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Grand Valley Kennel Club – Friday, September 25, 2015

Show Name: Grand Valley Kennel Club
Location: Grand Junction, CO
Show Date: Friday, September 25, 2015
Total Entry: 485
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Nancy Simmons
Dog Reg: GCh Sabes Simply Invincible [Dog]
Breed: Boston Terrier
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: J & C Sanchez & S Saberton
Breeder: Sharon Saberton

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Friends Sargeant Breakthrough [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Mastiff
Reserve Handler: Pam Gilley
Reserve Owner: J Sanchez, J Friend, C Sanchez & D Friend
Breeder: Jack & Debbie Friend

National Owner-Handled Series Best in Show: GCh. Chinchar’s Hard to Resist

Breed: Long Coat Chihuahua

Breed: M Meyer

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard

Total Entry: 93
Dog Reg: GCh Rainbow Splashs Ruggedly Handsome [Dog]
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: C Douglas, J & A Andras, K Hogan & A Cone
Breeder: Kathy Hogan & Elud Archuleta Cressler
Dog Reg: GCh Clussexx Over The Legal Limit [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Clumber)
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: J & C Sanchez
Breeder: Clussexx Regd., Jamie Hubbard, Michael & Shirley Lambert & Wayne Holbrook
Dog Reg: GCh Harline Winweim Encore Bravo Love YAll [Bitch]
Breed: Weimaraner
Handler: Susan Line
Owner: S Line, A Andras & D Johnson
Breeder: Georgia Strong
Dog Reg: GCh Solivias Dexterity At Skyhi [Dog]
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Jolene Krohn
Owner: J & M Krohn, S Thompson & K Brown
Breeder: Jose Herrera, Susan Thompson & Dennis & Katey Brown

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Stein

Total Entry: 53
Dog Reg: GCh DC Sendjis Step Right Up MC LCX CGC [Dog]
Breed: Pharaoh Hound
Handler: Shari Lee
Owner: C Guinn & W Martin
Breeder: Cynthia Guinn & William Martin
Dog Reg: GCh Iceage V. Tum-Tums Vriendjes [Dog]
Breed: Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: D King, B Duelks, B Major & N Frost
Breeder: G.M. Huikeshoven
Dog Reg: GCh Toskydox Karate Do Ss [Dog]
Breed: Dachshund (Smoothhaired)
Handler: Lorene Hogan
Owner: S Lutosky
Breeder: Sharon Lutosky
Dog Reg: Greyplumes Retrofit [Dog]
Breed: Norwegian Elkhound
Owner: G Haggerty
Breeder: Glenda Haggerty

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Stein

Total Entry: 135
Dog Reg: GCh Friends Sargeant Breakthrough [Dog]
Breed: Mastiff
Handler: Pam Gilley
Owner: J Sanchez, J Friend, C Sanchez & D Friend
Breeder: Jack & Debbie Friend
Dog Reg: GCh Mojos Continuation Of A Myth [Dog]
Breed: Akita
Handler: Beep Lee
Owner: S Borrmann
Breeder: Stacey & Paul Borrmann
Dog Reg: GCh Baars Oh, The Places YouLl Go! [Dog]
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Sarah Wintrone
Owner: A Stelmach, B McLelland & A Callahan
Breeder: Ann Callahan, Betsy McLelland & Aubyn Stelmach
Dog Reg: Ch Altitudes Avalanche Zone [Dog]
Breed: Bullmastiff
Handler: Colton Johnson
Owner: K McAlister & G Bader
Breeder: Kathy McAlister & Gwen Bader

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Stein

Total Entry: 24
Dog Reg: GCh Bryr Rose Matisse [Dog]
Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Handler: Susie Olivera
Owner: M Jacobs & E & J Koharik
Breeder: Jeanne Ferris
Dog Reg: Ch Deran Imprint At Shadow Rock [Dog]
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Owner: M Reum
Breeder: Deb & Randall Rogers
Dog Reg: GCh Landes Chairman Of The Board,Esq [Dog]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: M Lande & L Harstad
Breeder: Marilyn Lande & Lyle Harstad
Dog Reg: GCh Vips I Know You Know At Albion [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Bull Terrier
Owner: K & A Short
Breeder: F Milteer

Toy Judge’s Name: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard

Total Entry: 44
Dog Reg: GCh Hitimes What The Inferno [Dog]
Breed: Pomeranian
Handler: Curtiss Smith
Owner: B Bird & U Littichaikun
Breeder: Joan & Ashley Carcasole
Dog Reg: GCh Hilltops GQ Cover Boy [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Shari Lee
Owner: P Brown
Breeder: Carole Ross & Sharon Tadlock
Dog Reg: GCh Winsomes Home Run For Nirvana [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: E Veltman & V Cox-Flatley
Breeder: Virginia Cox-Flatley & Christa Reisinger
Dog Reg: GCh Miletree Joshua [Dog]
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: B & S Henry
Breeder: PC & RK Towse

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 59
Dog Reg: GCh Sabe’s Simply Invincible [Dog]
Breed: Boston Terrier
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: J & C Sanchez & S Saberton
Breeder: Sharon Saberton
Dog Reg: GCh Mickywins Mainio Skandia CGC [Dog]
Breed: Finnish Spitz
Handler: Ric Plaut
Owner: P Urton
Breeder: Susan Jones & Barbara Tent
Dog Reg: GCh Kimiks Who Dunnit [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Terrier
Handler: Lois DeMers
Owner: D Planche, M DeMers & L DeMers
Breeder: Mikki DeMers, Dina Planche & Lois DeMers
Dog Reg: CH Blessed Acres Pearly Gates [Bitch]
Breed: French Bulldog
Owner: Lorii & Randel Stone

Herding Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 77
Dog Reg: Ch Jasms Just Cowboy Up [Dog]
Breed: Bouvier des Flandres
Handler: Heather Johnson
Owner: D Gschwender & J Vaughn
Breeder: Joyce & George Vaughn & Richard Denman
Dog Reg: GCh Kokopellis Sobe It [Bitch]
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog
Handler: Kim Griffith
Owner: J Rowland, H Warn, K Watkins & C Kurpas
Breeder: Heather Warn
Dog Reg: GCh Riverwest Asante CGC [Dog]
Breed: Entlebucher Mountain Dog
Handler: Barbara House
Owner: M Renger
Breeder: Sarah Haley
Dog Reg: GCh Wild Winds DonT Stop Believing
Breed: Collie (Smooth)
Handler: Laura Bergstraser
Owner: M & L Bergstraser & A Towell
Breeder: Michelle & Laura Bergstraser

Misc Judge: Ms. Helen Haas
Misc Dog Reg: Jamaica V Tum-Tum’s Vriendes
Misc Breed: Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Misc Handler: Lois DeMers
Misc Owner: Dina Planche, Lois DeMers & Gwen Huikeshoven

Jr Judge: Ms. Elizabeth Muthard
Jr Handler: Roxanne Bashor
Jr Breed: Brittany


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Posted by on Sep 25 2015. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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