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Bismarck Kennel Club #1 – Sunday, August 7, 2022

Show Name: Bismarck Kennel Club #1
Location: Bismarck, ND
Show Date: Sunday, August 7, 2022
Total Entry: 472
Best In Show Judge: Mr. John P. Wade
Show Photographer(s):
Dan Pearson • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHG Chyscotts The Greatest Showman [Dog]
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Krissy Shaffer Simmons
Owner: W & L Shafer & K Simmons
Breeder: M Plumb, L & W Shafer & K Simmons

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHP Starline Windborn Classique [Bitch]
Reserve Breed: Whippet
Reserve Handler: Lori Wilson-Paust
Reserve Owner: J Zolezzi, L Wilson-Paust & J Truitt
Breeder: L Lawrence & L Wilson-Paust

Sporting Judge’s Name: Wayne Morris Thompson

Total Entry: 116
Dog Reg: GCHB Horizons Saturday Night Cruze [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Cocker)
Owner: M Johnson
Dog Reg: CH Forevers One Man Band [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Owner: J & R Hoffmann
Dog Reg: GCH Renascent Covingtonwest [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Welsh Springer)
Handler: Ryan Wolfe
Owner: M Riese-Bassel
Dog Reg: GCHG Dreamflight Samamari Holding Out For A Hero [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) ASCOB
Handler: Stephanie Kaul
Owner: S Kaul & T Flores

Hound Judge’s Name: Dr. Eric Liebes

Total Entry: 52
Dog Reg: GCHP Starline Windborn Classique [Bitch]
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Lori Wilson-Paust
Owner: J Zolezzi, L Wilson-Paust & J Truitt
Breeder: L Lawrence & L Wilson-Paust
Dog Reg: Sovereign N Chaparral Tigrato Drogo [Dog]
Breed: Greyhound
Owner: T Marzluf & J & O Rutherford
Dog Reg: GCHB Orions Calgary Flame [Bitch]
Breed: Ibizan Hound
Owner: J Dannenbring & C Freeling
Dog Reg: CH Teckelwood Hyders All That Jazz ML [Bitch]
Breed: Dachshund (Longhaired)
Handler: Alvin Lee Jr.
Owner: M Hyder, A Hodges & S Mararich

Working Judge’s Name: Dr. Eric Liebes

Total Entry: 65
Dog Reg: GCHS Lasquites Ian Of Rolando [Dog]
Breed: Saint Bernard
Owner: J Butler, W Bratcher, T Ebert & M Smith
Breeder: M Smith
Dog Reg: GCH Szumerias Joint Venture [Dog]
Breed: Kuvasz
Handler: Sarah Krickeberg
Owner: S & C Krickeberg, L Brady & C Townsend
Breeder: S & C Krickeberg, L Brady & C Townsend
Dog Reg: GCHS Charrons I Wanna See You Be Brave [Dog]
Breed: Boxer
Owner: M Baker
Dog Reg: GCH Seabrooks Good Will Ambassador [Dog]
Breed: Newfoundland
Owner: K Griffin
Breeder: K Griffin & K Benenati

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Pierrette McLean

Total Entry: 37
Dog Reg: GCHG Chyscotts The Greatest Showman [Dog]
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Krissy Shaffer Simmons
Owner: W & L Shafer & K Simmons
Breeder: M Plumb, L & W Shafer & K Simmons
Dog Reg: GCHG Lbks Rebel And Proud Party Crasher [Dog]
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Handler: Blair Aguillard Commisso
Owner: L Kibler, I Ispas, J Branch & L & L Benitez
Dog Reg: Thunderallys Risky Business [Dog]
Breed: Bull Terrier (Colored)
Owner: D & P Dockter & C Gray
Breeder: D Dockter & C Gary
Dog Reg: CH Abberann Im a Soul Man [Dog]
Breed: Glen of Imaal Terrier
Owner: S Aulner & Dr. T Nesbitt

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Joan Luna Liebes

Total Entry: 71
Dog Reg: CH Dan-Star-Kom Cheerful Russian Lord [Dog]
Breed: Pomeranian
Handler: Celeste Madison
Owner: C Madison
Dog Reg: GCHS Anabelle Beautiful [Bitch]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Karen Livingston
Owner: J Able-Jones & J & J Jones
Breeder: O Petrova
Dog Reg: CH Lotuss Wreck It Ralph Breaks The Chinternet [Dog]
Breed: Japanese Chin
Handler: Lori Wilson Paust
Owner: R Baggenstos, M Fittje, C Omatsu & L Baggenstos
Breeder: R & L Baggenstos & C Omatsu
Dog Reg: GCHB Andi On The Road [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Owner: K & R Smart
Breeder: J & E Barbieri & R Morall

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Wayne Morris Thompson

Total Entry: 52
Dog Reg: GCH Horizon Cloudcroft Im No Angel [Dog]
Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
Owner: C Thomas & D Strumbel
Dog Reg: GCHG Good Fortune Good And Ready II [Dog]
Breed: Chinese Shar-Pei
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: J & V Mauk
Breeder: G Fritz
Dog Reg: GCH San Jo Bring Down the HOUSE [Dog]
Breed: Shiba Inu
Handler: Alvin Lee Jr.
Owner: P Blair
Dog Reg: GCH Fissans You Got The Look CGC TKP [Bitch]
Breed: American Eskimo Dog
Owner: L Uthke & D Distel
Breeder: C Nassif

Herding Judge’s Name: Dr. Eric Liebes

Total Entry: 79
Dog Reg: Lajosmeyi The Music Man [Dog]
Breed: Pulik
Handler: Alvin Lee Jr.
Owner: L Finegan, A Quigley & P Turner
Breeder: A Quigley, P Turner & L Finegan
Dog Reg: GCHS Bold North Sporting Fields Get Ready 2 Be Airborne BN RI ACT1 TKN [Dog]
Breed: Border Collie
Owner: A Taylor, R Koeger & D Butt
Breeder: R & Z Koeger & D Butt
Dog Reg: GCH Snowhills Dulin Southern Jasmine [Bitch]
Breed: Polish Lowland Sheepdog
Handler: Dani Goodland-Rose
Owner: K Kim, M & J Dulin & D Hauser
Breeder: K & J Kim
Dog Reg: CH George Creek-Bark-Away Nefertiti of Arrowhead [Bitch]
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: C Smith, S Keida & N & D Bedea


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