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Mississippi Valley Kennel Club – Sunday, June 5, 2022

Show Name: Mississippi Valley Kennel Club
Location: Gray Summit, MO
Show Date: Sunday, June 5, 2022
Total Entry: 1072
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Desmond J. Murphy
Show Photographer(s):
Garden Studio, Inc. – Greg Smith • Website:

Dog Reg: GCHS Atlantics Thunder Road At Ghoststone [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Labrador)
Handler: Christian Rutten
Owner: J Chambers & D Weinman

Reserve Dog Reg: GCHS Goodspice Efbe Money Stache [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Sealyham Terrier
Reserve Handler: Margery Good
Reserve Owner: M Good, F Bergeron, E Bennett, L Spiegel & S Middlebrooks

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Polly (Mrs. Robert) D. Smith

Total Entry: 133
Dog Reg: GCHS Atlantics Thunder Road At Ghoststone [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Labrador)
Handler: Christian Rutten
Owner: J Chambers & D Weinman
Dog Reg: GCHG Kan Trace Very Cheeky Chic [Bitch]
Breed: Lagotti
Handler: Phil Booth
Owner: J Armstrong, V Malzoni Jr., S Zdunic Sinkovic & A Lucin
Breeder: S Zdunic Sinkovic
Dog Reg: GCHS Collina D’Oro Solo Un Bacio [Bitch]
Breed: Spinone Italiano
Handler: Kelly Shupp
Owner: C Wisch Abraham & S Anderson Belt
Breeder: Stacey Belt & Lorne Belt
Dog Reg: CH Firehouse N Wingfield Prime Time [Bitch]
Breed: Setter (English)
Handler: Eileen Hackett
Owner: Don & Pat Coller & Eileen Hackett

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. John P. Wade

Total Entry: 195
Dog Reg: GCHG Sunlits King Of Queens [Dog]
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: Alicia Jones
Owner: T Richardson, P Winkelmeier, A Morrison Jones, J Souza-Bartlett & M Hunter
Dog Reg: GCHG Sky Hi Hunt Song Of Fire And Ice [Bitch]
Breed: Greyhound
Handler: James Donahue
Owner: J Donahue, D Pfeil & G Sisneros
Breeder: Anita, Dwayne & Gavin Pugh
Dog Reg: GCHP Auroras Rhythm Of My Heart [Dog]
Breed: Saluki
Handler: Julie Mueller
Owner: J Mueller
Breeder: J Mueller & E Blake
Dog Reg: GCHB Sidekicks Ice Queen At R-N-B CM [Bitch]
Breed: Grand Basset Griffon Vendeen
Handler: Jody Paquette
Owner: B Humphrey, L Green, E Jesseman & B Miller
Breeder: B Humphrey, C Benedict & L Offerdahl

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Jay Richardson

Total Entry: 139
Dog Reg: GCHS Szumerias Me Oh Me Oh My [Bitch]
Breed: Kuvasz
Handler: Sarah Krickeberg
Owner: C Townsend & L Brady
Breeder: Constance D Townsend & Lynn Brady
Dog Reg: GCHG Pure Prides Never Love Again [Bitch]
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Steve Stewart
Owner: S Stewart & C Julian
Dog Reg: GCH Daverens Radagast Of Greenwood [Dog]
Breed: German Pinscher
Owner: N Burnett & J Eastman
Dog Reg: GCHB Nobledane Lets Raise A Ruckus [Bitch]
Breed: Great Dane
Owner: S Chant, L Hotchkiss & E Shore

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Julie Felten

Total Entry: 205
Dog Reg: GCHS Goodspice Efbe Money Stache [Dog]
Breed: Sealyham Terrier
Handler: Margery Good
Owner: M Good, F Bergeron, E Bennett, L Spiegel & S Middlebrooks
Dog Reg: GCHS Doubloons Extreme Gamer [Dog]
Breed: Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
Handler: Elena Landa
Owner: E Landa
Breeder: Elena Landa
Dog Reg: CH Kings Mtn Mortimer Mouse [Dog]
Breed: Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Handler: Tyler Mills
Owner: Tyler Mills & Bill Gorodner
Dog Reg: GCH Lets Rock Xtremely Fast [Dog]
Breed: Russell Terrier
Handler: Gustavo Molinari
Owner: P Howard, J Ferrera, A Hargrave & V Swarowski

Toy Judge’s Name: Gina Wieser

Total Entry: 117
Dog Reg: Loteki In The Midst Of A Derecho [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Owner: Lou Ann King
Dog Reg: GCHG Bramvers Orohime [Bitch]
Breed: Chihuahua (Long Coat)
Handler: Dolly Deview
Owner: Lori & Bill Block
Breeder: Chizuru Kadowaki
Dog Reg: Mackwoods Truth N Justice [Dog]
Breed: Shih Tzu
Owner: Tiffany Underwood
Dog Reg: Tickitbous Sing It Tomee [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Owner: Peter Scott

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. John V. Ioia

Total Entry: 83
Dog Reg: CH Riverview Hylan Shotru Red Alert [Dog]
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Handler: Pat Keen Fernandes
Owner: Pauline Naumann & Pat Keen Fernandes
Dog Reg: GCHS Mi-Tois Sally Ride By Kanto Cotons [Bitch]
Breed: Coton de Tulear
Handler: Laura King
Owner: I Young
Dog Reg: GCHS Rivendels Belle Of The Ball [Bitch]
Breed: Schipperke
Handler: Christa Cook
Owner: P & G King, S Middlebrooks & A Halterman
Dog Reg: GCHB Cherokee Legend Encore [Bitch]
Breed: Bulldog
Handler: Dennis O’Connor
Owner: A Moulton & K & N Mason

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Kristen L. Francis

Total Entry: 200
Dog Reg: Merrinda Life Is A Highway [Dog]
Breed: Border Collie
Handler: Nacho Calvo
Owner: Lyn Allshorn
Dog Reg: GCHS Peikkovuoren Talviturkki [Dog]
Breed: Finnish Lapphund
Handler: Matt Perry
Owner: L Marden
Breeder: Taina Miettinen & Friman Ari Miettinen
Dog Reg: GCHG Dojos You Shook Me All Night Long [Dog]
Breed: Belgian Sheepdog
Handler: Erin Criqui
Owner: D Hayes
Breeder: D Hayes
Dog Reg: GCHS Alta Oceans Symphony Of The Seas [Bitch]
Breed: Miniature American Shepherd
Handler: Kara Janiszak
Owner: V Nilsson

Best In Miscellaneous:

Misc Judge: Mr. Desmond J. Murphy

Misc Dog Reg: Maplesong-Red Cedar Movin Right Along [Dog]
Misc Breed: Norrbottenspets
Misc Owner: Tyler Jansen & Piper O Donnell

Best Junior Handler

Jr Judge: Mr. Desmond J Murphy

Jr Handler: Payton Hickman See Rankings

Jr Dog Reg: Glade Mill Dark Paradise [Bitch]
Jr Breed: Beagle 13 inch

Please note these results are not official and may be subject to change once official results are submitted to AKC.
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Posted by on Jun 5 2022. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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