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World Dog Show 2015 Milano, Italy Registration Announcement

All exhibitors are invited to pay particular attention during the registration of their dogs, when choosing “Club Show” and/or “World Dog Show”.  In case of wrong registration of the dog to the world dog show instead of club show (or vice versa), the exhibitor has to make a new registration for the event in which he/she intends to enter the dog and make a new payment. It is not possible to make movements from an event to the other, now and before the start of judgments the day of unrolling of the event. Delegates and operators of the secretariat office will be informed in this regard. Each case, duly documented and any request for a partial refund for incorrect registration, will be examined the days following the closing date of the WDS 2015.

This note was added to registration page:

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Posted by on Apr 27 2015. Filed under World News. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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