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Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa – Saturday, May 23, 2015

Show Name: Mid-Continent Kennel Club of Tulsa
Location: Stillwater, OK
Show Date: Saturday, May 23, 2015
Total Entry: 924
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Dana Cline
Dog Reg: GCh Reverie Cameo [Bitch]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Leon Goetz
Owner: L Goetz
Breeder: Mary Ann Magness & Leon Goetz

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Alegria Ashton Martin [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Miniature Poodle
Reserve Handler: Sharon Svoboda
Reserve Owner: H Tyson, B Wood & L Berg
Breeder: Brenda Wood & Laurel Berg

National Owner-Handled Series Best in Show: GCh J.A.Y. Jp Love Me Tender Blue Nile [Dog]
Breed: Saluki
Owner: J & J Swisher, S Winsted & M McMillan

Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Alan Santos MD

Total Entry: 77
Dog Reg: GCh Renaissance XXXs And OOOs [Bitch]
Breed: Vizsla
Handler: Tiffany Knox
Owner: L Durham & T Knox
Breeder: Linda & George Durham
Dog Reg: GCh Silverlakes Taittinger Millesime [Dog]
Breed: Pointer (German Shorthaired)
Handler: Barbara McNeill
Owner: B & G McNeill
Breeder: Barbara & Gary McNeill & Dorothea Simberlund
Dog Reg: GCh Belas This Time Its Hudson JH [Dog]
Breed: Spinone Italiano
Owner: P, L & K Miller
Breeder: John Nelson
Dog Reg: GCh Designers Rock Of Ages [Dog]
Breed: Spaniel (English Springer)
Handler: Christopher Keith
Owner: B & C Keith
Breeder: B & C Keith

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Eugene Blake

Total Entry: 85
Dog Reg: GCh J.A.Y. Jp Love Me Tender Blue Nile [Dog]
Breed: Saluki
Owner: J & J Swisher, S Winsted & M McMillan
Breeder: Jay Ito
Dog Reg: GCh Blueprints Top Of The Line [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 15 inch
Handler: Brooke Young
Owner: B & R Ayala & R Dirksen
Breeder: Brooke Ayala & Rudy Ayala III
Dog Reg: Ch Kiarry & Deluxe Adams Rib [Bitch]
Breed: American Foxhound
Handler: Julie Lux
Owner: R & J Lux
Breeder: Harry & Lisa Miller & Connie Petrick
Dog Reg: GCh Flessners International Space Station At Honidge [Dog]
Breed: Bloodhound
Handler: Aaron Bradshaw
Owner: J McDonald
Breeder: Bryan & Christina Flessner & Heather Buehner

Working Judge’s Name: Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings

Total Entry: 206
Dog Reg: GCh Ironwoods Papparrazi [Dog]
Breed: Neapolitan Mastiff
Owner: J Deppen & S Van-Spruill
Breeder: James Deppen & Mimi Winkler
Dog Reg: GCh Dezperados Hallelujah CA CGC [Bitch]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Linda George
Owner: J & A Wendt & H Zimmerman
Breeder: Hillary Zimmerman & Linda & Rick George
Dog Reg: GCh Lonely Creeks Bruce Almighty [Dog]
Breed: Bullmastiff
Handler: Nicol Jellison
Owner: B & S Britton
Breeder: Sonya Worley
Dog Reg: GCh Willow Ridges Risky Business [Dog]
Breed: Mastiff
Handler: Colette Livingston
Owner: J Swarts, N Walker & M Tichenor
Breeder: Anna Page & Cole Harvey

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings

Total Entry: 60
Dog Reg: GCh Zlatapraha Gillespie Bluefire [Dog]
Breed: Cesky Terrier
Owner: P & N Huber, T Smith & P Bale
Breeder: Wendy Craig
Dog Reg: GCh Explicits Full Throttle To Alpine [Dog]
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: B Mosing & J Branch
Breeder: Jessica Branch
Dog Reg: GCh Cumhil Hell Raiser
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: Z Smith
Dog Reg: GCh Glentoms Dirty Harry [Dog]
Breed: Bull Terrier (Colored)
Handler: Jill Bell
Owner: Z Smith & G Wright
Breeder: Terri & Mike Cournoyer & Glenna Wright

Toy Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn Herbel

Total Entry: 142
Dog Reg: GCh Fist Face A Penny For Your Thought [Bitch]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Paul Catterson
Owner: L & C Pagacz & K Catterson
Breeder: Rodney & Linda Vance
Dog Reg: GCh Carevas Boodelicious [Dog]
Breed: Pug
Handler: Erin Henlon-Hall
Owner: M Henricks & P & R Stoltz
Breeder: Patti Nash, Patt Kolesar Stoltz & Michelle MacRae
Dog Reg: GCh Donnchada Winks Touch Of Elegance [Dog]
Breed: Toy Poodle
Handler: Elizabeth Brown
Owner: T & B Winkleman
Breeder: Helen Craft
Dog Reg: GCh Konikis N Ka-Lynns The Big Kahuna [Dog]
Breed: Chihuahua (Smooth Coat)
Handler: Jana Klein
Owner: K Terry
Breeder: Connie Mitchell & Timothy Reno

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Fred Bassett

Total Entry: 140
Dog Reg: GCh Alegria Ashton Martin [Dog]
Breed: Miniature Poodle
Handler: Sharon Svoboda
Owner: H Tyson, B Wood & L Berg
Breeder: Brenda Wood & Laurel Berg
Dog Reg: GCh Bigstars Unchained At Hannon Hill [Dog]
Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: E Burch, L Pierce & D Gonzalez
Breeder: Ian little & Lisa Pierce
Dog Reg: Bar-None Harten Fantabulous [Bitch]
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sharon Svoboda
Owner: Nancy Wilson
Dog Reg: GCh Chitawees Jest In Case [Dog]
Breed: French Bulldog
Owner: K Clayton & C Atteberry
Breeder: Kathy Clayton

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Carolyn Herbel

Total Entry: 133
Dog Reg: GCh Reverie Cameo [Bitch]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Handler: Leon Goetz
Owner: L Goetz
Breeder: Mary Ann Magness & Leon Goetz
Dog Reg: GCh Xiv Karat Shes All The Rave At Lazy Paws [Bitch]
Breed: Cardigan Welsh Corgi
Handler: Sherri Samel-Hurst
Owner: S Hurst & L McIlwraith
Breeder: Sherri Hurst & Kevin & Shari Curran
Dog Reg: Aljans Save The Last Dance For Me V. Pashen [Dog]
Breed: German Shepherd
Handler: Julia Foster-Hess
Owner: L Telfair & D Karloff
Breeder: Rose Weistock & Natalie Smith
Dog Reg: GCh Coventry Just A Little Crush [Bitch]
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Michael Shepherd
Owner: J & J Johnson, B Shelton, S Leyerly & B Williams
Breeder: Bill Shelton, Steven Leyerly, Beckie Williams D.V.M. & Kerry Kirtley

Misc Judge: Mrs. Patricia (Pat) Hastings
Misc Dog Reg: Eclipses Busy Being Fabulous [Bitch]
Misc Breed: Berger Picard (until July 2015)
Misc Handler: Julia Foster-Hess
Misc. Owner: Donna Beadle

Jr Judge: Amy Gau
Jr Handler: Alexis Truesdail See Rankings
Jr Dog Reg: GCh Dezparados Pit Boss [Dog]
Jr Breed: Doberman Pinscher

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Posted by on May 23 2015. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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