
Owner: J Popovits
Dog Reg: GCH Pinnacle Broxden Lickety Split [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
Handler: Amy Booth

Owners: S & A Fitzpatrick, M & B Hainline and A & P Booth

Breeders: S & A Evans

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Kenneth E. Berg

Total Entry: 170
Dog Reg: GCHG Tamarin Tatoo [Dog]
Breed: Affenpinscher
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Laura Brown & Doyle Girouard
Dog Reg: GCHG Rustic Lane Not My Planet From Fwaggle @ Absolutions [Dog]
Breed: Toy Manchester Terrier
Handler: Matthew Perry
Owner: Donna Young & Dave Horowitz
Dog Reg: GCHG Wingssong This Could Be Love [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Chris Jones
Owner: Chris & Pat Jones
Dog Reg: GCHG Timeless Stella By Starlight At Aero [Bitch]
Breed: Chihuahua (Long Coat)
Handler: Lois DeMers
Owner: Kyle Potts & Allynid Bunten

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Norman B. Kenney

Total Entry:  153
Dog Reg: GCH Sonadora Del Rey [Bitch]
Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
Handler: Erika Lanasa
Owner: Richard Yenchesky, Robyn Lauck & Erika Lanasa
Dog Reg: GCHG Fox Canyons I Won The War At Goldshield [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Perry Pason
Owner: Sandy & Morgan Fox, Alexandra Vorbeck & Perry Pason
Dog Reg: GCHP Majesty Legaxy Asias Crown Jewel [Bitch]
Breed: Chinese Shar-Pei
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Jean Durdin
Dog Reg: GCHG Lakeridge My Daddys A Big Spender [Bitch]
Breed: Poodle (Standard)
Handler: Ann Rairigh
Owner: Debra Ferguson-Jones

Herding Judge’s Name:  Mrs. Eva Berg

Total Entry: 189
Dog Reg: GCHG Gem-N-I River of Urloved
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Handler: Lenny Brown
Owner: Richard Waits
Dog Reg: GCHS Now and Then Watermark Cruisin At Kelkar
Breed: Bearded Collie
Handler: Mark Bettis
Owner:   Arlene Berry & Jan Osterbauer
Dog Reg: GCH Trifecta Fantasia
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Kara Janiszak
Owner: J Will, D Scott & S Hedgepath
Dog Reg: GCHS Aprodombi Meresz Maszat Marci
Breed:   Pumik
Handler: Michelle Scott
Owner: Cindy Cassidy

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