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Nashville Kennel Club – Thursday, March 6, 2014

Show Name: Nashville Kennel Club
Location: Franklin, TN
Show Date: March 6, 2014
Total Entry: 1410
Best In Show Judge: Ms. Betty Regina Leininger
Dog Reg: GCh Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Handler: Colton Johnson
Owner: Ron Scott, Debbie Burke, C & H Johnson & D & M Johnson

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Claircreek Impression de Matisse
Reserve Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Reserve Handler: Michael Scott
Reserve Owner: Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Edd Embry Bivin – Total Entry: 179
Dog Reg: GCh. Foxwood’s Dublin Diva
Breed: English Cocker Spaniel
Handler: Kristin Lyons
Owner: Kristin Vitti Lyons & Deborah Mauterer DVM
Dog Reg: GCh Robnie’s The Shoo Must Go On
Breed: Labrador Retriever
Handler: Rusty Howard
Owner: Dr. Bonnie Anthony
Dog Reg: Ch Easthill Broxden Woodland Lettuce Entertain You
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler: Amy Booth
Owner: C. Collins, L. Fernandes, J Supple, J Ovale & A. Booth
Dog Reg: GCh Nexus Total Eclipse
Breed: Clumber Spaniel
Handler: Laura King
Owner: Shelley & Chip Miller, B. Freeman & J. Fankhauser

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Randy Garren – Total Entry: 131
Dog Reg: GCh Flessner’s International S’Cess
Breed: Bloodhound
Handler: Heather Helmer
Owner: Shirely VanCamp, Heather & Zack Helmer
Dog Reg: Bo-Bett Appraxin Angel
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Justin Smithey
Owner: Carol Harris
Dog Reg: GCh Raquel Welch of Malabo APD
Breed: Rhodesian Ridgeback
Handler: Michelle Scott
Owner: Ana Paola-Diniz
Dog Reg: Alfonsina Storni Pelaez
Breed: 15 Inch Beagle
Owner: Fernando Pelaez

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Kenneth Buxton – Total Entry: 280
Dog Reg: GCh Claircreek Impression de Matisse
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Handler: Michael Scott
Owner: Milan Lint, Peggy Helming & Donna Gottdenker
Dog Reg: GCh Hi-Tech’s The King of Sherry Shoot
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: Mrs. Jack Billhardt, S. Tenenbaum & D. McCarroll
Dog Reg: GCh Pouch Cove’s Seabrook Enough Said
Breed: Newfoundland
Handler: Laura King
Owner: Kathy Griffin & Peggy Helming
Dog Reg: GCh Avatar Summer Storm Chaser
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Rose Robinett
Owner: Clare Walker

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Terry Stacy – Total Entry: 147
Dog Reg: GCh Shaireab’s Bayleigh Maid of Honor
Breed: Welsh Terrier
Handler: Luiz Abreu
Owner: Sharon Abmeyer, T. Lee, X. Xie & K. Bailey
Dog Reg: Ch Peabar Goodness Gracious
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Handler: Peggy Browne
Owner: Patricia Gallatin, P. Browne & M. Fegus Siroka
Dog Reg: GCh An Garda Deja Vu Looking At You
Breed: American Staffordshire Terrier
Handler: Christian Berg
Owner: Evelyn Heath
Dog Reg: GCh Yarrow Venerie Ticket To Ride
Breed: Norfolk Terrier
Handler: Roxanne Sutton
Owner: John & Pamela Beale

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Barbara Dempsey-Alderman – Total Entry: 236
Dog Reg: Ch Dejavu I Want A Talk About Me
Breed: Chinese Crested
Handler: Daryl Martin
Owner: Roy & Jo-Ann Kusumoto
Dog Reg: Ch Hallmark Jolei Rocket Power
Breed: Shih Tzu
Handler: Luke Ehricht
Owner: Luke Ehricht & Diane Ehricht
Dog Reg: GCh Fenice Le Beaudreaux
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Ellen Perry
Owner: Richard Greathouse & Matthew & Ellen Perry
Dog Reg: GCh Pem We-Syng Perfect Pitch at Sirius
Breed: Japanese Chin
Owner: Dave & Gail Christensen

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Gloria Geringer – Total Entry: 208
Dog Reg: Ch Darwin Hearts On Fire
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sarah Perchick
Owner: Linda Campbell
Dog Reg: GCh Belle Creek’s Over The Rainbow
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Ellen Perry
Owner: Lindsay Van Keuren, Lorrie Carlton & Larry Letsche
Dog Reg: GCh Lionheart’s Fortune Five Hundred
Breed: French Bulldog
Owner: Jana & Milan Miklos
Dog Reg: GCh Spotted Bliss Oreo Delight
Breed: Dalmatian
Handler: Michael Scott
Owner: Daniel Brumfield & Kevin Smith

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Garry Newton – Total Entry: 212
Dog Reg: GCh Bugaboo’s Picture Perfect
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Handler: Colton Johnson
Owner: Ron Scott, Debbie Burke, C & H Johnson, D & M Johnson
Dog Reg: GCh Aubrey’s Moon River
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Sherri Samel-Hurst
Owner: Cynthia Savioli & Vincent Savioli
Dog Reg: Lumiturpa Tapakka
Breed: Finnish Lapphund
Handler: Diego Garcia
Owner: Martha Feltenstein
Dog Reg: GCh Grandgables The Frat Boy
Breed: Shetland Sheepdog
Handler: Sarah Krickeberg
Owner: Pamela & Andre Buckles & James Moses

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Posted by on Mar 6 2014. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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