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Virginia Kennel Club – Sunday, June 26, 2016

Show Name: Virginia Kennel Club
Location: Richmond, VA
Show Date: Sunday, June 26, 2016
Total Entry: 1017
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Debbie Campbell-Freeman
Dog Reg: GCh Magnificos Rekindled Spirit [Dog]
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Tara Martin-Rowell
Owner: K & T MacKenzie
Breeder: Tony & Kimberly MacKenzie

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Grandcru Giaconda CGC [Bitch]
Reserve Breed: Greyhound
Reserve Handler: Rindi Gaudet
Reserve Owner: M Steele, A Phelan, R Tomlin & R Gaudet
Breeder: Melanie Steele, Rindi Gaudet & Rose Tomlin

Nohs Judge: Dr. Steve Keating
Nohs Dog Reg: GCh Northwind Singin The Blues [Dog]
Nohs Breed: Australian Shepherd
Nohs Handler: Michaela Hope Matkins
Nohs Owner: J Matkins, L Thompson & M Matkins
Breeder: Laurie Thompson

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Gregory Anderson

Total Entry: 189
Dog Reg: GCh Mar-Ks Sunrise At Midnight [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Handler: Jeff Hanlin
Owner: J Hanlin, M Ragusa & M Ness
Breeder: Michelle Mitchell, Marlene Ness & Mark Ragusa
Dog Reg: GCh Seasyde Holly Golightly [Bitch]
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Katie Shepard
Owner: H Medeiros, J Douthit & J Kempster
Breeder: Helyne Medeiros & Sean & Tammy McCarthy
Dog Reg: GCh Camelots Luxe The Glass Slipper Fits JH [Bitch]
Breed: Weimaraner
Handler: Michelle Scott
Owner: J Aune & S Thomas
Breeder: Susan Thomas
Dog Reg: Ch Highfield N Heywire Diamonds R A Girls Best Friend [Bitch]
Breed: Pointer (German Wirehaired)
Owner: P & L Kincaid
Breeder: Pam & Larry Kincaid, Bernee Brawn & Judy Cheshire

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Jon Cole

Total Entry: 120
Dog Reg: GCh Grandcru Giaconda CGC [Bitch]
Breed: Greyhound
Handler: Rindi Gaudet
Owner: M Steele, A Phelan, R Tomlin & R Gaudet
Breeder: Melanie Steele, Rindi Gaudet & Rose Tomlin
Dog Reg: GCh Torquay Midnight Victory [Bitch]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Handler: Marcelo Chagas
Owner: M Chagas, M & A Botelho & R Travis
Breeder: Marcelo Chagas, Marco Flavio Botelho, Alessandra Botelho & Roger Travis
Dog Reg: GCh Robert Redford Of Malabo Apd [Dog]
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Handler: Michelle Scott
Owner: A Paola Diniz
Breeder: A Paola Diniz
Dog Reg: GCh Kiarrys Stonewall Jackson [Dog]
Breed: American Foxhound
Handler: Lisa Miller
Owner: E Charles & L Miller
Breeder: Harry & Lisa Miller

Working Judge’s Name: Mrs. Judith Daniels

Total Entry: 187
Dog Reg: GCh Mephistos Speak Of The Devil [Bitch]
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: J Billhardt & S Tenenbaum
Breeder: Michelle & Peter Yeadon Jr. & Monika Pinsker
Dog Reg: GCh Rivergroves Enough Said [Dog]
Breed: Great Pyrenees
Handler: Angela Lloyd
Owner: J Boyd & M Stewart
Breeder: Mckee Cox, Jean Boyd & Marcia Stewart
Dog Reg: GCh Meadow View Wildcard [Dog]
Breed: Komondor
Handler: Darlene Bergar
Owner: S & M Harman
Breeder: Sherry & Michael Harman
Dog Reg: GCh Southern Star Norse God Odin At Valhalla [Dog]
Breed: Great Dane
Handler: Douglas Toomey
Owner: J & S Moore & S Hill
Breeder: J & S Moore & S Hill

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Hutton

Total Entry: 99
Dog Reg: Marquees It AinT No Trick [Bitch]
Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Owner: B Phelps & S Urquhart
Breeder: Richard & Sonya Urquhart
Dog Reg: Ch Thor-Kourt Traviata Keegtosca [Bitch]
Breed: Lakeland Terrier
Handler: Margery Good
Owner: M Cohen & B Robinson
Breeder: MJ Cohen & Beverly Robinson
Dog Reg: GCh Repititions Simply Spectacular Of Hardinhaus [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Owner: M Harding, K Garmaker & M Murphy
Breeder: Nancy Blackburn & Kurt Garmaker
Dog Reg: GCh Brownstones Supermarine Spitfire [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Bull Terrier
Owner: K Toland, J McIlwaine & C Brown-Stone
Breeder: Crissy Brown-Stone, Steve Stone & Rosalind Clamper

Toy Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 168
Dog Reg: GCh Magnificos Rekindled Spirit [Dog]
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Tara Martin-Rowell
Owner: K & T MacKenzie
Breeder: Tony & Kimberly MacKenzie
Dog Reg: GCh Marchwind Barbara Ann [Bitch]
Breed: Italian Greyhound
Handler: Justin Smithey
Owner: C Harris
Breeder: Lois March M.D.
Dog Reg: GCh Pequest Pickwick [Dog]
Breed: Pekingese
Handler: David Fitzpatrick
Owner: N Shapland & D Fitzpatrick
Breeder: David Fitzpatrick
Dog Reg: GCh Fleur De Passy (T M) Dauphin [Dog]
Breed: Japanese Chin
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: A Lopker, M. D.
Breeder: Anita Lopker M.D.

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Hutton

Total Entry: 119
Dog Reg: GCh Iacta Alea Est De La Bete [Bitch]
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Jodi Longmire
Owner: P Shaw, B Hamman & P Photos
Breeder: Blake Hamman & Peter Photos
Dog Reg: GCh Kan Sings Ambriers Manaslu V. Altnaharra [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: M Feltenstein
Breeder: M Feltenstein & M Driskill
Dog Reg: GCh Tiburcio Da Maya [Dog]
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Chris Manelopoulos
Owner: D Cozart & M Vanhoe
Breeder: Zuleika Borges Torrealba
Dog Reg: Ch Splash Mind You [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Poodle
Owner: D Balke

Herding Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 131
Dog Reg: GCh Dunhill Steeler Nation [Dog]
Breed: Bearded Collie
Handler: Katie Shepard
Owner: R & K Harrington, V & S Shafer & C Scott Wathen
Breeder: Ray Harrington, Dr. Kathy Harrington & Carolyn O’Neil
Dog Reg: GCh Senderos Femme Fatale [Bitch]
Breed: Briard
Handler: Joan Scott
Owner: M & T Millner
Breeder: Merry Jeanne & Tommy Millner
Dog Reg: Qubics Tru Blu At Peek-A-Boo [Dog]
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Handler: Jim Caplan
Owner: J & G Caplan
Breeder: Patricia Costick & Mary Anne Brocious
Dog Reg: GCh Eclipse De La Petite Ferme De Wihr [Dog]
Breed: Pyrenean Shepherd
Handler: Brendan Coleman
Owner: P Princehouse & E Edgerton
Breeder: Patricia Reeb

Misc Judge: Mr. Jon Cole
Misc Dog Reg: Sidekicks Historie De Belle Bourree [Bitch]
Misc Breed: Grand Bassett Griffon Vendeen
Misc Handler:
Misc Owner: Kathryn Schini, Brent Humphrey & Corey Benedict

Jr Judge: Mr. Jon Cole
Jr Handler: Corinne Kolzow See Rankings
Jr Dog Reg: GCh Foxboros I’ll Have Another [Dog]
Jr Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)

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Posted by on Jun 26 2016. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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