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Pasco Florida Kennel Club – Saturday, January 8, 2022

Show Name: Pasco Florida Kennel Club
Location: Brooksville, FL
Show Date: Saturday, January 8, 2022
Total Entry: 2168
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Robert L. Robinson
Show Photographer(s):
Don Meyer • Email:

Dog Reg: GCHG Lagniappes From the Mountains to the Bayou [Dog]
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Holly & Chris Reed & Laurie & Mike Mason

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHG Kazuris All I Want for Christmas [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Reserve Handler: Michael Kurtzner
Reserve Owner: Sarah Sweetman & Michael & Karen Kurtzner

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman

Total Entry: 368
Dog Reg: GCH Cerise Bonanza [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Handler: Howard Huber
Owner: Dorothy Cherry & Howard & Kendra Huber
Dog Reg: CH Bricketts Dont Turn Your Back [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) ASCOB
Handler: Rachel Legath
Owner: Jessica Brickett-Legath & Rui Dasilva
Dog Reg: GCH Vemilions Sex,Lies, and Serious Money [Bitch]
Breed: Setter (Irish)
Handler: Adam Bernardin
Owner: Sandra Nordstrom, Bruce & Mary Foote & Jan Ziech
Dog Reg: CH Next Generations This is My Land [Bitch]
Breed: Retriever (Chesapeake Bay)
Handler: Kellie Williams
Owner: Adam Levy

Hound Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 273
Dog Reg: GCHG Kazuris All I Want for Christmas [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Handler: Michael Kurtzner
Owner: Sarah Sweetman & Michael & Karen Kurtzner
Dog Reg: CH Karasars High Roller [Bitch]
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Kerrie Kuper
Owner: Kerri Kuper & Louis Krokover
Dog Reg: GCH Lost Heritage Knight of Eldorado [Dog]
Breed: Treeing Walker Coonhound
Owner: Cole Vanover, Kristin Lawless & Sydney Hickman
Dog Reg: GCH Monocacy Bends Lady of the Chase [Bitch]
Breed: English Foxhound
Handler: Katie Bernardin
Owner: Toni Koerber & Sandra Nordstrom

Working Judge’s Name: Dr. Steve Keating

Total Entry: 378
Dog Reg: GCHG Lagniappes From the Mountains to the Bayou [Dog]
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Holly & Chris Reed & Laurie & Mike Mason
Dog Reg: GCHP Far Away Black Star [Dog]
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Handler: Kimberly Calvacca
Owner: Laura Taft
Dog Reg: GCHB Highlanders Snow Pilot [Dog]
Breed: Siberian Husky
Owner: Anne & Brian Palmer
Dog Reg: GCHG Southports Aries God of War [Dog]
Breed: Mastiff
Handler: Terry Smith
Owner: Alex Sanchez

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Barbara Dempsey Alderman

Total Entry: 268
Dog Reg: GCHS Bluecrush Freedom and Whiskey! [Dog]
Breed: Kerry Blue Terrier
Handler: Blake Hansen
Owner: Eva Hart-Hansen
Dog Reg: GCHS Peabar P.S. I Love You [Bitch]
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Ania Kelly
Owner: Karen Lynn, Masa Siroka, Peggy Browne & Deborah Brower
Dog Reg: GCH Pinnacle Broxden Lickety Split [Dog]
Breed: Smooth Fox Terrier
Handler: Amy Booth
Owner: S & A Fitzpatrick, M & B Hainline & A & P Booth
Breeder: S & A Evans
Dog Reg: GCHS Blue Moon Pop A Razzi [Dog]
Breed: Australian Terrier
Handler: Kellie Williams
Owner: Alaina Moulton & Jeanne Popovits

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Dana P. Cline

Total Entry: 298
Dog Reg: GCHG Tamarin Tatoo [Dog]
Breed: Affenpinscher
Handler: Alfonso Escobedo
Owner: Laura McIngvale Brown & Doyle Girouard
Dog Reg: GCHG Kolmars & Los Feliz the Man of Steel [Dog]
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Tara Martin Rowell
Owner: Nancy & Gary Brown & Lisa Soars
Dog Reg: GCHG Wingssong This Could Be Love [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Chris Jones
Owner: Pat & Chris Jones
Dog Reg: GCHS Sleepyhollow Meet IBI [Bitch]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Nick Waters
Owner: Jaye Schultz & Mary Tichenor

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Molly Martin

Total Entry: 257
Dog Reg: CH Bright Lights Rocyns 24K Magic [Bitch]
Breed: Bulldog
Handler: Eduardo Paris
Owner: Kara Gordon, Joan Fisher & Eduardo Paris
Dog Reg: GCHG Fox Canyons I Won The War At Goldshield [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Perry Payson
Owner: Sandy & Morgan Fox, Perry Payson & Alexandra Vorbeck
Dog Reg: GCHG Encores Once Upon a Dream [Dog]
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Ashley Waters
Owner: Neena Pellegrini & Stephanie Toom
Dog Reg: GCHG Jogosos Walk On The Wildside [Dog]
Breed: Shiba Inu
Handler: Mark Bettis
Owner: Caitlin Elizabeth Hubbard & Dawn Hubbard

Herding Judge’s Name: Roberto Velez-Pico

Total Entry: 276
Dog Reg: Twisted Acres Ride My Seesaw CM8 [Dog]
Breed: Mudi
Owner: Rebecca Ingersoll & Liane Paulson
Dog Reg: GCH Double Ds Magical Mystery Tour [Dog]
Breed: Berger Picard
Handler: Amy Booth
Owner: Barbara Hainline, Deanna Donohue, Billie Green & Crystal Brooks
Dog Reg: CH Energies Schachmatt [Dog]
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Handler: Jamie Clute
Owner: Ricki Johnson, Kerstin & Victoria Petzold, Ronni DeLay & J Frank Baylis
Dog Reg: GCHS Now and Then Watermark Cruisin At Kelkary [Dog]
Breed: Bearded Collie
Handler: Mark Bettis
Owner: Arleen Berry & Jan Osterbauer

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