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Oak Ridge Kennel Club – Sunday, October 3, 2021

Show Name: Oak Ridge Kennel Club
Location: Harriman, TN
Show Date: Sunday, October 3, 2021
Total Entry: 619
Best In Show Judge: Mr. David Bolus
Show Photographer(s):
Cary C. Manaton • Website:

Dog Reg: GCH Aquarius The Legend Continues Alcher [Dog]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: A Mackenzie, T Stone & C Green
Breeder: Cheryl Green, Tim Stone & Jim Briley

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHP Leoralees Lets Boogie With Barstool Mw [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Dachshund (Wirehaired)
Reserve Handler: Marietta Singleton
Reserve Owner: R Addison, M Singleton & M Tipple
Breeder: Robbie Addison & Marietta Singleton

NOHS Judge: Ms. Edweena (Teddy) McDowell
NOHS Dog Reg: Copperridges Wortha Risk On Riverlook [Dog]
NOHS Breed: Australian Shepherd
NOHS Handler:
NOHS Owner: N Gilland & J Miller
Breeder: J & S Miller, S Blanco & J Hanigan

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Roger Gifford

Total Entry: 78
Dog Reg: GCHG Brigadier Shamrock All Silver Stars [Dog]
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: Mike & Julie Lee, Beth Rosener & Jaime Cox
Dog Reg: CH Starrise Downbound Train [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Handler: Ginny Kincer
Owner: E Kandzari
Breeder: Elaine Kandzari
Dog Reg: CH Ciara N Honeygait Belle Of The Ball [Bitch]
Breed: Setter (English)
Owner: V Jacobsen, L Afdahl, A & V Ciaravino
Breeder: A & V Ciaravino, Mary & John Nowak & B Silbernagel
Dog Reg: CH Encores N Kazuyo Queen ILl Do Anything [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: K Hamamachi & J Posner
Breeder: Judie & Larry Posner

Hound Judge’s Name: Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus

Total Entry: 67
Dog Reg: GCHP Leoralees Lets Boogie With Barstool Mw [Dog]
Breed: Dachshund (Wirehaired)
Handler: Marietta Singleton
Owner: R Addison, M Singleton & M Tipple
Breeder: Robbie Addison & Marietta Singleton
Dog Reg: CH Lyonnese Blueprint Of A Legend [Dog]
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Handler: Frank Murphy
Owner: N Davis, M Tauber & D Holly
Breeder: Deborah Holly & Maureen Tauber
Dog Reg: GCH Lost Heritage Knight of Eldorado [Dog]
Breed: Treeing Walker Coonhound
Handler: Cole Vanover
Owner: C Vanover, K Lawless & S Hickman
Dog Reg: CH Epic Select Mohrs Carma Que Changing Da World [Bitch]
Breed: Basenji
Owner: Becky Blansett, Tracy Leonard, H Calveage & S Moore

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. David Bolus

Total Entry: 99
Dog Reg: GCH Aquarius The Legend Continues Alcher [Dog]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: A Mackenzie, T Stone & C Green
Breeder: Cheryl Green, Tim Stone & Jim Briley
Dog Reg: GCHP Rummer Run Maximus Command In Chief [Dog]
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Rick Justice
Owner: S & A Anderson & L Dissinger
Breeder: Lloyd & Dolores Dissinger & Terry Smith
Dog Reg: CH Oceanodarbydales Flash Gordon, Saviouroftheunivers [Dog]
Breed: Newfoundland
Handler: Brittney Lusk
Owner: G & K Griffith, C Bergmann & B Lusk
Breeder: Gigi Griffith & Carol Bergmann
Dog Reg: Bastions Going For Gold [Bitch]
Breed: Bullmastiff
Owner: L Spohr
Breeder: Lynn Spohr

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Houston Clark

Total Entry: 63
Dog Reg: GCH Flawlessly I Mustache You A Question [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
Handler: Kamiron Moates
Owner: K & K Belcher
Breeder: Billy Huntington
Dog Reg: GCH Hardinhaus Simply Irresistible [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Owner: M Harding & T Weyenberg
Breeder: Marian Harding & Kurt Garmaker
Dog Reg: CH Tarquin Terrydale Tater Tot [Bitch]
Breed: Russell Terrier
Handler: Christian Manelopoulos
Owner: R Corbin, MS Bark, M Wooldridge, J Stevens & Chris Manelopoulos
Breeder: Madeleine Sandell Bark, Rachel Corbin, Christian Manelopoulos, Maripi Wooldridge & J Stevens
Dog Reg: GCH Connacht Triskelion Caper [Dog]
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Owner: M Joyce

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Houston (Toddie) Clark

Total Entry: 115
Dog Reg: GCHS Reh-Pins I Am Charmed For Cheristar [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Pinscher
Owner: Cherie McDaniel
Dog Reg: CH Fenice Boo-Dah In The Starz [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Ellen Perry
Owner: E Akers-Perry, K Mims & M Perry
Breeder: Ellen Akers Perry & Matthew Perry
Dog Reg: GCH Mountain Crest My Boy Watson [Dog]
Breed: Pomeranian
Owner: David & Carlene Gilstrap
Dog Reg: GCHS Seabreeze That One Particular Harbor [Dog]
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Sandy Bingham-Porter
Owner: S Bingham-Porter
Breeder: Sandy Bingham-Porter

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Anne Savory Bolus

Total Entry: 83
Dog Reg: GCH Hightide And A Splash of Tarquin [Bitch]
Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
Handler: Chris Manelopoulos
Owner: M Galloway
Breeder: C Manelopoulos, R Corbin, M Galloway & D Backe
Dog Reg: GCH Judos Shantideva At Kan Sing [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Handler: Mike Pitts
Owner: M Feltenstein
Breeder: Donna Etchison
Dog Reg: GCHS QB And Hickory Hills Grand Tradition [Dog]
Breed: Boston Terrier
Owner: C Bosley
Breeder: Dominic & Jodi Koon, Beverly Nelson & Linda Alexander
Dog Reg: CH Paintabull Here Comes Amos [Dog]
Breed: Bulldog
Owner: Phyllis Portera & Greg Rodgers

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Edweena (Teddy) McDowell

Total Entry: 114
Dog Reg: GCH Cordmaker Punchinello [Dog]
Breed: Puli
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: E Charles, S Kaul, M Feltenstein, R Beinhauer, L Pitts & P Kelly
Dog Reg: CH Ratatat Outstanding At Pickraafts [Bitch]
Breed: Berger Picard
Owner: L Coomes, L Sanchez & R Smith
Breeder: Renee Smith, Elizabeth Richards & Laura Coomes
Dog Reg: GCHS Cadnocluns Trippy Little Hippie [Bitch]
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Owner: E Hillebrand & M McShane
Breeder: Elizabeth Hillebrand & Marian McShane
Dog Reg: GCH Kokopellis N Kurpas Youre Bacon Me Crazy [Dog]
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog
Owner: Heather Warn, Cheryl Kurpas, Kimgigi Griffith, Kelli Watkins & Joyce Rowland

Jr Judge: Mr. Roger Gifford
Jr Handler: Taylor Blankenship
Jr Breed: Toy Manchester Terrier


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Posted by on Oct 3 2021. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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