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Five Valley Kennel Club – Sunday, June 21, 2015

Show Name: Five Valley Kennel Club
Location: Missoula, MT
Show Date: Sunday, June 21, 2015
Total Entry: 633
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Joseph Gregory
Dog Reg: GCh Yanga’s All The Time [Dog]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Handler: Christian Rangel
Owner: R Martinez Rahme
Breeder: R Martinez Rahme

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Skyline’s Unit Of Measure [Dog]
Reserve Breed: Keeshond
Reserve Handler: Jean Gauchat-Hargis
Reserve Owner: K & S Cullen, J Gauchat-Hargis & J Hargis
Breeder: Susan Cullen & Kristen Cullen D.V.M.

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Linda Riedel

Total Entry: 96
Dog Reg: GCh Pulalis Four Of A Kind At Parkwood [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Golden)
Handler: Pamela Sage
Owner: P Sage, A Sage, M Gearhart & T Wheeler
Breeder: Pamela & Alan Sage & Marilyn & Walter Gearhart
Dog Reg: GCh Neudorfs Cool Hand Luke Afterhours [Dog]
Breed: Pointer (German Wirehaired)
Handler: Oscar Quiros
Owner: F Neuwirth & C Whitmore
Breeder: Franz Neuwirth & Christine Whitmore
Dog Reg: GCh Star Crowned Javahill 2sexy4my Genes RN [Dog]
Breed: Retriever (Nova Scotia Duck Tolling)
Handler: Pamela Sage
Owner: L Fitzmaurice, K Webb, V Anderson, L Smith & W & M Gearhart
Breeder: Karen Webb
Dog Reg: CH Echwoods Footloose N Fancy Free [Bitch]
Breed: Spaniel (Cocker) Black
Owner: Wendy Lamson

Hound Judge’s Name: Mrs. Lynda Saranchuk

Total Entry: 122
Dog Reg: GCh Walmar-Solos IOU Sl [Dog]
Breed: Dachshund (Longhaired)
Handler: Erin Karst-Hooper
Owner: S Snyder
Breeder: Paula Carter, Kimberly Vidrine & Walter & Mary Jones
Dog Reg: GCh Osiris Cowboy Casanova [Dog]
Breed: Pharaoh Hound
Handler: Taylor Del Duca
Owner: T Del Duca, B & K Carella & T Del Duca
Breeder: Kathryn & Brittany Carella
Dog Reg: Ch Beamers Do The Dew [Dog]
Breed: Beagle 13 inch
Handler: Judy Bjelland
Owner: C Long
Breeder: Mary Phillips, Bruce Tague & Richard Sufficool
Dog Reg: Ch Vito DellOvo CM4 [Dog]
Breed: Cirneco dellEtna
Owner: N Wight & J Gray
Breeder: Marco Belafore

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Mel Saranchuk

Total Entry: 132
Dog Reg: GCh Mojos Continuation Of A Myth [Dog]
Breed: Akita
Handler: Beep Lee
Owner: S Borrmann
Breeder: Stacey & Paul Borrmann
Dog Reg: Ch Dragonheart N Starlaine Lonesome Dove CGC [Bitch]
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Owner: W Landry
Breeder: Tracy Skaer Elaine Hopper
Dog Reg: GCh Glaciers N Rowdys Czargent Trouble [Dog]
Breed: Samoyed
Handler: Jean Gauchat-Hargis
Owner: C & J O’Neill
Breeder: Novia & Yan Vincze
Dog Reg: GCh DLacies Baroness Von Purple Rain RN CA CGC [Bitch]
Breed: Standard Schnauzer
Handler: Jenny Wornall-Rangel
Owner: M Campbell, P Ames & M Campbell
Breeder: Patricia Ames

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Frank Washabaugh

Total Entry: 33
Dog Reg: GCh Yanga’s All The Time [Dog]
Breed: Miniature Schnauzer
Handler: Christian Rangel
Owner: R Martinez Rahme
Breeder: R Martinez Rahme
Dog Reg: GCh Sierra’s Ground Zero [Dog]
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Handler: Randy Benns
Owner: R Sampson & L Wilson
Breeder: Phil Christian & Lorene Wilson
Dog Reg: GCh Capabilitys Hot Tin Lizzie [Bitch]
Breed: Norwich Terrier
Handler: Jenny Wornall-Rangel
Owner: C Johnson, A Geremia & S Stemmler
Breeder: Claire Johnson & Brenda Newcomb
Dog Reg: Ch. Lordbull Larry [Dog]
Breed: Bull Terrier (White)
Handler: Ed Thomason
Owner: Zane Smith

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Johnny Shoemaker

Total Entry: 113
Dog Reg: GCh Hilltops GQ Cover Boy [Dog]
Breed: Brussels Griffon
Handler: Shari Lee
Owner: P Brown
Breeder: Carole Ross & Sharon Tadlock
Dog Reg: GCh Involo Wanna Be Startin’ Somethin’ [Dog]
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: M Mosing & D, M & G Garofalo
Breeder: Donna, Michael & Gia Garofalo
Dog Reg: GCh Carmas Penne Pasta At Crizwood [Bitch]
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Jenny Wornall-Rangel
Owner: M Moulton
Breeder: Lyndell Ackerman
Dog Reg: GCh Euphoria Rhapsody Locked In A Tower [Bitch]
Breed: Maltese
Handler: Tonia Holibaugh
Owner: K Kasten, A Stoller, P Bailly & J Anderson
Breeder: Jessica Anderson & Tonia Holibaugh

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Arley Hussin

Total Entry: 79
Dog Reg: GCh Skyline’s Unit Of Measure [Dog]
Breed: Keeshond
Handler: Jean Gauchat-Hargis
Owner: K & S Cullen, J Gauchat-Hargis & J Hargis
Breeder: Susan Cullen & Kristen Cullen D.V.M.
Dog Reg: GCh Lakeridge Atalanta Summer In Paris [Bitch]
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Lindsey Gorder
Owner: L Gorder
Breeder: Debra Ferguson-Jones
Dog Reg: GCh Bonchien Park Place [Dog]
Breed: Schipperke
Handler: Angelia Hall
Owner: M Dauven & J Outhet
Breeder: Kristen Henry & Beth Lilly
Dog Reg: GCh Sundancer Foxy Lady [Bitch]
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Handler: Tonia Holibaugh
Owner: K Hamilton, T Holibaugh & T & M Worlton
Breeder: Lori Johnson & Tom & Marsha Worlton

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Mel Saranchuk

Total Entry: 58
Dog Reg: GCh Winberlees Walk On The Wild Side [Dog]
Breed: Bearded Collie
Handler: Andy Linton
Owner: R & S Skinner
Breeder: Joyce-Ann Burgett & Ian & Rebecca Copus
Dog Reg: GCh Syringa Web Of Magic [Bitch]
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Handler: Shannalee Michalsky
Owner: D Sirdofsky
Breeder: Deborah Sirdofsky & Shannalee Waller-Michalsky
Dog Reg: GCh Ragtime Surefire Entourage [Dog]
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Owner: S Fuls
Dog Reg: GCh Coventry Country Squire [Dog]
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Jenny Wornall-Rangel
Owner: A Geremia & B Shelton
Breeder: Steven Leyerly, Beckie Williams D.V.M., Bill Shelton & Alexandra Geremia

Misc Judge: Mr. Frank Washabaugh
Misc Dog Reg: Alta Buttons And Bows [Bitch]
Misc Breed: Miniature American Shepherd (until July)
Misc Handler:
Misc Owner: Valerie Nilsson

Jr Judge: Mr. Frank Washabaugh
Jr Handler: Taylor Del Duca See Rankings
Jr Dog Reg: GCH CH Osiris Cowboy Cassanova [Dog]
Jr Breed: Pharaoh Hound

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Posted by on Jun 21 2015. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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