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Change In Policy For Judges Awarding Challenge Certificates In Second And Third Breeds

The Kennel Club General Committee has announced a change in policy for judges who are approved to award CCs in one breed and go on to award them in a second and third breed.

In addition to the existing requirement for judges to have a minimum of 5 years’ judging experience of any subsequent breed they intend to judge, it will also become mandatory to attend and pass at least one breed specific seminar for each of the second and third breeds for which they are nominated for approval to award Challenge Certificates.  This will apply to all questionnaires received on or after 1st January 2016.

The updated policy for awarding CCs to second and third breeds will require a judge to:

  • Have completed a minimum of 5 years’ judging in the breed between their first judging appointment and the date of their proposed appointment to award CCs
  • Have awarded CCs to at least one other breed
  • Have judged the required number of dogs for this breed
  • Have attended at least one breed specific seminar and passed an examination and/or assessment (aside from in exceptional circumstances) for each of the breeds, run by a breed club in accordance with the relevant Kennel Club Code of Best Practice.

The General Committee is aware that, within some breeds, breed club assessments and/or exams are not always readily available. Breed clubs are urged to ensure that these events are open to all interested parties and held on a regular basis.

Caroline Kisko, Kennel Club Secretary, said: “The Kennel Club has listened to the views and comments of those breed clubs and breed councils that have, when completing breed club opinion forms, highlighted the importance of breed specific seminars in ensuring that all show judges have a clear understanding and sufficient knowledge of the breed.

“The Kennel Club believes that this change in policy will maintain the highest possible standards of knowledge for all judges, and is in line with one of the KC’s key strategic objectives, to encourage the development of all those concerned with dogs through education and training.”

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