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AKC Letter Regarding Federal Pandemic Relief to 501(c) 3 Organizations

Below is AKC’s letter to Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader McCarthy and Minority Leader Schumer regarding Federal Pandemic Relief to 501(c) 3 Organizations:

Re: American Kennel Club — Non – Political Non – Profits Generate Local Economic Activity — Need Same Federal Pandemic Relief Offered to 501(c) 3 Organizations

Dear Speaker Pelosi, Majority Leader McConnell, Minority Leader McCarthy and Minority Leader Schumer:

I am writing to you today on behalf of the American Kennel Club (AKC), the world’s largest not – for – profit registry of purebred dogs and our more than 5,000 dog clubs in all 50 states. Together with our clubs, the AKC educates the public about pure and purpose – bred dog s as family companion s and as working dogs used by our military, police and those with disabilities. The AKC Detection Dog Conference and Program brings together explosives detection dog experts from the military, multiple federal agencies, and state and local police organizations to improve training and provide dogs to protect our nat ion at transportation hubs including airports and railways, high security locations, and public venues.

The AKC also works to advance canine health and well – being for all dogs and promotes r esponsible dog ownership . The majority of our activities involve educating the public about responsible dog ownership through sponsoring more than 22,000 educational and sporting canine events annually, with over 3. 3 million individual entrants in communities across America. To accomplish these goals AKC registered as a non – political 501 (c) 4 organization in 1956; and many of our community – based clubs have 501(c) 7 status.

Family – friendly events conducted by AKC dog clubs not only provide educational opportunities that range from history, to animal husbandry, to leadership and sportsmanship skills for all ages — they also generate significant economic impact for the communities in which they take place. Typical exhibitors at a dog show or event will spend approximately weekend in communities where the events take place. Nationwide, AKC events have the potential to generate more than $ 2 billion a year into local economies annually.

As with many other businesses and not – for – profit organizations, AKC and our local clubs have suffered harsh re percussions as a result of the COVID – 19 pandemic. Since March more than 6,500 events – approximately one – third of our annual events – have been cancelled, threatening the ability of AKC to maintain administrative operations, and the myriad of beneficial impacts provided by AKC and AKC clubs*, as well as threatening small businesses that rely on AKC events, and depriving community – based clubs of crucial funds to maintain their operations.

Unfortunately, the definition of “non – profit” as only 501 (c) 3 status organizations in the last CARES Act precluded the opportunity for AKC, our local clubs or similar non – political organizations that provide financial, educational cultural benefit to communities across the country from obtaining much – needed relief.

As you consider additional assistance for impacted organizations in the next CARES relief package, we urge you to please include assistance similar to the Paycheck Protection Plan for beneficial non – political, not – for profit organizations with 501(c)(4) and (c)( 7) designations.

Thank you for your consideration and your leadership on this important matter.


Dennis B Sprung

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Posted by on Apr 23 2020. Filed under Breaking News, Featured. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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