Table Talk · June 10, 2020
And we’re off!!!! The first dog show since the COVID-19 ‘corona-cation’ will occur in Guthrie, Oklahoma from Saturday, June 27 to Tuesday, June 30th at the Lazy E Arena. Fanciers banded together and got The Learning Cluster put together and approved in record time. The goal of this cluster is to try different approaches and determine what works best to safely hold dog shows while paying close attention to health and safety concerns surrounding COVID-19. Once entries opened for The Learning Cluster, the entry limit of 1200 per show was reached overnight! Congratulations to all involved in putting these shows together. The Southern Handler’s Charity League is working closely with Terry James and Onofrio to ensure a healthy, safe environment for all. Kudos to everyone who had a hand in getting this cluster off the ground!
I was saddened to see and hear that those who worked so hard to help get our sport back up and running were subjected to negative and disrespectful comments. Attending a dog show at this time is a decision each individual makes for themselves. It would benefit us all during these times to adopt the “I’ll do me, you do you” philosophy. It is okay if you do not want to attend a show at this time. You should not be judged for that decision. It is also okay for those who do want to get back out there sooner rather than later. If we all reserve judgement and focus on what is best in our own situation, it will be much healthier and productive for the sport and those involved in it. It is important that everyone that has made the decision to attend shows be prepared to abide by the safety and health guidelines that have been developed and you must be flexible as we learn the best way to keep those attending safe. Please make sure you read and familiarize yourself with the guidelines prior to attending the show, come equipped with your mask and hand sanitizer, and leave your crazy at home!
The Western Ohio Summer Cluster has been rescheduled for August 14-16 at the Lima Show grounds in Lima, Ohio. The Steel City cluster in Canfield, Ohio has been approved for their regularly scheduled dates of July 30-August 2nd. There will be three consecutive weeks of shows in Ohio during this time, provided Lorain County gets the green light. Fanciers can start their trip in Canfield, Ohio then attend the Lorain County shows, then proceed to Lima, Ohio for the Western Ohio Summer Cluster. For those exhibitors wanting to stay over, the Lima show grounds can accommodate those coming from Lorain County. Contact Nina Fetter for more information at
Congratulations to Nina Fetter for her perseverance in convincing the Allen County Health Department to allow the shows. As a result of her efforts, The Miami Valley Labrador Retriever Club will be able to hold their specialties on their regularly scheduled dates of June 26-27 at the Lima Show Grounds.
The Kalamazoo, Michigan shows have been approved by the Kalamazoo Health Department for their rescheduled dates of August 27-August 31. All rings will be outside. Entries for this show will open early July and will have a limit of 1500.
Those exhibitors who have not completed MB-F’s COVID-19 survey are urged to do so. You can find a link to the survey on the website.
A shout-out to Karen Munster who will be holding an all-breed match at her farm in Illinois on June 27th. You can reach out to Karen via Facebook Messenger for more information.
Karen Hanson is working hard to coordinate Brittany specialties which will be held the first weekend of August in Mineral, Virginia. What started as two specialties has now increased to four as fanciers work together to maximize their opportunity! Great job to all and best of luck to you with your specialties.
This past weekend Anna Stromberg and several other exhibitors banded together to hold an all-breed match at the showgrounds in Brooksville, Florida. Mother Nature decided to add a challenge as the exhibitors had to weather a torrential downpour, but everyone who attended the match considered the evening a success! Congratulations to all involved for your hard work and dedication in making the event fun for all, and for helping people get back in the ring!
Some might say that being involved in the sport of purebred dogs keeps us young. If Teresa Vila is any indication, I would have to say that is indeed true! Teresa called her daughter, Mercedes, and asked her if they should meet at the shows in Oklahoma. Living in North Carolina, Teresa, at 80 years young, was ready to drive 19 hours to the dog show! Now I know who Mercedes gets her drive from, literally!
As you can see, the reopening is moving forward quickly and we will all be together very soon to celebrate at dog shows with our friends! I can’t wait to see you all.
Our thoughts are with David Stout as his mother recovers from cancer surgery. Hang in there, my friend!
Happy Anniversary to Colton and Heather Johnson. May you lovebirds continue to thrive and celebrate many more years of love and happiness.
Lesli and Danny Smith are also celebrating their wedding anniversary. Happy Anniversary to the two of you! May life bring you many more years of joy.
Celebrating birthdays this week are: Terry Chacon, Jan Kolnik, Daniel Chavez, Jordan Olivera, Cathy Schaefer, Patti Neale, DeeDee Wells and Rita Holloway.
Be safe and be smart my friends. I look forward to seeing one and all very soon. Until next time….
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