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Nolan River Kennel Club – Saturday, January 8, 2022

Show Name: Nolan River Kennel Club
Location: Glen Rose, TX
Show Date: Saturday, January 8, 2022
Total Entry: 1395
Best In Show Judge: Michael L. Canalizo
Show Photographer(s):
Malinda Julien • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHB Soyaras Devilish Delilah [Bitch]
Breed: Borzoi
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: P & G Hlatky
Breeder: Prudence and Gregory Hlatky

Reserve Dog Reg: GCH Chancellors “Radioactive” Thanos V Barste [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Rottweiler
Reserve Handler: Elvin Izaguirre
Reserve Owner: Barbara Thomas & Erin Piercy

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Gloria Kerr

Total Entry: 182
Dog Reg: CH Millsprings Freedom Fighter [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Handler: Becca Gear
Owner: Ryne Swope
Dog Reg: GCHS Gamekeepers Flirting With Disater JH [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Flat-Coated)
Owner: Jessica Montgomery
Dog Reg: GCHB D&D Hill Countrys Out of Inc [Bitch]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Handler: Joseph Washnesky
Owner: Seville Olejoko
Dog Reg: Ch Jubelend Waterbound Orions Belt [Dog]
Breed: Nederlandse Kooikerhondje
Handler: Nancy Pincus
Owner: Sheryl Fuller & Carolyn Muffins

Hound Judge’s Name: Dr. Daniel W. Dowling

Total Entry: 133
Dog Reg: GCHB Soyaras Devilish Delilah [Bitch]
Breed: Borzoi
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: P & G Hlatky
Breeder: Prudence & Gregory Hlatky
Dog Reg: GCH Morning Dew Sweepers Call Me Lucky (Spain) [Dog]
Breed: Basset Hound
Owner: Farias Ruiz Rodolfo & Abella Andres Osorio
Dog Reg: Jalens Heart of Gold at Starline [Dog]
Breed: Whippet
Owner: Karen Wilken & Christine Hart
Dog Reg: GCH Bessdachs Que Sera Sera V Bren-Dachs SS [Bitch]
Breed: Dachshund (Smoothhaired)
Handler: Renee Lara
Owner: Jeanne Lehrmann & Renee Lara

Working Judge’s Name: Dr. Donald A. Gill

Total Entry: 166
Dog Reg: GCH Chancellors “Radioactive” Thanos V Barste [Dog]
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Elvin Izaguirre
Owner: Barbara Thomas & Erin Piercy
Dog Reg: GCHB Lazy Ds Ten Years Gone [Dog]
Breed: Mastiff
Owner: M Tichenor, M Walker, B Campbell, E Wepner & L Wampler
Dog Reg: Ch Nikaluks OH What A Circus Che [Dog]
Breed: Siberian Husky
Handler: Robert Chaffin
Owner: Elfin O’Neal & Mrs. Karla Wall
Dog Reg: Ch Showgirls Badabing [Dog]
Breed: Bullmastiff
Handler: Ron Mattson
Owner: Linda Stowe & Shawna Stearns

Terrier Judge’s Name: Philip R. Briasco

Total Entry: 97
Dog Reg: GCH Bluefire Drive By [Dog]
Breed: Cesky Terrier
Owner: Michael & Susan Cuda, Holly Million & Tim Smith
Dog Reg: Dreameyce Sundial Rain Catcher [Dog]
Breed: American Hairless Terrier
Owner: Emily Rose & Leanne Sternisha
Dog Reg: Hertsang Wild About You [Dog]
Breed: Border Terrier
Owner: Marilyn Sugg, A Metro & S & H Sorenson
Dog Reg: GCH Felixvilles Skippin CJ Ring Of Fire [Dog]
Breed: Rat Terrier
Owner: Victoria Bordelon

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carol Jean Nelson

Total Entry: 191
Dog Reg: GCH Pocahontas Malkanorah [Bitch]
Breed: Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
Owner: Joao Machado & Sandra Ludmir
Dog Reg: GCH Bloom An Glow in The Dark [Bitch]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Madeline Mosing & Annette Blomquist
Dog Reg: Hat Tricks Shake Your Moneymaker [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature Pinscher
Owner: Susan Hatfield
Dog Reg: GCH Touche & Infinitistars The Puppet Master [Dog]
Breed: Japanese Chin
Handler: Dale Martenson
Owner: Adrienne Wolfson, Aly Bell & Jane Martenson

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Gary L. Sparschu

Total Entry: 176
Dog Reg: GCHB Windrifts The Force Awakens [Dog]
Breed: Keeshond
Owner: Anna Boehringer & Joanna Reed
Dog Reg: GCH Merci Cotonis JiAdore Louis [Dog]
Breed: Coton de Tulear
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Melissa Mercer
Dog Reg: GCHB Lantanas Time To Talk at Bradmar [Dog]
Breed: Tibetan Spaniel
Handler: Terri Galle
Owner: Barbara Eymard, Melinda Marler & Gail Krall
Dog Reg: CH Dulcinea Written in the Stars at Showme [Dog]
Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
Owner: Lisa Laster & Letitia Sue Tarkington

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Gloria Kerr

Total Entry: 212
Dog Reg: Cross Timbers Gisele of Caretti
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Owner: Cyndi Flautt & Erin & Nanci Nellis
Dog Reg: GCHS Adagio N Belbrook’s Esprit De Fantasia
Breed: Belgian Sheepdog
Owner: Anna McArtor & Kathy Sutton
Dog Reg: GCH Calypso Davy Jones
Breed: Pumik
Owner: Pattie & John Pitcock
Dog Reg: GCHG XIV Karat Come Hell or High Water
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Handler: Sherri Hurst
Owner: Peggy McCoy & Sherri Hurst

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Posted by on Jan 8 2022. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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