Arapahoe Kennel Club Dog Show – Denim & Diamonds, Sports Jerseys, Girl Scouts, and DOGS!
It is my pleasure to chair the Arapahoe Kennel Club Dog Shows where we had approximately 1,000 dogs, 150 Girl Scouts, and lots of Denim & Diamonds and Sports Jerseys; not to mention great FUN!
We had a great panel of judges along with a great entry of dogs and it all came together with the efforts of some fabulous volunteers! Truly, I could not ask for a better or more positive dog show crew! Thank you all for everything you did to make our shows a success!
The show site is really wonderful for dog shows and though we had a little construction dust with the expansion efforts, all the feedback about the showgrounds is positive and we are looking forward to the new added building next year. We are ready to partner with other clubs who need a great place for their specialty!
Joining us this year for a concurrent specialty was The Norwegian Lundehund Association of America; and the Great Dane Club of Greater Denver & Greater Swiss Mountain Dog Club of America both with both supported entries! We thank you for joining in and helping to make our shows even more special for your breed participants!
Our weather was in the mild 70’s and per Onofrio, the grounds were in the best shape ever! We had additional vendors this year, and plenty of room for our participant’s pop up tents on the grass as well good inside grooming and crating.
The club had a terrific club raffle, and also held a Health Clinic for Hearts and Eyes, and each afternoon we served up delicious cake during our Groups and Best In Show!
Arapahoe Kennel Club is passionate about the future of dog showing, so we launched our Junior Scholarship Program of $500 per day to the winning Best Junior! In addition we started our first Junior Clothing Exchange where we recycled about 50-60 junior outfits.
We were delighted to again have the Girl Scouts, approximately 150, at the show to learn about Dogs & Dog Showing while earning their Dog Show Patch by completing the program developed by club member Marlene Groves. We thank them for attending and we thank all those who took your time talk to them about your dogs!
The club appreciates the kind comments we received from participants, and we will continue to do our very best to make our shows the shows you put on your dog show calendar. We do look forward to seeing you all next year!
My sincere thanks to my show committee and all who made this event a success; and my congratulations to all the winners!
SATURDAY BEST IN SHOW: (Maltese) GCH CH Magnifico’s Rekindled Spirit
SATURDAY RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: (Brittany) GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome
SATURDAY BEST JUNIOR: Annessa Towell from the Open Senior class.
Sporting: (Brittany) GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome
Hound: (PBGV) GCH CH Iceage V tum-tums Vriendjes
Working: (Great Pyrenees) GCH CH Geysercreek Starmounts Tag Im It
Terrier: (Mini Bull Terrier) GCH CH Vip’s I Know You Know At Albion
Toy: (Maltese) GCH CH Magnifico’s Rekindled Spirit
Non Sporting: (Chinese Shar-Pei) GCH CH Jade East Catch Some Z’s
Herding: (Bouvier de Flandres) CH Jasms Just Cowboy Up
Norwegian Lundehund Specialty Winner: CH Sakari’s Bound For Infamie
SUNDAY BEST IN SHOW: (PBGV) GCH CH Iceage V tum-tums Vriendjes
SUNDAY RESERVE BEST IN SHOW: (Bernese Mountain Dog) GCH CH Tanzanite Learning Curve RN NDD
SUNDAY BEST JUNIOR: Taylor Del Duca from the Masters class.
Sporting: (Brittany) GCH CH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome
Hound: (PBGV) GCH CH Iceage V tum-tums Vriendjes
Working: (Bernese Mountain Dog) GCH CH Tanzanite Learning Curve RN NDD
Terrier: (Mini Bull Terrier) GCH CH Vip’s I Know You Know At Albion
Toy: (Cavalier King Charles Spaniel) GCH CH Miletree Joshua
Non Sporting: (Chinese Shar-Pei) GCH CH Jade East Catch Some Z’s
Herding: (Mini American Shepherd) GCH CH Coal Dust Love That Lady In Red CM
The Arapahoe Kennel Club was established in 2006 and serves one of the largest and fastest growing areas in Colorado, Arapahoe county (which is bordered by Elbert county to the southeast, Adams county to the northeast, and Denver county to the west). For more information on the Arapahoe Kennel Club, please visit
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