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Park Shore Kennel Club – Saturday, January 25, 2014

Show Name: Park Shore Kennel Club
Location: Grayslake, IL
Show Date: January 25, 2014
Total Entry: 1317
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Elliot Weiss
Dog Reg: CH Dawin Hearts On Fire
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sarah Perchick
Owner: Linda Campbell

Reserve Dog Reg: GCH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles of Jatara
Reserve Breed: Saluki
Reserve Handler: Erin Roberts
Reserve Owner: Sandra Middlebrooks, Judy Harrington & S Winsted


Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Peggy Beisel-McIlwaine
Dog Reg: Acornoaks Hide The Loot
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Owner: S Hamilton
Dog Reg: GCH Markann-N-KK’s It Is All About Me
Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer
Handler: Carlos Puig
Owner: C J Matula, K Kohlmeyer, K Jeglum & J L Hasart
Dog Reg: CH Clussexx Howdy Doody Time
Breed: Sussex Spaniel
Handler: Carlos Puig
Owner: J Haverick
Dog Reg: CH Albridens The Show Must Go On
Breed: Chesapeake Bay Retriever
Handler: Diane Baker
Owner: S & D Larson & D Baker

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Charles Olvis
Dog Reg: GCH Sandstorm Blue Nile Bubbles of Jatara
Breed: Saluki
Handler: Erin Roberts
Owner: Sandra Middlebrooks, Judy Harrington & S Winsted
Dog Reg: CH Tashtin’s Lookin For Trouble
Breed: 15 Inch Beagle
Handler: Will Alexander
Owner: L & K Crandlemire, B Cavanaugh & E Dziuk
Dog Reg: GCH Kamada’s New York Minute
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Debbie Davenport
Owner: D & K Davenport & D Kipp
Dog Reg: GCH Elmo’s Martian Chronicles
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: Lisa Bettis
Owner: Catherine Harker

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Ken Murray
Dog Reg: GCH Cambria Vraiment Parfait
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Ann Ramsbottom-White
Owner: Glen Lajeski, Ann Wulbrecht, Karen Thompson & Cambria Reg.
Dog Reg: GCh. Gamegard I’ll Have Another At Braeside
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: H Eldred & D Kaplan
Dog Reg: GCH Storm Kloud’s Test Of Time
Breed: Alaskan Malamute
Handler: Jeri El-Dissi
Owner: J El-Dissi
Dog Reg: GCH Nantess Caleno Numero Uno
Breed: Boxer
Owner: S & G Tafur & N & S Savage

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Dawn Hansen
Dog Reg: GCH Goldsand’s Columbus
Breed: Russell Terrier
Handler: Allison Sunderman
Owner: Mark Ulrich & Christina Areskough
Dog Reg: GCH Epoch’s New York Minute
Breed: Airedale Terrier
Handler: Doug Carlson
Owner: A & D Moore
Dog Reg: Ch Aljamar Accentuate The Positive
Breed: Wire Fox Terrier
Owner: M Laschinski, J Waring & A Waters
Dog Reg: GCH Fox Valley Devil In Disguise
Breed: Parson Russell Terrier
Handler: Robin Novack
Owner: C Florence & J Felton

Toy Judge’s Name: Mr. Chuck Winslow
Dog Reg: GCH LTO Prosperity
Breed: English Toy Spaniel
Handler: Jeff Wright
Owner: R Cole & M Landers
Dog Reg: CH Pocket’s Jato Jetliner
Breed: Pug
Handler: Barry Clothier
Owner: R Robles, J Bale-Woodside & W Woodside
Dog Reg: CH Baliwick Honey Boo Boo
Breed: Toy Poodle
Handler: Matt Hoaglund
Owner: D Dahl & L Bloomquist
Dog Reg: CH Marshelle Xtra Bold
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Owner: M Stout

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Eugene Blake
Dog Reg: CH Dawin Hearts On Fire
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sarah Perchick
Owner: Linda Campbell
Dog Reg: CH Cher Ami’s Toast With Remi Martin
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Lisa Bettis
Owner: R Wolfe & R & D Mathog
Dog Reg: GCH Bayshore Georgio Armani
Breed: Xoloitzcuintli
Handler: Gwen DeMilta
Owner: S Blanco, J Baylis, L Hylton & T Johnson
Dog Reg: CH Foxmoor Petite Cherie Je-Ne-Sais-Quois
Breed: French Bulldog
Handler: Will Alexander
Owner: W Stoyka, A McIntyre & P Berry

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Stephen Dainard
Dog Reg: Ch. Margaux’s Va Voom
Breed: Bouvier des Flandres
Handler: Doug Carlson
Owner: Sandi Lyon
Dog Reg: GCH Lightning Strike El Xargall
Breed: Briard
Handler: Gretchen Conradt
Owner: Tommy & Merry Jeanne Milner
Dog Reg: GCH Bonntymes Keepn It Real At Divine
Breed: Belgian Sheepdog
Handler: Carlos Puig
Owner: S Manier
Dog Reg: Karizma’s Ready To Take A Chance Again
Breed: German Shepherd Dog
Handler: Kent Boyles
Owner: J York & S White


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