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St. Charles Missouri Kennel Club – Saturday, January 28, 2023

Show Name: St. Charles Missouri Kennel Club
Location: Gray Summit, MO
Show Date: Saturday, January 28, 2023
Total Entry: 907
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Cledith M. Wakefield
Show Photographer(s):
Don Meyer • Email:

Dog Reg: GCHS Wishing Well Bobcats Peace Love & Pixie Dust [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: P Keenan, P Catterson & E Boyes

Reserve Dog Reg: CH Copperridge Believe It Or Not [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Australian Shepherd
Reserve Handler:
Reserve Owner: S Diaz Martinez & J Miller

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Gloria Kerr

Total Entry: 143
Dog Reg: Snowberry Clearly Going With The Flow [Bitch]
Breed: Retriever (Labrador)
Owner: C Reed, L Nordstog & J Peters
Dog Reg: CH Stoneypoint Remember The Good Times [Bitch]
Breed: Setter (Irish)
Owner: J McClure, D Demorest & R & J Arch
Dog Reg: CH Renaissance Femme Fatale [Bitch]
Breed: Vizsla
Owner: K Koiner & T Scott
Dog Reg: CH Kan-Points Heroes Live Forever [Bitch]
Breed: Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Owner: V Phillips

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Terry Stacy

Total Entry: 122
Dog Reg: GCHP Auroras Rhythm Of My Heart [Dog]
Breed: Saluki
Handler: Julie Mueller
Owner: J Mueller
Breeder: J Mueller & E Blake
Dog Reg: GCH Caraglen Berwyck Libaan At Dry Creek [Bitch]
Breed: Irish Wolfhound
Owner: A Hunter Knight
Dog Reg: GCH Vin-Melcas Joyride [Bitch]
Breed: Norwegian Elkhound
Handler: Miranda Vance
Owner: M & A Vance
Breeder: P Trotter
Dog Reg: CH Winquests I Need An Alibi CA [Bitch]
Breed: American Foxhound
Owner: L May & P Snell
Breeder: P Snell

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Richard J. Lewis

Total Entry: 166
Dog Reg: GCHB Dreamhavens Cascading Waterfalls At Old Bay [Bitch]
Breed: Newfoundland
Owner: W & H  Sparks & A Jung
Dog Reg: GCHG Rich-Lies Mystic Nymph CGCU TKE CAA BCAT CGCA [Bitch]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Owner: R Lies & M Nymph
Breeder: O Harsha & C Churton Jobin
Dog Reg: GCH Awanuna + Sno Quests Let The Wind Blow [Dog]
Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Owner: B Pfeiffer
Breeder: A Sautbine
Dog Reg: GCH Calamus Dream A Little Dream Onyx [Dog]
Breed: Akita
Handler: Chris Ann Moore
Owner: S Milton
Breeder: D, T & T Reiner

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Terry Stacy

Total Entry: 76
Dog Reg: CH Breezy Sky Pilot [Dog]
Breed: Irish Terrier
Owner: T & B Vandezande
Dog Reg: Wayne De Testaferro [Dog]
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: Z Smith
Dog Reg: CH Torquay S Cuddly Like A Panda [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
Owner: V Malzoni Jr. & M, F & A Botelho
Dog Reg: GCHG Barnstable Ripple Effect [Dog]
Breed: Norwich Terrier
Handler: Judi Hartell
Owner: S Stemmier & M Kelley
Breeder: S Stemmier, J Hartell & P Wade

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Jacqueline L. Stacy

Total Entry: 135
Dog Reg: GCHS Wishing Well Bobcats Peace Love & Pixie Dust [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: P Keenan, P Catterson & E Boyes
Dog Reg: GCH Kingz One Of A Kind [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Owner: K Grueninger, B Murphy & L Tran
Dog Reg: CH Ferlin Gizmos Worth It All [Bitch]
Breed: Affenpinscher
Owner: K Timko, L Ferris & E Shoemaker
Dog Reg: CH Paladins Lovers Lane [Bitch]
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Barbara Brem
Owner: B Brem

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Gloria Kerr

Total Entry: 80
Dog Reg: GCH Shines Prickly Pear At Onyx [Bitch]
Breed: Chinese Shar-Pei
Handler: Erin Criqui
Owner: S Milton
Dog Reg: GCH Dog Gones Made To Order [Bitch]
Breed: Bulldog
Owner: R Garde
Dog Reg: GCH Lionhearts Celtic Thunder At Flolin [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Owner: M Novocin, C Waddell & L Foiles
Breeder: C Waddell
Dog Reg: GCHB Artisan N Wildwoods Runnin Down A Dream [Bitch]
Breed: Dalmatian
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: L Levins & B Morris

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Richard J. Lewis

Total Entry: 191
Dog Reg: CH Copperridge Believe It Or Not [Dog]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Owner:  Diaz Martinez & J Miller
Dog Reg: GCHG Dojos You Shook Me All Night Long [Dog]
Breed: Belgian Sheepdog
Handler: Erin Criqui
Owner: D Hayes
Breeder: D Hayes
Dog Reg: CH Epic Sugarok Charlie Bear [Dog]
Breed: Finnish Lapphund
Owner: J Loy & J Crawford
Breeder: L Bostic & L Marden
Dog Reg: Sandmoor Belle Of Green Acres CGC [Bitch]
Breed: Collie (Rough)
Handler: Ramona Browning
Owner: L Mabus, K Gaume & D Gaume

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Posted by on Jan 28 2023. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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