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Crab Orchard Kennel Club, Inc. – Sunday, August 7, 2022

Show Name: Crab Orchard Kennel Club, Inc.
Location: Marion, IL
Show Date: Sunday, August 7, 2022
Total Entry: 462
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy
Show Photographer(s):
Robert Skibinski • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHG Twin Creeks It Had To Be You [Dog]
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: C Krown & B Beard
Breeder: Cheryl Krown

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHB Wenricks Nightcap [Bitch]
Reserve Breed: Whippet
Reserve Handler: Cheslie Smithey
Reserve Owner: N Shaw & J & C Smithey


Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn A. Herbel

Total Entry: 63
Dog Reg: GCHG Grouse Point Rimfire Benchrest [Dog]
Breed: Vizsla
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: D Lynn & C Miklos
Breeder: S Livingston, J Mosing, R Bernstein & C Miklos
Dog Reg: GCHS Normandy Silhouette N Javalin Bachelor Parti [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Parti
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: R Beinhauer & L Pitts
Dog Reg: CH BRF The Last Word [Bitch]
Breed: Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
Handler: Brian Newman
Owner: B Newman
Dog Reg: Glaciers Luck Be a Lady [Bitch]
Breed: Wirehaired Pointing Griffon
Owner: T & R Rabideau

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Terry Stacy

Total Entry: 63
Dog Reg: GCHB Wenricks Nightcap [Bitch]
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Cheslie Smithey
Owner: N Shaw &  J & C Smithey
Dog Reg: GCHG Sky Hi Hunt Song Of Fire And Ice [Bitch]
Breed: Greyhound
Handler: James Donahue
Owner: J Donahue, D Pfeil & G Sisneros
Breeder: A, D & G Pugh
Dog Reg: GCHS Sundiata Tezetas Tej [Dog]
Breed: Basenji
Owner: H Kilmer Cruzate
Breeder: H Kilmer Cruzate & C Maxka
Dog Reg: Virtues Woodward And Bernstein [Dog]
Breed: Saluki
Owner: S Long Roth, J Witmer & J Roth

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Terry Stacy

Total Entry: 48
Dog Reg: GCHG Twin Creeks It Had To Be You [Dog]
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: C Krown & B Beard
Breeder: C Krown
Dog Reg: GCH Protocol-Liberator Pagani Without Compromise CGC [Dog]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Karin Fox
Owner: S St. John &  J & K Mullins
Breeder: J & K Mullins, P Blenkey & B Casey
Dog Reg: Show Mountain Holly Kick Your Knickers Up [Bitch]
Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Owner: E Showalter & D White
Breeder: E Showalter & D White
Dog Reg: GCH Dappers Pushing Limits [Bitch]
Breed: Great Dane
Owner: A Coomes

Terrier Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn Taylor

Total Entry: 35
Dog Reg: Tes Notorious Highlander [Dog]
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Owner: E Singer
Breeder: E Singer
Dog Reg: GCH Camios Walking On Air For Half A Bob [Dog]
Breed: Norwich Terrier
Owner: C Rogers
Dog Reg: CH Aragon Opportunity Knocks With Imperial [Bitch]
Breed: Bull Terrier (White)
Owner: M Bankus, J & H Jones & B Galaska
Dog Reg: GCH Novelty Best Investment JE [Dog]
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Owner: T, R & B Wegner

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Merle Taylor

Total Entry: 122
Dog Reg: GCH Foxmore Jules Just Dance [Bitch]
Breed: Poodle (Toy)
Handler: Ann Rairigh
Owner: J Kinsey, J Reed & M Reed
Breeder: J Reed
Dog Reg: CH Marcosa And Payasas Essential Travel [Bitch]
Breed: Havanese
Owner: C & H Kolzow & M Luke
Dog Reg: GCH Touche Hi N Mai-T at Chic [Dog]
Breed: Japanese Chin
Handler: Matthew A Hoaglund
Owner: V Dovellos & J Martenson
Breeder: J Martenson & V Dovellos
Dog Reg: GCHP Roi L Man In The Moon [Dog]
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Michael Pitts
Owner: R Beinhauer
Breeder: E Lessig

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn Taylor

Total Entry: 76
Dog Reg: GCHG Lakeridge My Daddys A Big Spender [Bitch]
Breed: Poodle (Standard)
Handler: Ann Rairigh
Owner: D Ferguson-Jones
Breeder: D Ferguson-Jones
Dog Reg: GCHB 2Stars Cold As Ice At Damari [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Justin Smithey
Owner: N Shaw, K Patton & M Lewis
Dog Reg: GCHS Divine Deagra Dijonnaise [Dog]
Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
Owner: M Hoaglund, D Agre-Gill & R Maner
Breeder: M Hoaglund & D Agre-Gill
Dog Reg: GCH Kan Sings Mahadevi [Bitch]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Owner: M Feltenstein

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn A. Herbel

Total Entry: 55
Dog Reg: GCHG Gem-N-I River Of Urloved CGC [Dog]
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Handler: Lenny Brown
Owner: R Waits
Breeder: M Jewell, R Waits & B Stamper
Dog Reg: GCH Cordmaker Punchinello [Dog]
Breed: Pulik
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: E Charles, S Kaul, M Feltenstein, R Beinhauer, L Pitts & P Kelly
Dog Reg: Promises Phoenix Rising [Bitch]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Owner: S & D Remley
Dog Reg: GCHG Blue Elk Beginning Of An Icon [Dog]
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Handler: Billy Huntington
Owner: B Huntington

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Posted by on Aug 7 2022. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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