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Tualatin Kennel Club – Sunday, January 20, 2013

Show Name: Tualatin Kennel Club
Location: Portland, OR
Show Date: Sunday, January 20, 2013
Total Entry: 2685
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Monica Canestrini
Dog Reg: GCh Clussexx Collaboration With Traddies
Breed: Clumber Spaniel
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: W Holbrook, B Dowd, M Capone, J Haverick and A&P Jarmillo

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Afterall Painting The Sky
Reserve Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Reserve Handler: Gabriel Rangel
Reserve Owner: Victor Malzoni, Jr.,and T Steele and S&M Olund and Diane Ryan

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. James Covey
Dog Reg: GCh Clussexx Collaboration With Traddies
Breed: Clumber Spaniel
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: W Holbrook, B Dowd, M Capone, J Haverick and A&P Jarmillo
Dog Reg: GCh Mich’s Mt Ready Aim Fire
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Kristina Rickard
Owner: Tom & Lori & Kristina Rickard, John Davies
Dog Reg: GCh Dogwdcreek’s La Vite E Bella
Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer
Handler: Valerie Nunes-Atkinson
Owner: Lynne R. Duncan
Dog Reg: GCh Mountain View National Claim
Breed: German Wirehaired Pointer
Handler: Robert Perry
Owner: Peter & Norma Paduch and Betty Stroh

Hound Judge’s Name: Dr. Robert A. Indeglia
Dog Reg: GCh Downhome Hitech Innovator
Breed: Harrier
Handler: Susie Olivera
Owner: Joe Sanchez
Dog Reg: GCh Windbourne HD Ranch King Of The Road
Breed: Black & Tan Coonhound
Handler: Shea Skinner
Owner: Shelley Campbell, Shea & Tiffany Skinner and Christian Rutten
Dog Reg: GCh Flessner’s International Space Station at H
Breed: Bloodhound
Handler: Michael Brantley
Owner: Judy McDonald
Dog Reg: GCh Aberdeen’s Ultimate Addiction
Breed: Otterhound
Owner: John Mullen, D Blunt, J McIlwaine

Working Judge’s Name: Mrs. Linda C. Krukar
Dog Reg: GCh Dreamcatcher Major Victory of Loki
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
Handler: Tony Carter
Owner: Debra Parsons and William Slayton
Dog Reg: GCh Roseknoll Sunny Benjamin
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Owner: Christa Diamant & Ellen Leyda and Chuck & S Teasley
Dog Reg: Sevens One In A Million RN
Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
Owner: Stacy Slade
Dog Reg: GCh Framboise Something Ventured Something Gained
Breed: Great Pyrenees
Owner: Peggy & Stephen Hughes and Peggy Watson

Terrier Judge’s Name: Dr. John A. Reeve-Newson
Dog Reg: GCh Afterall Painting The Sky
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Handler: Gabriel Rangel
Owner: Victor Malzoni, Jr.,and T Steele and S&M Olund and Diane Ryan
Dog Reg: GCh Alpine’s Ring Of Fire
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Handler: Rowan Baggenstos
Owner: Benjamin Mosing, Ed & Karen Thomason and V Piltz
Dog Reg: GCh Deerhaven Hez JJustin Kredibleatorion
Breed: West Highland White Terrier
Handler: Rebecca Cross
Owner: D Bouderra and I Keushgenian and J&G Kays & D&P Zendel
Dog Reg: GCh King Mtn Alice Springs
Breed: Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Owner: Cathi Chriscaden-Tower and Marlene & C Furlong

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. James C. Briley
Dog Reg: GCh Sharbelle Greg-Mar International Boy
Breed: Toy Poodle
Handler: Amy Rutherford
Owner: Ray & Sharon Stevens and Martin Gregory
Dog Reg: GCh Tamarin Tarheel
Breed: Affenpinscher
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: Ann Shultz and Gary Shultz
Dog Reg: Briarcliff Mikey Likes It
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Andy Linton
Owner: Lynn Curtis & Ann Leatherbury
Dog Reg: Ch CR Global Affair
Breed: Pomeranian
Handler: .
Owner: Robert & Celeste Solano & Deena Simon

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Richard G. Beauchamp
Dog Reg: Ch Imperious Hamitup Double Vision
Breed: Bulldog
Handler: Jay Serion
Owner: Landon Jordan
Dog Reg: GCh Brighton Lakeridge Encore
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Tim Brazier
Owner: Toni & Martin Sosnoff
Dog Reg: GCh Paray’s Power & Privilege
Breed: Bichon Frises
Handler: R Tray Pittman
Owner: Laura & Martin Winston, Rosio & Paul Flores
Dog Reg: GCh Shilo Time For A Good Time
Breed: Tibetan Spaniels
Handler: Christopher Keith
Owner: Shirley Carroll

Herding Judge’s Name: Mrs. Chris Walkowicz
Dog Reg: GCh Kensington’s Artful Dodger
Breed: Border Collie
Handler: Laurie Fenner
Owner: Mary Ann & Lisa Waldo
Dog Reg: GCh Woodstock’s Belle Starr
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Megan Hof
Owner: Linda Buell
Dog Reg: Ch Wigglesworth Thriller
Breed: Bearded Collie
Handler: Jorge Olivera
Owner: Anna Marie Yura & Dawn Symes & S Ipser
Dog Reg: GCh Sunnland’s Copacabanna
Breed: Smooth Collie
Owner: Ann Griffith Morris

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Posted by on Jan 20 2013. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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