How You Can Help Texas Animals in Need
By Jordan Bartel, NC State Veterinary Medicine
As Texas continues to cope with the devastating impact of winter storms, millions of people and animals still lack basic necessities.
Here are a few ways to directly support the veterinary community and pets in need:
- Austin Pets Alive! regularly updates its website and Facebook page with requests, including financial support and supplies, including cat litter, blankets, food and crates.
- The SPCA of Texas and Wings of Rescue are transporting dogs and cats to state shelters.
- Donations to the Houston Humane Society help provide pets with food and offers relief for families in need. The Humane Society of the United States’ Disaster Relief Fund helps animals in impacted areas.
- The American Kennel Club’s Reunite Canine Support and Relief Fund provides care for animals orphaned or displaced during natural disasters.
- Other organizations in Texas helping animals include:
San Antonio Animal Care Services
Fort Worth Animal Care and Control
Palm Valley Animal Society and Yaqui Animal Rescue
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