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Hatboro Dog Club – Thursday, October 3, 2013

Show Name: Hatboro Dog Club
Location: Wrightstown, PA
Show Date: October 3, 2013
Total Entry: 1878
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Keke Kahn
Dog Reg: GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Handler: Gabriel Rangel
Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr, Torrie Steele, S & M Olund & D Ryan

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh. Claircreek Impression de Matisse
Reserve Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Reserve Handler: Michael Scott
Reserve Owner: Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Jamie Hubbard – Total Entry 157
Dog Reg: GCh. Mario N Beechwoods Midnight Express CGC
Breed: Black Cocker Spaniel
Owner: Frank Charest
Dog Reg: Robnie’s If The Shoe Fits
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Handler: Fabian Negron
Owner: Bonnie Anthony & Jane Bailey
Dog Reg: GCh. Doc N Camelot’s Heaven Can Wait
Breed: Weimaraner
Handler: Derek Beatty
Owner: Susan Thomas
Dog Reg: GCh. Whistletop’s Riley On Fire
Breed: Irish Water Spaniel
Handler: Rick Krieger
Owner: Tom & Bethany Urban & Gregory Siner

Hound Judge’s Name: Mrs. Anne Katona – Total Entry 209
Dog Reg: GCh. Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box
Breed: American Foxhound
Handler: Lisa Miller
Owner: Ellen Charles & Lisa Miller
Dog Reg: GCh. Tells Matrix Reloaded
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: Chris Manelopoulos
Owner: Missy Ann Galloway
Dog Reg: GCh. Grandcru Phelps Insignia
Breed: Greyhound
Handler: Rindi Gaudet
Owner: Melanie Steele, P Caddell, C Dabbs, A Phelan & R Gaudet
Dog Reg: GCh. Festiva’s Lucy Is Fashionably Late
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Zach Helmer
Owner: Bart & Amy Carlson

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Shreve – Total Entry: 151
Dog Reg: GCh. Claircreek Impression de Matisse
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Handler: Michael Scott
Owner: Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker
Dog Reg: GCh. Kenro’s Witching Hour
Breed: Giant Schnazuer
Handler: Amy Booth
Owner: Robin Greenslade, Luke Norton & Doug Hill
Dog Reg: GCh. Blackhawk Finnegan’s Wake
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Handler: Jody Paquette
Owner: Laurie Green & Lonnie & Kimberly Studley
Dog Reg: GCh. Avatar’s Smooth Criminal
Breed: Bernese Mountain Dog
Owner: Kimberly Groves & Luiz Carlos Diaz Fernandes

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert Shreve – Total Entry:1057
Dog Reg: GCh. Afterall Painting The Sky
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Handler: Gabriel Rangel
Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr., Torrie Steele, S & M Olund & D Ryan
Dog Reg: GCh. Goldsand’s Columbus
Breed: Russell Terrier
Handler: Allison Sunderman
Owner: Mark Ulrich & Christina Areskough
Dog Reg: GCh. Yarrow’s Venerie Ticket to Ride
Breed: Norfolk Terrier
Handler: Roxanne Sutton
Owner: John & Pamela Beale
Dog Reg: GCh. Joval Angel’s Whisper
Breed: Airedale Terrier
Handler: Adam Bernardin
Owner: Dr. Valeria & John Rickard


Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Keke Kahn – Total Entry: 90
Dog Reg: GCh. Dejavu’s Big Dog Daddy
Breed: Toy Fox Terrier
Handler: Jessy Sutton
Owner: James Spence Jr.
Dog Reg: GCh. Silver Bluff Mahogany Sonador
Breed: Smooth Coat Chihuahua
Handler: Lo Wolfson
Owner: Lo Wolfson & Roz Maser
Dog Reg: Da Vinci’s GV Black Diamond On The Runway
Breed: Toy Poodle
Owner: Barbara & Kenneth Rivet
Dog Reg: GCh. Piccadil’s Twist And Shout
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Janet York
Owner: Janet York

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Darryl Vice – Total Entry: 98
Dog Reg: GCh. Luminary Black Velvet Bejeweled With Pearls
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Adriano Rocha
Owner: Victoria Law
Dog Reg: GCh. Milledals Alisa at Peace Valley
Breed: Dalmatian
Handler: Jessy Sutton
Owner: Mary Gifford & Ann Miller
Dog Reg: GCh. Bandog Major League Homerun at TX Star
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Larry Cornelius
Owner: Nancy Shaw, Craig Stephens & Amy Phelan
Dog Reg: GCh. De Lamer Point Break
Breed: Schipperke
Handler: Krista Nuovo
Owner: NanciEllyn Lazarowitz & Douglas Mankovich

Herding Judge’s Name: Mrs. Janet Nahikian – Total Entry: 112
Dog Reg: GCh. Pine Hill’s Payday of Hayshill
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Handler: Michael Reed
Owner: Priscilla Hays, Brad Hill & Kathleen Salvucci
Dog Reg: GCh. Devinwood A Perfect Stranger
Breed: Rough Collie
Handler: Peter Denbow
Owner: Jacqueline & Ronald Caruso
Dog Reg: GCh. Darmil Above It All
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Owner: Jennifer Milani
Dog Reg: GCh. Kosmar Striking Back of Bridgelady
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Handler: M’Kayla Stahr
Owner: M’Kayla Stahr

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Posted by on Oct 3 2013. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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