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Faith City Kennel Club of Wichita Falls – Saturday, March 1, 2014

Show Name: Faith City Kennel Club of Wichita Falls
Location: Wichita Falls
Show Date: March 1, 2014
Total Entry: 878
Best In Show Judge: Mr. Merle Taylor
Dog Reg: Ch Dawin Hearts on Fire
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sarah Perchick
Owner: Linda Campbell

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh Willow Ridges Risky Business
Reserve Breed: Mastiff
Reserve Handler: Colette Livingston
Reserve Owner: Jill Swarts, Nancy Walker & Mark Tichenor

Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Kathryn Cowsert – Total Entry: 66
Dog Reg: GCh Chesterhope State of T Art
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Jennifer Mosing & Jordan O’Neil
Dog Reg: GCh Cairncross Ruairi’s Jailhouse Rock
Breed: Irish Setter
Owner: Amanda Evans
Dog Reg: GCh Alliebeckscion Love On the Rocks
Breed: Golden Retriever
Handler: David Harper
Owner: Diane Senterfitt & Geoff Weisbart
Dog Reg: GCh Funquest’s Surprise! Surprise!
Breed: English Cocker Spaniel
Handler: Matias Mato
Owner: Linda Wilson & Heather Sammis

Hound Judge’s Name: Ms. Ann Roth – Total Entry: 143
Dog Reg: GCh Tells Matrix Reloaded
Breed: Afghan Hound
Handler: Chris Manelopoulos
Owner: Missy Galloway
Dog Reg: GCh Flessner’s International Space Station
Breed: Bloodhound
Handler: Michael Brantley
Owner: Judy McDonald
Dog Reg: Ch Bessdachs Kiss Me Quick
Breed: Smooth Dachshund
Owner: Ashley Salyer & Renee Lara DVM
Dog Reg: Ch Houla’s Potter
Breed: Portuguese Podengo Pequenos
Handler: David Williams
Owner: Carol Houlihan & Katherine Sullivan

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. John Wade – Total Entry: 106
Dog Reg: GCh Willow Ridges Risky Business
Breed: Mastiff
Handler: Colette Livingston
Owner: Jill Swarts, Nancy Walker & Mark Tichenor
Dog Reg: GCh Drakyl Lion of Judah
Breed: Tibetan Mastiff
Handler: Holly Leftwich
Owner: Mark Lott
Dog Reg: GCh Derby’s Toast with Gusto
Breed: Greater Swiss Mountain Dog
Handler: Scott Sommers
Owner: Sue Copeland
Dog Reg: GCh Prata Lua Tsar Nickolas of Farallon
Breed: Portuguese Water Dog
Handler: Adrian Ghione
Owner: Sandra Holden

Terrier Judge’s Name: Ms. Claudia Seaberg – Total Entry: 64
Dog Reg: Ch Aranisle Star of San Jacinto
Breed: Dandie Dinmont Terrier
Owner: Caroline Blair & Brad McDannald
Dog Reg: Caprock’s Fast and Furious
Breed: Norfolk Terrier
Handler: David Harper
Owner: Jennifer Erwin Harper & David Harper
Dog Reg: GCh Gillespie Bluefire
Breed: Cesky Terrier
Handler: Tim Smith
Owner: Nelson Huber, Tim Smith & P Bale
Dog Reg: GCh Hotshot’s Royal She’ll Make ‘Em Cry
Breed: Sealyham Terrier
Owner: Barbara Dunlap

Toy Judge’s Name: Ms. Nancy Smith Hafner – Total Entry: 179
Dog Reg: Pitera of Moly Bo Bo
Breed: Maltese
Owner: Chi-Cheng Wang
Dog Reg: Ch D’va’s Second Star to the Right
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Lois DeMers
Owner: Dina Planche & DeeAnna Hinkle
Dog Reg: GCh Involo The King of Pop
Breed: Papillon
Handler: Brian Livingston
Owner: Madeline Mosing & Gia Garofalo
Dog Reg: Ch Marysark Juicy Coutoure
Breed: Yorkshire Terrier
Handler: Ken Lambert
Owner: Mary Merkey

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Ms. Nancy Smith Hafner – Total Entry: 183
Dog Reg: Ch Dawin Hearts on Fire
Breed: Standard Poodle
Handler: Sarah Perchick
Owner: Linda Campbell
Dog Reg: GCh Saks Winning Card
Breed: Bichon Frises
Handler: Scott Sommers
Owner: Sarah & Sandra Ayers, Keith Hanson & Cecilia Ruggles
Dog Reg: GCh Dowats the Gladiator
Breed: Bulldog
Owner: Jamie Vasquez & Randall Jenkins
Dog Reg: Ch Sundancer Foxy Lady
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Handler: Tonia Holibaugh
Owner: K Hamilton, T Holibaugh & M & T Worlton

Herding Judge’s Name: Ms. Laurie King Telfair – Total Entry: 132
Dog Reg: GCh Coventry Just a Little Crush
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Michael Shepherd
Owner: J & J Johnson, B Shelton, S Leyerly & B Williams
Dog Reg: GCh Arrowhill Swords Held High
Breed: Rough Collie
Owner: Clarence Lee & Kyle Foster
Dog Reg: Ch Happy Trails Win at the Brickyard
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Owner: James Lewis, La Vonda Lewis & Laur’en Jordan
Dog Reg: Ch Sindarin’s Where the Magic Begins
Breed: Belgian Tervuren
Owner: Judy Hawes & Melinda Andric

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