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Fond du Lac County Kennel Club – Saturday, April 19, 2014

Show Name: Fond du Lac County Kennel Club
Location: Fond du Lac County, WI
Show Date: April 19, 2014
Total Entry: 871
Best In Show Judge: Professor Douglas Taylor
Dog Reg: GCh. Gamegard I’ll Have Another at Braeside
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: Holly Eldred & Dale Kaplan

Reserve Dog Reg: Ch. Forever’s All Jacked Up CGC
Reserve Breed: Golden Retriever
Reserve Handler: Jennifer Nee-Hoffman
Reserve Owner: Jennifer & Randahl Hoffman & Candy Nee & Robyn Cordon

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mr. Wayne Bousek
Dog Reg: Ch. Forever’s All Jacked Up CGC
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler: Jennifer Nee-Hoffman
Owner: Jennifer & Randahl Hoffman, Candy Nee & Robyn Gordon
Dog Reg: GCh. Water’s Edge Mr. Majestyk
Breed: Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever
Owner: Dan Rode
Dog Reg: GCh. Star Flight Jumpin Jack Flash
Breed: Brittany
Handler: Chris Jones
Owner: Jacqueline Ceres
Dog Reg: GCh. Cedar Run Fire On The Mountain
Breed: German Shorthaired Pointer
Owner: Christopher & Michelle Rost

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Del Richards
Dog Reg: GCh. Laurel S’Simply Shocking Sabrina
Breed: Basenji
Owner: Laura Mae Hesse
Dog Reg: GCh. Feenreich’s Buddy of County Time
Breed: Basset Hound
Owner: Penny Swan
Dog Reg: Ch. Roundabout Glen Eagle We’ve Only Just Begun
Breed: Wirehaired Dachshund
Owner: Travis Wright & Lisa Kennell
Dog Reg: Blackmoor Sedona Hearts on Fire
Breed: Borzoi
Owner: Kim Sime, Karen Wilkin & Christina Hart

Working Judge’s Name: Ms. Diane Anderson
Dog Reg: GCh. Gamegard I’ll Have Another at Braeside
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: Holly Eldred & Dale Kaplan
Dog Reg: GCh. Nantess Caleno Numero Uno
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Tessie Savage
Owner: Guido & Sue Tafur & Nancy & Tessie Savage
Dog Reg: GCh. Tiji’s Fire On The Moon
Breed: Siberian Husky
Owner: Wasan Kanchitsirikul
Dog Reg: Elridge’s Myra Belle Star
Breed: Great Pyrenees
Owner: Ellen Vanden Avond & David Osborn

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mrs. Janie Bousek
Dog Reg: Ch. Mac Ken Char’s One Man Band at Shaireign
Breed: West Highland White Terrier
Owner: C Kniola, J Glodek, K Kittle & T Vacha
Dog Reg: GCh. Dunham Lake’s Scout Master
Breed: Australian Terrier
Handler: Jacqueline Johnson
Owner: Tim & Jane Steinmetz
Dog Reg: GCh. Epoch’s New York Minute
Breed: Airedale Terrier
Handler: Doug Carlson
Owner: Douglas & Aletta Moore
Dog Reg: McVan’s It Had To Be You at Mac Cal
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Owner: Ruth Ann & Jessica Krause

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carolyn Taylor
Dog Reg: Ch. Baliwick Honey Boo Boo
Breed: Toy Poodle
Owner: Del Dahl & Ianthe Bloomquist
Dog Reg: GCh. Char’s Seattle Slew For Triple Crown
Breed: Pomeranian
Owner: Michelle Lyons & Charlotte Meyer
Dog Reg: Ch. Wingsong Singular Sensation
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Chris Jones
Owner: Chris & Pat Jones
Dog Reg: GCh. Lone Pine’s Boston Legal D Ouachitah
Breed: Long Coat Chihuahua
Handler: Linda George
Owner: Linda George, Marcy Blank & Craig Eugene

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Rita Biddle Esq.
Dog Reg: Ch. Dreamwoods On The Rocks
Breed: Keeshond
Owner: D Tousey
Dog Reg: Ch. Belle Creek’s All I Care About Is Love
Breed: Bichon Frise
Owner: Lorrie Carlton, Lindsay Van Keuren, Glenda Blue & Lawrence Letsche
Dog Reg: Ch. Tobishi’s Heavy Hauler
Breed: Shiba Inu
Owner: T & A Szabo
Dog Reg: Ch. Barnstorms To Jo B’en Wicked @ Adominos by Dizine
Breed: Tibetan Terrier
Handler: Lynn Meyer
Owner: L Meyer, M Lafler, R Bailey & J Sheffield

Herding Judge’s Name: Mr. Merle Taylor
Dog Reg: GCh. Margaux’s Va Voom
Breed: Bouvier des Flandres
Handler: Doug Carlson
Owner: Sandi Lyon
Dog Reg: Ch. Barkshire’s Uncle Sam
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Owner: J Collen
Dog Reg: Ch. Britte Mar Sporting Field’s Right at Home
Breed: Border Collie
Owner: Kathy Kaul & Debbie Butt
Dog Reg: GCh. Prydain Joshua
Breed: Puli
Owner: Diane Fields & K Edwards

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