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Abilene Kennel Club – Sunday, May 19, 2013

Show Name: Abilene Kennel Club
Location: Abilene, TX
Show Date: Sunday, May 19, 2013
Total Entry: 782
Best In Show Judge: Ms. Dianne Miller
Dog Reg: CH Alfredrich Indigo Dark Roast Of Robbsdale
Breed: Dalmatian
Owner: T S Robbins, D Goebel, EJ Osowski, JR Millair

Reserve Dog Reg: GCH Involo The King Of Pop
Reserve Breed: Papillon
Reserve Handler: Brian Livingston
Reserve Owner: Madeline Mosing & Gia Garofalo

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Dana P Cline
Dog Reg: CH Chesterhope State Of T Art
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Jennifer Mosing & Jordyn O Neill
Dog Reg: GCH Rainbow Splash’s Ruggedly Handsome
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: Carolee Douglas, J & A Andras & K Mogan & A Cone
Dog Reg: CH Foxboro Rendition Top Call
Breed: Spaniels (English Springer)
Handler: Scott Sommer
Owner: Susan Still & Ruth Dehmel
Dog Reg: GCH Vanreel’s There Goes My Money JH CDX
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Handler: Rebecca Gear
Owner: Rita Robbins & Denise Reel

Hound Judge’s Name: Mrs. Letitia Bett
Dog Reg: CH Starline’s Oxford Victim Of Love
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Lori Wilson
Owner: Lori Lawrence, Carey Lawrence, & Lori Wilson
Dog Reg: GCH Maya’s Mockingbird
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: David Osuna
Owner: C & A Rahaman & K Zehai-Bunce
Dog Reg: GCH Uwanja’s Raatum JC
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Owner: Kathleen & Mark Russell
Dog Reg: CH Appalachia’s Allamyrra Hajji
Breed: Saluki
Handler: Gerry Thornton
Owner: Pamela Arwood


Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Frederick N. Dewsbury
Dog Reg: GCH Stardust’s See You At The Show
Breed: Akita
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: Robert & Patricia Rogers, Rick & Teresa Witte
Dog Reg: GCH O’s Godiva Dark Demitasse
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Teresa Nail
Owner: Mary Ann Byrns & Pat Onley
Dog Reg: GCH Derby’s Toast With Gusto
Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Handler: Scott Sommer
Owner: Sue Copeland
Dog Reg: GCH Vikingus Ceasar Eytukan
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Handler: Thomas Katzenstein
Owner: Catherine & Marissa Sanchez

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Judy Webb
Dog Reg: CH Hi-Kel Terrydale Fotune Forward
Breed: Lakeland Terrier
Handler: Scott Sommer
Owner: Beth Dowd, C Ruggles, Terrydale Kennels
Dog Reg: CH Sayo’s Jai Ho
Breed: Fox Terrier (Smooth)
Handler: Matias Mato
Owner: Maria E Briceno & Juan Possenti
Dog Reg: CH Kelwyn’s History In The Making
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Jesus Moreno
Owner: Kelli & David Edell
Dog Reg: CH Stonehaven Walking On Sunshine Halo
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Owner: Jerilyn Wilson & Cathy Burleson

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Fred Bassett
Dog Reg: GCH Involo The King Of Pop
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Madeline Mosing & Gia Garofalo
Dog Reg: GCH Rhapsody N Cherub’s Oh So Henry
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Scott Sommer
Owner: Anthony & Kim Mackenzie
Dog Reg: CH Robcary’s Come Blow Your Horn
Breed: Pomeranian
Owner: Caryl Fennell Scrimpsher
Dog Reg: CH Sienna’s Never-Ending Alli Gator
Breed: Pug
Owner: Linda L & Gary N Chase

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Dianne Miller
Dog Reg: CH Alfredrich Indigo Dark Roast Of Robbsdale
Breed: Dalmatian
Owner: T S Robbins, D Goebel, EJ Osowski, JR Millairv
Dog Reg: GCH Sandstorm X’s In Texas OA NAJ
Breed: Poodle (Miniature)
Owner: JoAnn Neal
Dog Reg: GCH Saks Winning Card
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Scott Sommer
Owner: Anthony & Kim MacKenzie & S &K Hanson & C Ruggles
Dog Reg: GCH Dowats Decisive Double Down
Breed: Bulldog
Owner: Lucky & Donna Watson & J & E Milam

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Fred Bassett
Dog Reg: CH Harmony Hill’s Money Talks
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Leon Goetz
Owner: Leon Goetz & Heather Braddock
Dog Reg: GCH Tang Dynasty Rocky
Breed: Border Collie
Handler: Clint Livingston
Owner: Tang Nan & Henry Su
Dog Reg: GCH Tacara’s Racelon Rembrandt NA NAJ OF HIT
Breed: Belgian Tervuren
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Carol Lautzenheiser
Dog Reg: GCH Yasashiikuma Dancehall Doctor
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Owner: Sonnie Grissom

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