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Tennessee Valley Kennel Club – Friday, November 1, 2013

Show Name: Tennessee Valley Kennel Club
Location: Knoxville, TN
Show Date: November 1, 2013
Total Entry: 867
Best In Show Judge: Dr. Steve Keating
Dog Reg: GCh. Oncore Mykyna Storm
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Patricia Haines
Owner: Dr. Patricia & Thaddeus Haines & Peggy Davis

Reserve Dog Reg: GCh. Caper’s Sirius Endeavor
Reserve Breed: Pug
Reserve Handler: Linda Rowell
Reserve Owner: Phil & Carol Fisher & John & Linda Rowell

Sporting Judge’s Name: Mrs. Polly Smith
Dog Reg: GCh. Oncore Mykyna Storm
Breed: Pointer
Handler: Patricia Haines
Owner: Dr. Patricia & Thaddeus Haines & Peggy Davis
Dog Reg: Ch. Ashdown’s Time To Thrill
Breed: Black Cocker Spaniel
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: Genea White Jones & Bruce Van Deman
Dog Reg: Ch. Blu’star’s Who Called The Cops
Breed: English Setter
Owner: Jan Flaherty & Margaret Dunsmuir
Dog Reg: Ch. Oak Lane’s Gimme Some Lovin’ at Goldenstar
Breed: Golden Retriever
Owner: Melinda & Robert Miller

Hound Judge’s Name: Mr. Thomas Kirstein
Dog Reg: GCh. Kiarry’s Pandora’s Box
Breed: American Foxhound
Handler: Lisa Miller
Owner: Ellen Charles & Lisa Miller
Dog Reg: GCh. Leorallee’s Baywatch MW
Breed: Wirehaired Dachshund
Handler: Marietta Singleton
Owner: Marietta Singleton & Barbara Lasater
Dog Reg: GCh. Bo-Bett’s Quick Pick
Breed: Whippet
Handler: Justin Smithey
Owner: Carol Harris
Dog Reg: GCh. Grandcru Phelps Insignia
Breed: Greyhound
Handler: Rindi Gaudet
Owner: Melanie Steele, P Caddell, C Dabbs, A Phelan & R Gaudet

Working Judge’s Name: Mr. Jon Cole
Dog Reg: GCh. Kenro’s Witching Hour
Breed: Giant Schnauzer
Handler: Amy Booth
Owner: Robin Greenslade, Luke Norton & Doug Hill
Dog Reg: GCh. Ho-Pa’s Grand Slam
Breed: Boxer
Handler: Ricky Justice
Owner: Steve & Ann Anderson
Dog Reg: Ch. Vondura’s Xcelerator Belle Amie
Breed: Doberman Pinscher
Handler: Karin Fox
Owner: Dara & Jim Tracy, Mary Dellorto & Karin Fox
Dog Reg: GCh. Gamegard I’ll Have Another at Braeside
Breed: Rottweiler
Handler: Holley Eldred
Owner: Holley Eldred

Terrier Judge’s Name: Mr. Kenneth Kauffman
Dog Reg: GCh. Goldsand’s Columbus
Breed: Russell Terrier
Handler: Allison Sunderman
Owner: Mark Ulrich & Christina Areskough
Dog Reg: GCh. Sylon Bruce of Ringmaster
Breed: Staffordshire Bull Terrier
Owner: Mark Darwish & Johnny Miller
Dog Reg: GCh. Connacht A Ha’Penny Will Do
Breed: Cairn Terrier
Handler: Armando Morales
Owner: M Patricia Joyce
Dog Reg: Ch. Raganrat’s Quintessential Q RN OA OAJ NF
Breed: Rat Terrier
Owner: Harriet Browne & Darice Ragan

Toy Judge’s Name: Mrs. Carol Noe
Dog Reg: GCh. Caper’s Sirius Endeavor
Breed: Pug
Handler: Linda Rowell
Owner: Phil & Carol Fisher & John & Linda Rowell
Dog Reg: GCh. Jijo’s And Shatara’s High Voltage
Breed: Havanese
Handler: Michelle Soave
Owner: Michelle Soave & Scott Tomassi
Dog Reg: GCh. Orchard Hill Only Human
Breed: Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Handler: Michelle Jones
Owner: Gary Bill & Rodger Brasier
Dog Reg: GCh. CR Mini Cooper
Breed: Pomeranian
Handler: Celeste Solano
Owner: Laurie Otis & Robert & Celeste Solano

Non-Sporting Judge’s Name: Dr. Robert Smith
Dog Reg: GCh. Bret D Gabriel’s Lost Art CD RN RAE RD CGC
Breed: Dalmatian
Handler: Michael Pitts
Owner: Kim Carey
Dog Reg: GCh. Hi Tide Catch The Summer Wind
Breed: Lhasa Apso
Owner: Carla & Nick Varney & Terre Mohr
Dog Reg: Yuko’s Klondike Ike
Breed: Shiba Inu
Handler: Edward Finnegan
Owner: Edward Finnegan
Dog Reg: GCh. Glenleigh Gangs N Roses
Breed: Bichon Frise
Handler: Ellen Perry
Owner: Shelly Zobolas, K Tormey, L Carlton, L Letsche DVM & Renee Lauer

Herding Judge’s Name: Mrs. Polly Smith
Dog Reg: GCh. Riverside Get Over It
Breed: Pembroke Welsh Corgi
Handler: Deb Shindle
Owner: Victor Malzoni Jr. & Deb Shindle
Dog Reg: GCh. Lambluv Live The Dream
Breed: Old English Sheepdog
Handler: Jere Marder
Owner: Jere Marder, Kay Richardson & Colm Hastings
Dog Reg: GCh. Cordmaker Topsy Turvey
Breed: Puli
Handler: Linda Pitts
Owner: Jacquelyn Beaudoin, Sue Huebner & Penny Kelly
Dog Reg: GCh. Provenhill’s Devilicious
Breed: Smooth Collie
Handler: Dona Williams
Owner: Kris Provenzano & Leigh Cohen

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Posted by on Nov 1 2013. Filed under All Breed Show Results. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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