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Columbia Kennel Club – Friday, March 29, 2013

Show Name: Columbia Kennel Club
Location: Concord, NC
Show Date: Friday, March 29, 2013
Total Entry: 1066
Best In Show Judge: Mrs. Michelle L. Billings
Dog Reg: GCh Claircreek Impression De Matisse
Breed: Portuguese Water Dogs
Handler: Michael Scott
Owner: Milan Lint & Peggy Helming & Donna Gottendenker

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred
Reserve Breed: French Bulldogs
Reserve Handler: Milan Miklos
Reserve Owner: Jana & Milan Miklos

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Jerry M. Watson
Dog Reg: GCh Stargaz’R ‘N Wingfield Time Will Tell
Breed: Setters (Engilish)
Handler: Eileen Hackett
Owner: Don & Pat Coller & Eileen Hackett
Dog Reg: GCh Conquest’s This Is It!
Breed: Spaniels (Cocker) Parti-Color
Handler: Michael Pitts
Owner: Mariecel Torres-Young
Dog Reg: GCh Chesastar Hudson Bay RN
Breed: Retrievers (Chesapeake Bay)
Handler: Michelle Scott
Owner: Karen Sosik & Jan Sosik
Dog Reg: GCh Heywire ‘N Highfield’s Hey Look Me Over
Breed: Pointers (German Wirehaired)
Handler: Frank J Murphy
Owner: Pam & Larry Kincaid & Bernee Brawn

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert L. T. L. Dawson
Dog Reg: Ch Tells Matrix Reloaded
Breed: Afghan Hounds
Handler: Christian Manelopoulos
Owner: Missy Ann Galloway
Dog Reg: GCh Karasar’s Remembrance
Breed: Whippets
Handler: Kerrie Kuper
Owner: Kerrie Kuper & Neil Barthelette & K Mlynar & M & A Alvarez & W Othick
Dog Reg: GCh Flessner’s International S’cess
Breed: Bloodhounds
Handler: Heather Helmer
Owner: Shirley VanCamp & Heather Buehner & Zack Helmer
Dog Reg: GCh Sweetgrass Johann Tipper
Breed: Dachshunds (Longhaired)
Handler: Rhanda L Glenn
Owner: Catherine J Martine & Richard Sak & Dalia Sak

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Jerry M. Watson
Dog Reg: GCh Claircreek Impression De Matisse
Breed: Portuguese Water Dogs
Handler: Michael Scott
Owner: Milan Lint & Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker
Dog Reg: Vztop’s Southern State Of Mind
Breed: Great Danes
Owner: Faye Elliott & Lorraine Rainwater
Dog Reg: Belle’splace Rough Rider
Breed: Great Pyreneees
Owner: Amy Claire Provencher & Elizabeth Dotson
Dog Reg: Jbars Jack Daniels V Skydancers DD
Breed: St Bernards
Owner: Anthony & Nikki Loudermelk & Jay Kuster

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. William Rodriguez
Dog Reg: GCh Temora Ri Diercc
Breed: Australian Terriers
Handler: Kellie Dahlberg
Owner: Zane Smith
Dog Reg: GCh Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid Of Honor
Breed: Welsh Terriers
Handler: Luiz Abreu
Owner: Sharon Abmeyer & T Lee & X Xie & K Bailey
Dog Reg: Ch Repitition’s Jolee’s Spring Time In April
Breed: Miniature Schnauzers
Handler: Kurt Garmaker
Owner: Joan & Rollie Williams & Kurt Garmaker
Dog Reg: GCh Camcrest Andsurely Jasmine
Breed: West Highland White Terrier
Owner: Julie Downing & Sandy Campbell

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert L. T. L. Dawson
Dog Reg: GCh Oakhill’s Two Times The Dragon
Breed: Pekingese
Handler: Brenda Royer
Owner: Joseph Franklin & Brenda Royer & Geno Sisneros
Dog Reg: GCh Ashtone’s Rock
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Norm Fargo
Owner: Margaret Myers & Cheryl Drake
Dog Reg: Ch Desert Jade Fabel-Mi Fire Dragon
Breed: Japanese Chin
Owner: James Dalton & Dr. J Turjoman & Marsha Ballard
Dog Reg: GCh Krissy’s Savvy Jasper
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Jennifer Miller-Farias
Owner: Sarah Lawrence

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Robert L. T. L. Dawson
Dog Reg: GCh Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred
Breed: French Bulldogs
Handler: Milan Miklos
Owner: Jana & Milan Miklos
Dog Reg: GCh Lo-Re’ Pepperland Storm Warning
Breed: Chow Chows
Owner: Lonnie Burr & Regina Burr & Jill Stillwell
Dog Reg: Ch Lai-La-Sha-Legacy
Breed: Lhasa Apsos
Handler: Ed Valle
Owner: Catherine Marley & Peggy Huffman
Dog Reg: Ch Dawin Wildrose Raisin’ The Stakes
Breed: Poodles (Standard)
Handler: Jeffrey Thomas Arch
Owner: Linda C Campbell

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. William Rodriguez
Dog Reg: GCh Wolf Creek Galaxy Of Merivern
Breed: German Shepherd Dogs
Handler: Scott Yergin
Owner: Edward Farrell & Pat Walker
Dog Reg: GCh Masquerade Mikey Likes It
Breed: Old English Sheepdogs
Owner: Julia Hewitt & Maureen Harris
Dog Reg: Ch Aussbern Premier Ticket Of Myshara
Breed: Australian Shepherds
Handler: Jamie Clute
Owner: Sharon Fontanini
Dog Reg: Ch Cordmaker Topsy Turvey
Breed: Pulik
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: Sue Huebner & Jackie Beaudoin & Jeanette Bruce

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Posted by on Mar 29 2013. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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