St. Bernard Club of Pacific Coast – Friday, April 24, 2015
St. Bernard Club of Pacific Coast
Friday, April 24, 2015
Judge: Victor Dingus
Best of Breed: GCH Revilo’s Liquid Asset From Redside
Owners: Bill & Diana Oliver
Best of Winners/Winners Dog: Nobel Fierce Warrior V Jamelles
Owners: Doug & Nicole Tucker
Best of Opposite: GCH Sandcastle’s Indecent Proposal
Owners: Brandy Mead, Norri Hennagin and Martin Glover
Hander: Martin Glover
Select Dog:GCH Revilo’s Lets Go Bo Redside
Owners: Bill & Linda Lagoni
Select Bitch: GCH Jamelles Peyton Place
Owners: Michelle Mulligan
Winners Bitch: Mahogany’s Snow Kisses V Charley
Owners: Deborah Denis
Handler: Martin Glover
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