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Paper Cities Kennel Club, Inc.

Show Name: Paper Cities Kennel Club, Inc.
Location: Rothschild, WI
Show Date: Sunday, July 20, 2014
Total Entry: 441
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Sheila DiNardo
Dog Reg: GCH CH Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Coat Chihuahua
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: J Moses/J Moses/R Sanchez-Torres
Breeder: Romulo Sanchez Torres

Reserve Dog Reg: GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Golden Retriever
Reserve Handler: W Lloyd
Reserve Owner: G Dinges/M Dinges/B Johnson
Breeder: Beth Johnson & David Harper

Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Anthony D. Dinardo

Total Entry: 110
Dog Reg: GCH CH Summits Back By Popular Demand [Dog]
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: G Dinges/M Dinges/B Johnson
Breeder: Beth Johnson & David Harper
Dog Reg: CH Kistryl Happy Together JH [Dog]
Breed: Flat-Coated Retriever
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: P Ronin/H Ronin/M Wilcox
Breeder: David Harper
Dog Reg: GCH CH Linwood Resolutes New Beginning RN CGC [Dog]
Breed: English Setter
Handler: Lindsey Cook
Owner: R Lloyd/W Lloyd
Breeder: Dixon Jennifer
Dog Reg: Swathruns Skittles [Bitch]
Breed: English Cocker Spaniel
Handler: W Lloyd
Breeder: Sherry Dixon Jennifer & David Goldfein

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Houston (toddie) Clark

Total Entry: 70
Dog Reg: GCH CH Sonnus Filho (Sanchez) [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Coat Chihuahua
Handler: Sanchez
Owner: J Moses/J Moses/R Sanchez-Torres
Breeder: Romulo Sanchez Torres
Dog Reg: GCH CH Istas Southern Gentleman [Dog]
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Gregory S Larson
Owner: R Marshburn
Breeder: Romulo Sanchez Torres
Dog Reg: GCH CH Bellavita From The First Moment [Dog]
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: J Helminski/R Kowalski/M Hanus
Breeder: R Marshburn
Dog Reg: GCH CH Countrys You Rock My World [Dog]
Breed: Chinese Crested
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: L Uselton/K Knoles
Breeder: R Marshburn

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Anthony D. Dinardo

Total Entry: 45
Dog Reg: GCH CH Trumpets You Could Be Mine [Dog]
Breed: Keeshond
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: B Blankenship
Breeder: R Marshburn
Dog Reg: GCH CH Safaris This Side Of Paradise [Bitch]
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Terri D Meyers
Owner: C Huff/J Haefner
Breeder: RD Meyers
Dog Reg: GCH CH Blurubein Aged To Perfection [Dog]
Breed: Chinese Shar-Pei
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: J Lockery/R Steinke
Breeder: Locker RD Meyers
Dog Reg: GCH CH Shoyu Blowin My Horn At Orlane [Dog]
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: M Papke/R Alexander
Breeder: Locker RD Meyers

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Houston Clark

Total Entry: 44
Dog Reg: GCH CH Margauxs Va Voom [Bitch]
Breed: Bouvier des Flandres
Handler: Douglas A Carlson, AKC Re
Owner: S Lyon
Breeder: John Smith
Dog Reg: GCH CH Double Rs Rumspringa [Bitch]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Caroline E Lanasa
Owner: D Baker/K Damon/R Kirwan/K Fox
Breeder: Jackson White
Dog Reg: CH Laredo Maybe IM Amazed [Bitch]
Breed: Rough Collie
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: S Webber
Breeder: Lynn Weinstein
Dog Reg: GCH CH Hr PuttN On The Ritz For Tervalla HSAs NA NAJ [Bitch]
Breed: Belgian Tervuren
Handler: W Lloyd
Owner: D Austin
Breeder: Jack Julius

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Posted by on Jun 30 2014. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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