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Kennel Club of Salinas – Sunday, October 24, 2021

Show Name: Kennel Club of Salinas
Location: Corning, CA
Show Date: Sunday, October 24, 2021
Total Entry: 363
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Terry Berrios
Show Photographer(s):
Elaine Russell Rushton • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHG Sabes The Skys The Limit [Dog]
Breed: Boston Terrier
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: C Sanchez, M Sanborn & S Saberton
Breeder: Sharon Saberton & Carla Sanchez

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHP Carmel Sky High Wish Upon A Star [Bitch]
Reserve Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Reserve Handler: Jorge Olivera
Reserve Owner: M Jacobs, M Lande, S Soos-Kazel, C Ewer & Y Phelps
Breeder: Susan Coulter & Carma Ewer

NOHS Judge: Wood Wornall
NOHS Dog Reg: CH Firle Oak Empire Maker [Dog]
NOHS Breed: Setter (Irish)
NOHS Handler:
NOHS Owner: A & T Gage
Breeder: Tom & Anita Gage

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson

Total Entry: 69
Dog Reg: GCHB Sierra Ridge Born To Love You [Bitch]
Breed: Vizsla
Handler: Jean Gauchat-Hargis
Owner: Elena Moore & Jannie Humphrey
Dog Reg: CH Sevenoaks Weymouthcatchingifre [Bitch]
Breed: Setter (English)
Handler: Stuart McGraw
Owner: C Hodges, P DiSiena & J Spiers
Breeder: Hilary & Sabrina Oakes & W Potts
Dog Reg: CH Firle Oak Empire Maker [Dog]
Breed: Setter (Irish)
Owner: A & T Gage
Breeder: Tom & Anita Gage
Dog Reg: CH Siegervales Slightly Notorious [Dog]
Breed: Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Owner: D & J Morris
Breeder: Dolores & James Morris

Hound Judge’s Name: Ms. Dianne Kroll

Total Entry: 34
Dog Reg: CH Whirlaway Diablos Bare Knuckle Brawler [Dog]
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Handler: Elizabeth Nelson
Owner: Nancy Faville & Lynn Fitzgerald
Breeder: Lynn Fitzgerald, Jennifer Lazowski & Christine Kitsch
Dog Reg: GCH Wrighteous Look at Me [Bitch]
Breed: Beagle 13 inch
Handler: Stephanie House
Owner: Barbara Wright
Dog Reg: GCH Jorogz Party Patrol [Dog]
Breed: Afghan Hound
Owner: T Rapier & R Teunis
Breeder: John Morton
Dog Reg: CH Corral West Bullet Proof [Dog]
Breed: Portuguese Podengo Pequeno
Owner: S Oliver, J Tachera, S Devore & S MacLeanan
Breeder: Sherry Rae MacLeanan, Stacie Devore & Caitlin Neeley

Working Judge’s Name: Ms. Betty Nelson

Total Entry: 77
Dog Reg: GCH CedarCoves Geordi RODEO Next Generation [Dog]
Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Owner: H Webb & T Strom
Breeder: Carolynn Wamsley
Dog Reg: GCHB Timaru Tallulah [Bitch]
Breed: Anatolian Shepherd Dog
Handler: Stuart McGraw
Owner: J & L Brabyn
Breeder: John & Lesley Brabyn
Dog Reg: GCH Twilight Georgie Girl of Landmark [Bitch]
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Handler: Susie Olivera
Owner: Marilyn Lande
Dog Reg: GCHB Topaz Wildfire For Umunhu THDN [Bitch]
Breed: Siberian Husky
Handler: Lauren House
Owner: Randee McQueen & Margaret Rusher

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson

Total Entry: 30
Dog Reg: GCHP Carmel Sky High Wish Upon A Star [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: M Jacobs, M Lande, S Soos-Kazel, C Ewer & Y Phelps
Breeder: Susan Coulter & Carma Ewer
Dog Reg: GCHB Shastas Easy River [Dog]
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Handler: Corrinne Minnard
Owner: C Minnard
Breeder: C Minnard
Dog Reg: Abberann Rider On The Storm By Galore [Dog]
Breed: Glen of Imaal Terrier
Owner: J Harris & T Nesbitt
Dog Reg: GCHG Nobles Random Reaction At Toria BCAT CGC TKI [Dog]
Breed: Standard Manchester Terrier
Handler: Trina Taylor
Owner: T Taylor-Ghione & V Herbert-Thorsland
Breeder: Victoria Herbert-Thorsland & Trina Taylor-Ghione

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Terry Berrios

Total Entry: 37
Dog Reg: GCHP Nirvanas Skittles [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Handler: Susie Olivera
Owner: E Veltman & V Cox-Flatley
Breeder: Elois Veltman & Virginia Cox-Flatley
Dog Reg: GCHS Bobcat A Nickel For A Kiss [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Stuart McGraw
Owner: A McDonald & P Catterson
Breeder: Anne Catterson, Carol Pagacz & Paul & Kelly Catterson
Dog Reg: GCHB Mariels Tequilla Sunrise [Dog]
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: C Feyka
Breeder: Carolyn Feyka
Dog Reg: GCH Baysides Courageous Gryffindor At Io [Dog]
Breed: Toy Manchester Terrier
Owner: J Biasi
Breeder: Josephine Biasi & Dianna L Texter

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson

Total Entry: 40
Dog Reg: GCHG Sabes The Skys The Limit [Dog]
Breed: Boston Terrier
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: C Sanchez, M Sanborn & S Saberton
Breeder: Sharon Saberton & Carla Sanchez
Dog Reg: GCH Jogosos Wild West At Pendragon [Dog]
Breed: Shiba Inu
Owner: L Pendergast
Breeder: S Ozasa, L Chuan Huang & L Sakashita
Dog Reg: CH Highwoods Lightning Before The THunder [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Erin Piercy
Owner: Alexandra Vorbeck, Anthony Siress & Perry Payson
Dog Reg: GCH Summerwinds Frequent Flyer [Dog]
Breed: Keeshond
Handler: Jean Gauchat-Hargis
Owner: J & J Hargis

Herding Judge’s Name: Mrs. Janice McClary

Total Entry: 76
Dog Reg: GCH Cambrian Ruby Tuesday At Gaitway [Bitch]
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Elizabeth Jordan-Nelson
Owner: B Hong, W Thomas & M Ames
Breeder: Winston Thomas
Dog Reg: Syringa-Sr Easy Rider [Dog]
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Handler: Sarah Mackney
Owner: D Tario, D Sirdofsky & T Crady
Breeder: Tyler Crady & Deborah Sirfdolsky
Dog Reg: GCHB Cordmaker Boys Will Be Boys PT NAP NJP [Dog]
Breed: Puli
Owner: J Moen, C Pronzini, P Kelly & S Huebner
Breeder: P Kelly & S Huebner
Dog Reg: CH Treasures Twist and Shout at Ashber [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Handler: Lauren House
Owner: Kelli DeSoto, Deeann Sammons & Kim Gardner

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Posted by on Oct 24 2021. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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