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Real-Life Superdogs: Five Reasons Dogs Are Amazing

By: James Mitchell

“Lots of people talk to animals . . . not very many listen though . . . that’s the problem,” said Benjamin Hoff in “The Tao of Pooh.” Dogs have been by our side since we spoke in grunts and hunted woolly mammoths— willing to help, heal and hug in any way they can. Nothing brightens a dog lover’s day like watching their furry friend bolt through the dog door and into their arms, and science is only starting to figure out why . . .

Looking At Them Makes You More Productive

Who doesn’t love to look at adorable puppies?  A study by the University of Hiroshima revealed that the mere act of looking at puppy pictures could increase your productivity by 44 percent. The study featured three groups of people asked to complete different tasks. The tasks were designed to measure efficiency, attentiveness and accuracy. The group shown images of baby animals showed consistent improved scores in every arena.

They Can Detect Certain Types of Cancer

Those cold, wet noses are more than just cute, they can sniff out an astounding amount of data. In 1989, a woman noticed her dog incessantly sniffing a mole on her leg, trying to bite it off. This prompted her to get it checked, and it turned out to be melanoma. Further studies reveal that dogs can also become adept at sniffing out ovarian, lung, skin, colon and bladder cancer ( In one study, an 8-year-old black Lab named Panda was able to correctly diagnose  33 out of 37 cases of bladder cancer.

You Are More Active With a Dog

Adults with dogs are 54 percent more likely to get their daily exercise requirements. Dogs are the most likely pet to demand your attention— who can say no to that wagging tail and happy face? A study by the University of Victoria showed that dog owners walked an average of 300 minutes a week, compared to only 168 for non-dog owners. The added activity translates to better heart health, lower blood pressure and even lower cholesterol.

Food Allergies? Your Dog Might Know

We’ve all heard of bomb-sniffing dogs, but they can do much more than that. For people who suffer from severe food allergens, a trace of said substance in the air can pose a serious danger. The Florida Canine Academy trains their dogs to sniff allergies and alert their owner. Their noses are so powerful, they can detect even miniscule amounts of allergens.

They’re Great Physical Therapists

Therapy pets have helped and even saved countless lives. Dogs encourage mobility, contact and even socialization. Oxytocin, or “the cuddle hormone” is released in your brain when you pet a dog. Oxytocin is responsible for happiness, connections and reducing stress and anxiety. Dogs are ideal partners for anyone seeking a partner in recovery from physical or emotional injury. According to Psychology Today, eye contact with a dog is enough to produce oxytocin. There is no pill that can replicate the human-dog bond, it’s all natural, effective and scientifically proven.

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